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141 - Monica L. Turner 2014
We use quasar absorption lines to study the physical conditions in the circumgalactic medium of redshift $zapprox 2.3$ star-forming galaxies taken from the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey (KBSS). In Turner et al. 2014 we used the pixel optical depth technique to show that absorption by HI and the metal ions OVI, NV, CIV, CIII and SiIV is strongly enhanced within $|Delta v|lesssim170$ km/s and projected distances $|d|lesssim180$ proper kpc from sightlines to the background quasars. Here we demonstrate that the OVI absorption is also strongly enhanced at fixed HI, CIV, and SiIV optical depths, and that this enhancement extends out to $sim350$ km/s. At fixed HI the increase in the median OVI optical depth near galaxies is 0.3-0.7 dex and is detected at 2--3-$sigma$ confidence for all seven HI bins that have $log_{10}tau_{rm HI}ge-1.5$. We use ionization models to show that the observed strength of OVI as a function of HI is consistent with enriched, photoionized gas for pixels with $tau_{rm HI}gtrsim10$. However, for pixels with $tau_{rm HI} lesssim 1$ this would lead to implausibly high metallicities at low densities if the gas were photoionized by the background radiation. This indicates that the galaxies are surrounded by gas that is sufficiently hot to be collisionally ionized ($T > 10^5,$K) and that a substantial fraction of the hot gas has a metallicity $gtrsim 10^{-1}$ of solar. Given the high metallicity and large velocity extent (out to $sim1.5times v_{rm circ}$) of this gas, we conclude that we have detected hot, metal enriched outflows arising from star-forming galaxies.
106 - Monica L. Turner 2014
(Abridged) We study metal absorption around 854 $zapprox$2.4 star-forming galaxies taken from the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey (KBSS). The galaxies examined in this work lie in the fields of 15 hyper-luminous background QSOs, with galaxy impact parameters ranging from 35 proper kpc (pkpc) to 2 proper Mpc (pMpc). Using the pixel optical depth technique, we present the first galaxy-centred 2-D maps of the median absorption by OVI, NV, CIV, CIII, and SIV, as well as updated results for HI. At small galactocentric radii we detect a strong enhancement of the absorption relative to randomly located regions that extend out to at least 180 pkpc in the transverse direction, and $pm$240 km/s along the line-of-sight (LOS, ~1 pMpc in the case of pure Hubble flow) for all ions except NV. For CIV (and HI) we detect a significant enhancement of the absorption signal out to 2 pMpc in the transverse direction, corresponding to the maximum impact parameter in our sample. After normalising the median absorption profiles to account for variations in line strengths and detection limits, in the transverse direction we find no evidence for a sharp drop-off in metals distinct from that of HI. We argue instead that non-detection of some metal line species in the extended circumgalactic medium is consistent with differences in the detection sensitivity. We also present measurements of covering fractions and equivalent widths as a function of projected galaxy distance. Limiting the sample to the 340 galaxies with redshifts measured from nebular emission lines does not decrease the extent of the enhancement along the LOS compared to that in the transverse direction. This rules out redshift errors as the source of the observed redshift-space anisotropy and thus implies that we have detected the signature of gas peculiar velocities from infall, outflows, or virial motions for HI, OVI, CIV, CIII, and CIV.
The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) Fornax Cluster Survey is a Hubble Space Telescope program to image 43 early-type galaxies in the Fornax cluster, using the F475W and F850LP bandpasses of the ACS. We employ both 1D and 2D techniques to characterize the properties of the stellar nuclei in these galaxies, defined as the central luminosity excesses relative to a Sersic model fitted to the underlying host. We find 72+/-13% of our sample (31 galaxies) to be nucleated, with only three of the nuclei offset by more than 0.5 from their galaxy photocenter, and with the majority of nuclei having colors bluer than their hosts. The nuclei are observed to be larger, and brighter, than typical Fornax globular clusters, and to follow different structural scaling relations. A comparison of our results to those from the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey reveals striking similarities in the properties of the nuclei belonging to these different environments. We briefly review a variety of proposed formation models and conclude that, for the low-mass galaxies in our sample, the most important mechanism for nucleus growth is probably infall of star clusters through dynamical friction, while for higher mass galaxies, gas accretion triggered by mergers, accretions and tidal torques is likely to dominate, with the relative importance of these two processes varying smoothly as a function of galaxy mass. Some intermediate-mass galaxies in our sample show a complexity in their inner structure that may be the signature of hybrid nuclei that arose through parallel formation channels.
Using new and archival observations made with the Swift satellite and other facilities, we examine 147 X-ray sources selected from the ROSAT All-Sky-Survey Bright Source Catalog (RASS/BSC) to produce a new limit on the number of isolated neutron stars (INSs) in the RASS/BSC, the most constraining such limit to-date. Independent of X-ray spectrum and variability, the number of INSs is <=48 (90% confidence). Restricting attention to soft (having an effective temperature of < 200 eV), non-variable X-ray sources -- as in a previous study -- yields an all-sky limit of <=31 INSs. In the course of our analysis, we identify five new high-quality INS candidates for targeted follow-up observations. A future all-sky X-ray survey with eROSITA, or another mission with similar capabilities, can be expected to increase the detected population of X-ray-discovered INSs from the 8 to 50 in the BSC, to (for a disk population) 240 to 1500, which will enable a more detailed study of neutron star population models.

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