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We present the results of a Lya profile analysis of 12 Lya emitters (LAEs) at z = 2.2 with high-resolution Lya spectra. We find that all 12 objects have a Lya profile with the main peak redward of the systemic redshift defined by nebular lines, and five have a weak, secondary peak blueward of the systemic redshift (blue bump). The average velocity offset of the red main peak (the blue bump, if any) with respect to the systemic redshift is Delta_v_Lya,r = 174+/- 19 km s-1 (Delta_v_Lya,b = -316+/-45 km s-1), which is smaller than (comparable to) that of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs). The outflow velocities inferred from metal absorption lines in three individual and one stacked spectra are comparable to those of LBGs. The expanding shell model constructed by Verhamme et al. (2006) reproduces not only the Lya profiles but also other observed quantities including the outflow velocity and the FWHM of nebular lines for the non-blue bump objects. On the other hand, the model predicts too high FWHMs of nebular lines for the blue bump objects, although this discrepancy may disappear if we introduce additional Lya photons produced by gravitational cooling. We show that the small Delta_v_Lya,r values of our sample can be explained by low neutral-hydrogen column densities of log(NHI) = 18.9 cm-2 on average. This value is more than one order of magnitude lower than those of LBGs but is consistent with recent findings that LAEs have high ionization parameters and low Hi gas masses. This result suggests that low NHI values, giving reduced numbers of resonant scattering of Lya photons, are the key to the strong Lya emission of LAEs.
We present redshift evolution of galaxy effective radius r_e obtained from the HST samples of ~190,000 galaxies at z=0-10. Our HST samples consist of 176,152 photo-z galaxies at z=0-6 from the 3D-HST+CANDELS catalogue and 10,454 LBGs at z=4-10 identified in CANDELS, HUDF09/12, and HFF parallel fields, providing the largest data set to date for galaxy size evolution studies. We derive r_e with the same technique over the wide-redshift range of z=0-10, evaluating the optical-to-UV morphological K-correction and the selection bias of photo-z galaxies+LBGs as well as the cosmological surface brightness dimming effect. We find that r_e values at a given luminosity significantly decrease towards high-z, regardless of statistics choices. For star-forming galaxies, there is no evolution of the power-law slope of the size-luminosity relation and the median Sersic index (n~1.5). Moreover, the r_e-distribution is well represented by log-normal functions whose standard deviation sigma_{ln{r_e}} does not show significant evolution within the range of sigma_{ln{r_e}}~0.45-0.75. We calculate the stellar-to-halo size ratio from our r_e measurements and the dark-matter halo masses estimated from the abundance matching study, and obtain a nearly constant value of r_e/r_vir=1.0-3.5% at z=0-8. The combination of the r_e-distribution shape+standard deviation, the constant r_e/r_vir, and n~1.5 suggests a picture that typical high-z star-forming galaxies have disk-like stellar components in a sense of dynamics and morphology over cosmic time of z~0-6. If high-z star-forming galaxies are truly dominated by disks, the r_e/r_vir value and the disk formation model indicate that the specific angular momentum of the disk normalized by the host halo is j_d/m_d=0.5-1. These are statistical results for galaxies major stellar components, and the detailed study of clumpy sub-components is presented in the paper II.
We present the comprehensive analyses of faint dropout galaxies up to $zsim10$ with the first full-depth data set of Abell 2744 lensing cluster and parallel fields observed by the Hubble Frontier Fields (HFF) program. We identify $54$ dropouts at $zsim5-10$ in the HFF fields, and enlarge the size of $zsim9$ galaxy sample obtained to date. Although the number of highly magnified ($musim10$) galaxies is small due to the tiny survey volume of strong lensing, our study reaches the galaxies intrinsic luminosities comparable to the deepest-field HUDF studies. We derive UV luminosity functions with these faint dropouts, carefully evaluating the combination of observational incompleteness and lensing effects in the image plane by intensive simulations including magnification, distortion, and multiplication of images, with the evaluations of mass model dependences. Our results confirm that the faint-end slope, $alpha$, is as steep as $-2$ at $zsim6-8$, and strengthen the evidence of the rapid decrease of UV luminosity densities, $rho_mathrm{UV}$, at $z>8$ from the large $zsim9$ sample. We examine whether the rapid $rho_mathrm{UV}$ decrease trend can reconcile with the large Thomson scattering optical depth, $tau_mathrm{e}$, measured by CMB experiments allowing a large space of free parameters such as average ionizing photon escape fraction and stellar-population dependent conversion factor. No parameter set can reproduce both the rapid $rho_mathrm{UV}$ decrease and the large $tau_mathrm{e}$. It is possible that the $rho_mathrm{UV}$ decrease moderates at $zgtrsim11$, that the free parameters significantly evolve towards high-$z$, or that there exist additional sources of reionization such as X-ray binaries and faint AGNs.
