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We have carried out near-infrared polarimetry toward the boundary of the Central Molecular Zone, in the field of (-1.4 deg $lesssim l lesssim$ -0.3 deg and 1.0 deg $lesssim l lesssim$ 2.9 deg, $|b|lesssim$ 0.1 deg), using the near-infrared polarimetric camera SIRPOL on the 1.4 m Infrared Survey Facility telescope. We have selected 112 intrinsically polarized sources on the basis of the estimate of interstellar polarization on Stokes $Q/I-U/I$ planes. The selected sources are brighter than $K_S=14.5$ mag and have polarimetric uncertainty $delta P<1,%$. Ten of these distinctive polarized sources are fit well with spectral energy distributions of young stellar objects when using the photometry in the archive of the Spitzer Space Telescope mid-infrared data. However, many sources have spectral energy distributions of normal stars suffering heavy interstellar extinction; these might be stars behind dark clouds. Due to the small number of distinctive polarized sources and candidates of young stellar object, we cannot judge if there is a decline of them outside the Central Molecular Zone. Many of massive candidates of young stellar object in the literature have only small intrinsic polarization. This might suggest that their masses are 4-15 M$_{{rm sun}}$, whose intrinsic polarization has been expected to be small.
We present the results of a H- and K-band multi-object and long-slit spectroscopic survey of substellar mass candidates in the outer regions of the Orion Nebula Cluster. The spectra were obtained using MOIRCS on the 8.2-m Subaru telescope and ISLE on the 1.88-m telescope of Okayama Astronomical Observatory. Eight out of twelve spectra show strong water absorptions and we confirm that their effective temperatures are < 3000 K (spectral type > M6) from a chi-square fit to synthetic spectra. We plot our sources on an HR diagram overlaid with theoretical isochrones of low-mass objects and identify three new young brown dwarf candidates. One of the three new candidates is a cool object near the brown dwarf and planetary mass boundary. Based on our observations and those of previous studies, we determine the stellar (0.08 < M/Msun < 1) to substellar (0.03 < M/Msun < 0.08) mass number ratio in the outer regions of the Orion nebular cluster to be 3.5 +/- 0.8. In combination with the number ratio reported for the central region (3.3+0.8/-0.7), this result suggests the number ratio does not simply change with the distance from the center of the Orion nebular cluster.
We have carried out adaptive-optics assisted observations at the Subaru telescope, and have found 11 intrinsically polarized sources in the central parsec of our Galaxy. They are selected from 318 point sources with Ks<15.5, and their interstellar polarizations are corrected using a Stokes Q/I - U/I diagram. Considering brightness, near-infrared color excess, and the amount of intrinsic polarization, two of them are good young stellar object (YSO) candidates with an age of ~10^5 yr. If they are genuine YSOs, their existence provides strong constraints on star formation mechanisms in this region. In the remaining sources, two are known as bow-shock sources in the Northern arm. One other is also located in the Northern arm and shows very similar properties, and thus likely to be a so far unknown bow-shock source. The origin of the intrinsic polarization of the other sources is as yet uncertain.
We present the first near infrared (NIR) spatially resolved images of the circumstellar transitional disk around SR21. These images were obtained with the Subaru HiCIAO camera, adaptive optics and the polarized differential imaging (PDI) technique. We resolve the disk in scattered light at H-band for stellocentric 0.1<r<0.6 (12<r<75AU). We compare our results with previously published spatially-resolved 880 micron continuum Submillimeter Array (SMA) images that show an inner r<36AU cavity in SR21. Radiative transfer models reveal that the large disk depletion factor invoked to explain SR21s sub-mm cavity cannot be universal for all grain sizes. Even significantly more moderate depletions (delta=0.1, 0.01 relative to an undepleted disk) than those that reproduce the sub-mm cavity (delta~10^-6) are inconsistent with our H-band images when they are assumed to carry over to small grains, suggesting that surface grains scattering in the NIR either survive or are generated by whatever mechanism is clearing the disk midplane. In fact, the radial polarized intensity profile of our H-band observations is smooth and steeply inwardly-increasing (r^-3), with no evidence of a break at the 36AU sub-mm cavity wall. We hypothesize that this profile is dominated by an optically thin disk envelope or atmosphere component. We also discuss the compatibility of our data with the previously postulated existence of a sub-stellar companion to SR21 at r~10-20AU, and find that we can neither exclude nor verify this scenario. This study demonstrates the power of multiwavelength imaging of transitional disks to inform modeling efforts, including the debate over precisely what physical mechanism is responsible for clearing these disks of their large midplane grains.
