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In Lagrangian gauge systems, the vector space of global reducibility parameters forms a module under the Lie algebra of symmetries of the action. Since the classification of global reducibility parameters is generically easier than the classification of symmetries of the action, this fact can be used to constrain the latter when knowing the former. We apply this strategy and its generalization for the non-Lagrangian setting to the problem of conformal symmetry of various free higher spin gauge fields. This scheme allows one to show that, in terms of potentials, massless higher spin gauge fields in Minkowski space and partially-massless fields in (A)dS space are not conformal for spin strictly greater than one, while in terms of curvatures, maximal-depth partially-massless fields in four dimensions are also not conformal, unlike the closely related, but less constrained, maximal-depth Fradkin--Tseytlin fields.
Vasilievs higher-spin theories in various dimensions are uniformly represented as a simple system of equations. These equations and their gauge invariances are based on two superalgebras and have a transparent algebraic meaning. For a given higher-spin theory these algebras can be inferred from the vacuum higher-spin symmetries. The proposed system of equations admits a concise AKSZ formulation. We also discuss novel higher-spin systems including partially-massless and massive fields in AdS, as well as conformal and massless off-shell fields.
149 - Maxim Grigoriev 2012
We elaborate on the recently proposed Lagrangian parent formulation. In particular, we identify a natural choice of the allowed field configurations ensuring the equivalence of the parent and the starting point Lagrangians. We also analyze the structure of the generalized auxiliary fields employed in the parent formulation and establish the relationship between the parent Lagrangian and the recently proposed Lagrange structure for the unfolded dynamics. As an illustration of the parent formalism a systematic derivation of the frame-like Lagrangian for totally symmetric fields starting from the Fronsdal one is given. We also present a concise and manifestly sp(2)-symmetric form of the off-shell constraints and gauge symmetries for AdS higher spin fields at the nonlinear level.
We construct a concise gauge invariant formulation for massless, partially massless, and massive bosonic AdS fields of arbitrary symmetry type at the level of equations of motion. Our formulation admits two equivalent descriptions: in terms of the ambient space and in terms of an appropriate vector bundle, as an explicitly local first-order BRST formalism. The second version is a parent-like formulation that can be used to generate various other formulations via equivalent reductions. In particular, we demonstrate a relation to the unfolded description of massless and partially massless fields.
We obtain the higher spin tractor equations of motion conjectured by Gover et al. from a BRST approach and use those methods to prove that they describe massive, partially massless and massless higher spins in conformally flat backgrounds. The tractor description makes invariance under local choices of unit system manifest. In this approach, physical systems are described by conformal, rather than (pseudo-)Riemannian geometry. In particular masses become geometric quantities, namely the weights of tractor fields. Massive systems can therefore be handled in a unified and simple manner mimicking the gauge principle usually employed for massless models. From a holographic viewpoint, these models describe both the bulk and boundary theories in terms of conformal geometry. This is an important advance, because tying the boundary conformal structure to that of the bulk theory gives greater control over a bulk--boundary correspondence.
41 - Maxim Grigoriev 2010
The recently proposed first-order parent formalism at the level of equations of motion is specialized to the case of Lagrangian systems. It is shown that for diffeomorphism-invariant theories the parent formulation takes the form of an AKSZ-type sigma model. The proposed formulation can be also seen as a Lagrangian version of the BV-BRST extension of the Vasiliev unfolded approach. We also discuss its possible interpretation as a multidimensional generalization of the Hamiltonian BFV--BRST formalism. The general construction is illustrated by examples of (parametrized) mechanics, relativistic particle, Yang--Mills theory, and gravity.

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