We report our Keck/MOSFIRE and Magellan/LDSS3 spectroscopy for an [OII] Blob, OIIB10, that is a high-$z$ galaxy with spatially extended [OII]$lambdalambda3726,3729$ emission over 30 kpc recently identified by a Subaru large-area narrowband survey. The systemic redshift of OIIB10 is $z=1.18$ securely determined with [OIII]$lambdalambda4959,5007$ and H$beta$ emission lines. We identify FeII$lambda$2587 and MgII$lambdalambda$2796,2804 absorption lines blueshifted from the systemic redshift by $80pm50$ and $260pm40$ km s$^{-1}$, respectively, which indicate gas outflow from OIIB10 with the velocity of $sim 80-260$ km s$^{-1}$. This outflow velocity is comparable with the escape velocity, $250pm140$ km s$^{-1}$, estimated under the assumption of a singular isothermal halo potential profile. Some fraction of the outflowing gas could escape from the halo of OIIB10, suppressing OIIB10s star-formation activity. We estimate a mass loading factor, $eta$, that is a ratio of mass outflow rate to star-formation rate, and obtain $eta>0.8pm 0.1$ which is relatively high compared with low-$z$ starbursts including U/LIRGs and AGNs. The major energy source of the outflow is unclear with the available data. Although no signature of AGN is found in the X-ray data, OIIB10 falls in the AGN/star-forming composite region in the line diagnostic diagrams. It is possible that the outflow is powered by star formation and a type-2 AGN with narrow FWHM emission line widths of $70-130$ km s$^{-1}$. This is the first detailed spectroscopic study of oxygen-line blobs, which includes the analyses of the escape velocity, the mass loading factor, and the presence of an AGN, and a significant step to understanding the nature of oxygen-line blobs and the relation with gas outflow and star-formation quenching at high redshift.
We present diffuse Lyman-alpha halos (LAHs) identified in the composite Subaru narrowband images of 100-3600 Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs) at z=2.2, 3.1, 3.7, 5.7, and 6.6. First, we carefully examine potential artifacts mimicking LAHs that include a large-scale point-spread function (PSF) made by instrumental and atmospheric effects. Based on our critical test with composite images of non-LAE samples whose narrowband-magnitude and source-size distributions are the same as our LAE samples, we confirm that no artifacts can produce a diffuse extended feature similar to our LAHs. After this test, we measure the scale lengths of exponential profile for the LAHs estimated from our z=2.2-6.6 LAE samples of L(Lyman-alpha) > 2 x 10^42 erg s^-1. We obtain the scale lengths of ~ 5-10 kpc at z=2.2-5.7, and find no evolution of scale lengths in this redshift range beyond our measurement uncertainties. Combining this result and the previously-known UV-continuum size evolution, we infer that the ratio of LAH to UV-continuum sizes is nearly constant at z=2.2-5.7. The scale length of our z=6.6 LAH is larger than 5-10 kpc just beyond the error bar, which is a hint that the scale lengths of LAHs would increase from z=5.7 to 6.6. If this increase is confirmed by future large surveys with significant improvements of statistical and systematical errors, this scale length change at z > 6 would be a signature of increasing fraction of neutral hydrogen scattering Lyman-alpha photons, due to cosmic reionization.
We present a statistical study of velocities of Lya, interstellar (IS) absorption, and nebular lines and gas covering fraction for Lya emitters (LAEs) at z~2. We make a sample of 22 LAEs with a large Lya equivalent width (EW) of > 50A based on our deep Keck/LRIS observations, in conjunction with spectroscopic data from the Subaru/FMOS program and the literature. We estimate the average velocity offset of Lya from a systemic redshift determined with nebular lines to be dv_Lya=234+-9 km s-1. Using a Kolmogorv-Smirnov test, we confirm the previous claim of Hashimoto et al. (2013) that the average dv_Lya of LAEs is smaller than that of LBGs. Our LRIS data successfully identify blue-shifted multiple IS absorption lines in the UV continua of four LAEs on an individual basis. The average velocity offset of IS absorption lines from a systemic redshift is dv_IS=204+-27 km s-1, indicating LAEs gas outflow with a velocity comparable to typical LBGs. Thus, the ratio, R^Lya_ IS = dv_Lya/dv_IS of LAEs, is around unity, suggestive of low impacts on Lya transmission by resonant scattering of neutral hydrogen in the IS medium. We find an anti-correlation between Lya EW and the covering fraction, f_c, estimated from the depth of absorption lines, where f_c is an indicator of average neutral hydrogen column density, N_HI. The results of our study support the idea that N_HI is a key quantity determining Lya emissivity.
We present the results of structure analyses for a large sample of 426 Lya emitters (LAEs) at z~2.2 that are observed with HST/ACS and WFC3-IR by deep extra-galactic legacy surveys. We confirm that the merger fraction and the average ellipticity of LAEs stellar component are 10-30 % and 0.4-0.6, respectively, that are comparable with previous study results. We successfully identify that some LAEs have a spatial offset between Lya and stellar-continuum emission peaks, d_Lya, by ~2.5-4 kpc beyond our statistical errors. To uncover the physical origin of strong Lya emission found in LAEs, we investigate Lya equivalent width (EW) dependences of these three structural parameters, merger fraction, d_Lya, and ellipticity of stellar distribution in the range of EW(Lya)=20-250A. Contrary to expectations, we find that merger fraction does not significantly increase with Lya EW. We reveal an anti-correlation between d_Lya and EW(Lya) by Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test. There is a trend that the LAEs with a large Lya EW have a small ellipticity. This is consistent with the recent theoretical claims that Lya photons can more easily escape from face-on disks having a small ellipticity, due to less inter-stellar gas along the line of sight, although our KS test indicates that this trend is not statistically significant. Our results of Lya-EW dependence generally support the idea that an HI column density is a key quantity determining Lya emissivity.