We present a large-scale view of the magnetic field in the central 2deg * 2deg region of our Galaxy. The polarization of point sources has been measured in the J, H, and Ks bands using the near-infrared polarimetric camera SIRPOL on the 1.4 m telescope IRSF. Comparing the Stokes parameters between high extinction stars and relatively low extinction ones, we obtain polarization originating from magnetically aligned dust grains in the central few-hundred pc of our Galaxy. We find that near the Galactic plane, the magnetic field is almost parallel to the Galactic plane (i.e., toroidal configuration) but at high Galactic latitudes (| b | > 0.4deg), the field is nearly perpendicular to the plane (i.e., poloidal configuration). This is the first detection of a smooth transition of the large-scale magnetic field configuration in this region.
Studies of the structure and evolution of protoplanetary disks are important for understanding star and planet formation. Here, we present the direct image of an interacting binary protoplanetary system. Both circumprimary and circumsecondary disks are resolved in the near-infrared. There is a bridge of infrared emission connecting the two disks and a long spiral arm extending from the circumprimary disk. Numerical simulations show that the bridge corresponds to gas flow and a shock wave caused by the collision of gas rotating around the primary and secondary stars. Fresh material streams along the spiral arm, consistent with the theoretical scenarios where gas is replenished from a circummultiple reservoir.
We present a NIR polarimetric map of the 1deg by 1deg region toward the Galactic center. Comparing Stokes parameters between highly reddened stars and less reddened ones, we have obtained a polarization originating from magnetically aligned dust grains at the central region of our Galaxy. The distribution of position angles shows a peak at the parallel direction to the Galactic plane, suggesting a toroidal magnetic field configuration. However, at high Galactic latitudes, the peak of the position angles departs from the direction of the Galactic plane. This may be a transition of a large-scale magnetic field configuration from toroidal to poloidal.
We present a wide-field (~6x6) and deep near-infrared (Ks band: 2.14 micro m) circular polarization image in the Orion nebula, where massive stars and many low-mass stars are forming. Our results reveal that a high circular polarization region is spatially extended (~0.4 pc) around the massive star-forming region, the BN/KL nebula. However, other regions, including the linearly polarized Orion bar, show no significant circular polarization. Most of the low-mass young stars do not show detectable extended structure in either linear or circular polarization, in contrast to the BN/KL nebula. If our solar system formed in a massive star-forming region and was irradiated by net circularly polarized radiation, then enantiomeric excesses could have been induced, through asymmetric photochemistry, in the parent bodies of the meteorites and subsequently delivered to Earth. These could then have played a role in the development of biological homochirality on Earth.
111 - Michihiro Takami 2009
The SPace Infrared telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (SPICA) is a proposed mid-to-far infrared (4-200 um) astronomy mission, scheduled for launch in 2017. A single, 3.5m aperture telescope would provide superior image quality at 5-200 um, and its very cold (~5 K) instrumentation would provide superior sensitivity in the 25-200 um wavelength regimes. This would provide a breakthrough opportunity for studies of exoplanets, protoplanetary and debris disk, and small solar system bodies. This paper summarizes the potential scientific impacts for the proposed instrumentation.
We have performed near-infrared monitoring observations of Sgr A*, the Galactic center radio source associated with a supermassive black hole, with the near-infrared camera CIAO and the 36-element adaptive optics system on the Subaru telescope. We observed three flares in the Ks band (2.15micron) during 220 min monitoring on 2008 May 28, and confirmed the flare emission is highly polarized, supporting the synchrotron radiation nature of the near-infrared emission. Clear variations in the degree and position angle of polarization were also detected: an increase of the degree of polarization of about 20 %, and a swing of the position angle of about 60 - 70 degrees in the declining phase of the flares. The correlation between the flux and the degree of polarization can be well explained by the flare emission coming from hotspot(s) orbiting Sgr A*. Comparison with calculations in the literature gives a constraint to the inclination angle i of the orbit of the hotspot around Sgr A*, as 45 < i < 90 degrees (close to edge-on).

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