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Divergence functions of a metric space estimate the length of a path connecting two points $A$, $B$ at distance $le n$ avoiding a large enough ball around a third point $C$. We characterize groups with non-linear divergence functions as groups having cut-points in their asymptotic cones. By Olshanskii-Osin-Sapir, that property is weaker than the property of having Morse (rank 1) quasi-geodesics. Using our characterization of Morse quasi-geodesics, we give a new proof of the theorem of Farb-Kaimanovich-Masur that states that mapping class groups cannot contain copies of irreducible lattices in semi-simple Lie groups of higher ranks. It also gives a generalization of the result of Birman-Lubotzky-McCarthy about solvable subgroups of mapping class groups not covered by the Tits alternative of Ivanov and McCarthy. We show that any group acting acylindrically on a simplicial tree or a locally compact hyperbolic graph always has many periodic Morse quasi-geodesics (i.e. Morse elements), so its divergence functions are never linear. We also show that the same result holds in many cases when the hyperbolic graph satisfies Bowditchs properties that are weaker than local compactness. This gives a new proof of Behrstocks result that every pseudo-Anosov element in a mapping class group is Morse. On the other hand, we conjecture that lattices in semi-simple Lie groups of higher rank always have linear divergence. We prove it in the case when the $mathbb{Q}$-rank is 1 and when the lattice is $SL_n(mathcal{O}_S)$ where $nge 3$, $S$ is a finite set of valuations of a number field $K$ including all infinite valuations, and $mathcal{O}_S$ is the corresponding ring of $S$-integers.
210 - Mark Sapir 2015
This is a survey of using Minsky machines to study algorithmic problems in semigroups, groups and other algebraic systems.
227 - Gili Golan , Mark Sapir 2015
Recently Vaughan Jones showed that the R. Thompson group $F$ encodes in a natural way all knots, and a certain subgroup $vec F$ of $F$ encodes all oriented knots. We answer several questions of Jones about $vec F$. In particular we prove that the subgroup $vec F$ is generated by $x_0x_1, x_1x_2, x_2x_3$ (where $x_i, i=0,1,2,...$ are the standard generators of $F$) and is isomorphic to $F_3$, the analog of $F$ where all slopes are powers of $3$ and break points are $3$-adic rationals. We also show that $vec F$ coincides with its commensurator. Hence the linearization of the permutational representation of $F$ on $F/vec F$ is irreducible.
251 - Mark Sapir 2014
This is a survey of methods of proving or disproving the Rapid Decay property in groups. We present a centroid property of group actions on metric spaces. That property is a generalized (and corrected) version of the property (**)-relative hyperbolicity from our paper with Cornelia Drutu, math/0405500, and implies the Rapid Decay (RD) property. We show that several properties which are known to imply RD also imply the centroid property. Thus uniform lattices in many semi-simple Lie groups, Artin groups of large type and the mapping class groups have the centroid property. We also present a simple non-amenability-like property that follows from RD, and give an easy example of a group without RD and without any amenable subgroup with superpolynomial growth, some misprints in other sections are corrected.
The Tarski number of a non-amenable group G is the minimal number of pieces in a paradoxical decomposition of G. In this paper we investigate how Tarski numbers may change under various group-theoretic operations. Using these estimates and known properties of Golod-Shafarevich groups, we show that the Tarski numbers of 2-generated non-amenable groups can be arbitrarily large. We also use the cost of group actions to show that there exist groups with Tarski numbers 5 and 6. These provide the first examples of non-amenable groups without free subgroups whose Tarski number has been computed precisely.
97 - Mark Sapir 2013
We show how a recent result of Hrushovsky implies that if an asymptotic cone of a finitely generated group is locally compact, then the group is virtually nilpotent.
100 - Denis Osin , Mark Sapir 2010
We define and give explicit construction of the universal tree-graded space with a given collection of pieces. We apply that to proving uniqueness of asymptotic cones of relatively hyperbolic groups whose peripheral subgroups have unique asymptotic cones. Modulo the Continuum Hypothesis, we show that if an asymptotic cone of a geodesic metric space is homogeneous and has cut points, then it is the universal tree-graded space with pieces - maximal connected subsets without their own cut points. Thus it is completely determined by its collection of pieces.
This is an addendum to arXiv: 0810.5376. We show, using our methods and an auxiliary result of Bestvina-Bromberg-Fujiwara, that a finitely generated group with infinitely many pairwise non-conjugate homomorphisms to a mapping class group virtually acts non-trivially on an $R$-tree, and, if it is finitely presented, it virtually acts non-trivially on a simplicial tree
109 - Mark Sapir , Iva Spakulova 2009
We prove that with probability tending to 1, a 1-relator group with at least 3 generators and relator of length n is residually finite, virtually residually (finite p)-group for all sufficiently large p, and coherent. The proof uses both combinatorial group theory and non-trivial results about Brownian motions, bridges and excursions in R^k.
We show that every periodic element of the free idempotent generated semigroup on an arbitrary biordered set belongs to a subgroup of the semigroup.

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