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Notes on conformal invariance of gauge fields

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 Added by Maxim Grigoriev
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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In Lagrangian gauge systems, the vector space of global reducibility parameters forms a module under the Lie algebra of symmetries of the action. Since the classification of global reducibility parameters is generically easier than the classification of symmetries of the action, this fact can be used to constrain the latter when knowing the former. We apply this strategy and its generalization for the non-Lagrangian setting to the problem of conformal symmetry of various free higher spin gauge fields. This scheme allows one to show that, in terms of potentials, massless higher spin gauge fields in Minkowski space and partially-massless fields in (A)dS space are not conformal for spin strictly greater than one, while in terms of curvatures, maximal-depth partially-massless fields in four dimensions are also not conformal, unlike the closely related, but less constrained, maximal-depth Fradkin--Tseytlin fields.

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119 - S.Deser , A.Schwimmer 1994
The problem of maintaining scale and conformal invariance in Maxwell and general N-form gauge theories away from their critical dimension d=2(N+1) is analyzed.We first exhibit the underlying group-theoretical clash between locality,gauge,Lorentz and conformal invariance require- ments. Improved traceless stress tensors are then constructed;each violates one of the above criteria.However,when d=N+2,there is a duality equivalence between N-form models and massless scalars.Here we show that conformal invariance is not lost,by constructing a quasilocal gauge invariant improved stress tensor.The correlators of the scalar theory are then reproduced,including the latters trace anomaly.
65 - Chang Liu , David A. Lowe 2018
The onset of quantum chaos in quantum field theory may be studied using out-of-time-order correlators at finite temperature. Recent work argued that a timescale logarithmic in the central charge emerged in the context of two-dimensional conformal field theories, provided the intermediate channel was dominated by the Virasoro identity block. This suggests a wide class of conformal field theories exhibit a version of fast scrambling. In the present work we study this idea in more detail. We begin by clarifying to what extent correlators of wavepackets built out of superpositions of primary operators may be used to quantify quantum scrambling. Subject to certain caveats, these results concur with previous work. We then go on to study the contribution of intermediate states beyond the Virasoro identity block. We find that at late times, time-ordered correlators exhibit a familiar decoupling theorem, suppressing the contribution of higher dimension operators. However this is no longer true of the out-of-time-order correlators relevant for the discussion of quantum chaos. We compute the contributions of these conformal blocks to the relevant correlators, and find they are able to dominate in many interesting limits. Interpreting these results in the context of holographic models of quantum gravity, sheds new light on the black hole information problem by exhibiting a class of correlators where bulk effective field theory does not predict its own demise.
The most general lagrangian describing spin 2 particles in flat spacetime and containing operators up to (mass) dimension 6 is carefully analyzed, determining the precise conditions for it to be invariant under linearized (transverse) diffeomorphisms, linearized Weyl rescalings, and conformal transformations.
165 - W. Gu , E. Sharpe , H. Zou 2020
In this note we study IR limits of pure two-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories with semisimple non-simply-connected gauge groups including SU(k)/Z_k, SO(2k)/Z_2, Sp(2k)/Z_2, E_6/Z_3, and E_7/Z_2 for various discrete theta angles, both directly in the gauge theory and also in nonabelian mirrors, extending a classification begun in previous work. We find in each case that there are supersymmetric vacua for precisely one value of the discrete theta angle, and no supersymmetric vacua for other values, hence supersymmetry is broken in the IR for most discrete theta angles. Furthermore, for the one distinguished value of the discrete theta angle for which supersymmetry is unbroken, the theory has as many twisted chiral multiplet degrees of freedom in the IR as the rank. We take this opportunity to further develop the technology of nonabelian mirrors to discuss how the mirror to a G gauge theory differs from the mirror to a G/K gauge theory for K a subgroup of the center of G. In particular, the discrete theta angles in these cases are considerably more intricate than those of the pure gauge theories studied in previous papers, so we discuss the realization of these more complex discrete theta angles in the mirror construction. We find that discrete theta angles, both in the original gauge theory and their mirrors, are intimately related to the descriptions of centers of universal covering groups as quotients of weight lattices by root sublattices. We perform numerous consistency checks, comparing results against basic group-theoretic relations as well as with decomposition, which describes how two-dimensional theories with one-form symmetries (such as pure gauge theories with nontrivial centers) decompose into disjoint unions, in this case of pure gauge theories with quotiented gauge groups and discrete theta angles.
We study the implications of scale invariance in four-dimensional quantum field theories. Imposing unitarity, we find that infinitely many matrix elements vanish in a suitable kinematical configuration. This vanishing is a nontrivial necessary condition for conformality. We provide an argument why this is expected to be a sufficient condition as well, thereby linking scale and conformal invariance in unitary theories. We also discuss possible exceptions to our argument.
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