We present the first systematic search for extended metal-line [OII]{lambda}{lambda}3726,3729 nebulae, or [OII] blobs (OIIBs), at z=1.2 using deep narrowband imaging with a survey volume of 1.9x10^5 Mpc^3 on the 0.62 deg^2 sky of Subaru-XMM Deep Survey (SXDS) field. We discover a giant OIIB, dubbed OIIB 1, with a spatial extent over ~75 kpc at a spectroscopic redshift of z=1.18, and also identify a total of twelve OIIBs with a size of >30 kpc. Our optical spectrum of OIIB 1 presents [NeV]{lambda}3426 line at the 6{sigma} level, indicating that this object harbors an obscured type-2 AGN. The presence of gas outflows in this object is suggested by two marginal detections of FeII{lambda}2587 absorption and FeII*{lambda}2613 emission lines both of which are blueshifted at as large as 500-600 km/s, indicating that the heating source of OIIB 1 is AGN or associated shock excitation rather than supernovae produced by starbursts. The number density of OIIB 1-type giant blobs is estimated to be ~5x10^{-6} Mpc^{-3} at z~1.2, which is comparable with that of AGNs driving outflow at a similar redshift, suggesting that giant OIIBs are produced only by AGN activity. On the other hand, the number density of small OIIBs, 6x10^{-5} Mpc^{-3}, compared to that of z~1 galaxies in the blue cloud in the same M_B range, may imply that 3% of star-forming galaxies at z~1 are quenching star formation through outflows involving extended [OII] emission.
We report deep ALMA observations complemented with associated HST imaging for a luminous (m_uv=25) galaxy, `Himiko, at a redshift z=6.595. The galaxy is remarkable for its high star formation rate, 100 Mo/yr, securely estimated from our deep HST and Spitzer photometry, and the absence of any evidence for strong AGN activity or gravitational lensing magnification. Our ALMA observations probe an order of magnitude deeper than previous IRAM observations, yet fail to detect a 1.2mm dust continuum, indicating a flux <52uJy comparable with or weaker than that of local dwarf irregulars with much lower star formation rates. We likewise provide a strong upper limit for the flux of [CII] 158um, L([CII]) < 5.4x10^7 Lo, a diagnostic of the hot interstellar gas often described as a valuable probe for early galaxies. In fact, our observations indicate Himiko lies off the local L([CII]) - star formation rate scaling relation by a factor of more than 30. Both aspects of our ALMA observations suggest Himiko is an unique object with a very low dust content and perhaps nearly primordial interstellar gas. Our HST images provide unique insight into the morphology of this remarkable source, highlighting an extremely blue core of activity and two less extreme associated clumps. Himiko is undergoing a triple major merger event whose extensive ionized nebula of Lyman alpha emitting gas, discovered in our earlier work with Subaru, is powered by star formation and the dense circum-galactic gas. We are likely witnessing an early massive galaxy during a key period of its mass assembly close to the end of the reionization era.
We analyze the redshift- and luminosity-dependent sizes of dropout galaxy candidates in the redshift range z~7-12 using deep images from the UDF12 campaign, data which offers two distinct advantages over that used in earlier work. Firstly, we utilize the increased S/N ratio offered by the UDF12 imaging to provide improved size measurements for known galaxies at z=6.5-8 in the HUDF. Specifically, we stack the new deep F140W image with the existing F125W data in order to provide improved measurements of the half-light radii of z-dropouts. Similarly we stack this image with the new deep UDF12 F160W image to obtain new size measurements for a sample of Y-dropouts. Secondly, because the UDF12 data have allowed the construction of the first robust galaxy sample in the HUDF at z>8, we have been able to extend the measurement of average galaxy size out to significantly higher redshifts. Restricting our size measurements to sources which are now detected at >15sigma, we confirm earlier indications that the average half-light radii of z~7-12 galaxies are extremely small, 0.3-0.4 kpc, comparable to the sizes of giant molecular associations in local star-forming galaxies. We also confirm that there is a clear trend of decreasing half-light radius with increasing redshift, and provide the first evidence that this trend continues beyond z~8. Modeling the evolution of the average half-light radius as a power-law (1+z)^s, we obtain a best-fit index of s=-1.28+/-0.13 over the redshift range z~4-12, mid-way between the physically expected evolution for baryons embedded in dark halos of constant mass (s=-1) and constant velocity (s=-1.5). A clear size-luminosity relation, such as that found at lower redshift, is also evident in both our z- and Y-dropout sample. This relation can be interpreted in terms of a constant surface density of star formation over a range in luminosity of 0.05-1.0L*_z=3.(abridged)

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