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We present 16-GHz AMI SZ observations of 19 clusters with L_X >7x10^37 W (h50=1) selected from the LoCuS survey (0.142<z<0.295) and of A1758b, in the FoV of A1758a. We detect 17 clusters with 5-23sigma peak surface brightnesses. Cluster parameters are obtained using a Bayesian cluster analysis. We fit isothermal beta-models to our data and assume the clusters are virialized (with all the kinetic energy in gas internal energy). Our gas temperature, T_AMI, is derived from AMI SZ data, not from X-ray spectroscopy. Cluster parameters internal to r500 are derived assuming HSE. We find: (i) Different gNFW parameterizations yield significantly different parameter degeneracies. (ii) For h70 = 1, we find the virial radius r200 to be typically 1.6+/-0.1 Mpc and the total mass M_T(r200) typically to be 2.0-2.5xM_T(r500).(iii) Where we have found M_T X-ray (X) and weak-lensing (WL) values in the literature, there is good agreement between WL and AMI estimates (with M_{T,AMI}/M_{T,WL} =1.2^{+0.2}_{-0.3} and =1.0+/-0.1 for r500 and r200, respectively). In comparison, most Suzaku/Chandra estimates are higher than for AMI (with M_{T,X}/M_{T,AMI}=1.7+/-0.2 within r500), particularly for the stronger mergers.(iv) Comparison of T_AMI to T_X sheds light on high X-ray masses: even at large r, T_X can substantially exceed T_AMI in mergers. The use of these higher T_X values will give higher X-ray masses. We stress that large-r T_SZ and T_X data are scarce and must be increased. (v) Despite the paucity of data, there is an indication of a relation between merger activity and SZ ellipticity. (vi) At small radius (but away from any cooling flow) the SZ signal (and T_AMI) is less sensitive to ICM disturbance than the X-ray signal (and T_X) and, even at high r, mergers affect n^2-weighted X-ray data more than n-weighted SZ, implying significant shocking or clumping or both occur even in the outer parts of mergers.
The Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue includes 26 sources with no obvious matches in other radio catalogues (of primarily extragalactic sources). Here we present observations made with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager Small Array (AMI SA) at 15.75 GHz of the eight of the unmatched sources at declination > +10 degrees. Of the eight, four are detected and are associated with known objects. The other four are not detected with the AMI SA, and are thought to be spurious.
We present observations from the Small Array of the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) of eight high X-ray luminosity galaxy cluster systems selected from the Local Cluster Substructure Survey (LoCuSS) sample.We detect the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect in seven of these clusters. With the assumptions that galaxy clusters are isothermal, have a density profile described by a spherical b -model and obey the theoretical M-T relation, we are able to derive cluster parameters at r200 from our SZ data. With the additional assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium we are able to derive parameters at r500. We present posterior probability distributions for cluster parameters such as mass, radius and temperature (TSZ, MT). Combining our sample with that of AMI Consortium: Rodriguez-Gonzalvez et al. (2011) and using large-radius X-ray temperature estimates (TX) from Chandra and Suzaku observations, we find that there is reasonable correspondence between TX and TSZ,MT values at low TX, but that for clusters with TX above around 6keV the correspondence breaks down with TX exceeding TSZ, MT; we stress that this finding is based on just ten clusters.
We present 16-GHz observations using the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) of 11 clusters with 7 x 10^{37}W < L_X < 11 x 10^{37}W (h_{50}=1.0) selected from the Local Cluster Substructure Survey (LoCuSS) and compare them to X-ray data. We use a fast, Bayesian cluster analysis to explore the high-dimensional parameter space of the cluster-plus-sources model and obtain robust cluster parameter estimates in the presence of radio point sources, receiver noise and primordial CMB anisotropy. Our analysis fits a spherical, isothermal beta-model to our data and assumes the cluster follows the theoretical mass-temperature relation. Large-scale cluster parameters internal to r_{500} are derived under the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. Posterior distributions for the large-scale parameters of 8 of our clusters are given; SZ effects towards Abell 1704 and Zw0857.9+2107 were not detected and our spherical beta-profile was found to be an inadequate fit to the decrement on our map for Abell 2409.
The first results from the Tenth Cambridge (10C) Survey of Radio Sources, carried out using the AMI Large Array (LA) at an observing frequency of 15.7 GHz, are presented. The survey fields cover an area of approximately 27 sq. degrees to a flux-density completeness of 1 mJy. Results for some deeper areas, covering approximately 12 sq. degrees, wholly contained within the total areas and complete to 0.5 mJy, are also presented. The completeness for both areas is estimated to be at least 93 per cent. The source catalogue contains 1897 entries and is available at It has been combined with that of the 9C Survey to calculate the 15.7-GHz source counts. A broken power law is found to provide a good parameterisation of the differential count between 0.5 mJy and 1 Jy. The measured count has been compared to that predicted by de Zotti et al. (2005). The model displays good agreement with the data at the highest flux densities but under-predicts the integrated count between 0.5 mJy and 1 Jy by about 30 per cent. Entries from the source catalogue have been matched to those contained in the catalogues of NVSS and FIRST (both of which have observing frequencies of 1.4 GHz). This matching provides evidence for a shift in the typical 1.4-to-15.7-GHz spectral index of the 15.7-GHz-selected source population with decreasing flux density towards sub-mJy levels - the spectra tend to become less steep. Automated methods for detecting extended sources have been applied to the data; approximately 5 per cent of the sources are found to be extended relative to the LA synthesised beam of approximately 30 arcsec. Investigations using higher-resolution data showed that most of the genuinely extended sources at 16 GHz are classical doubles, although some nearby galaxies and twin-jet sources were also identified.

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