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131 - Mark E. Walker 2014
We develop a theory of ``ad hoc Chern characters for twisted matrix factorizations associated to a scheme $X$, a line bundle ${mathcal L}$, and a regular global section $W in Gamma(X, {mathcal L})$. As an application, we establish the vanishing, in certain cases, of $h_c^R(M,N)$, the higher Herbrand difference, and, $eta_c^R(M,N)$, the higher codimensional analogue of Hochsters theta pairing, where $R$ is a complete intersection of codimension $c$ with isolated singularities and $M$ and $N$ are finitely generated $R$-modules. Specifically, we prove such vanishing if $R = Q/(f_1, dots, f_c)$ has only isolated singularities, $Q$ is a smooth $k$-algebra, $k$ is a field of characteristic $0$, the $f_i$s form a regular sequence, and $c geq 2$.
214 - Mark E. Walker 2014
Hochsters theta invariant is defined for a pair of finitely generated modules on a hypersurface ring having only an isolated singularity. Up to a sign, it agrees with the Euler invariant of a pair of matrix factorizations. Working over the complex numbers, Buchweitz and van Straten have established an interesting connection between Hochsters theta invariant and the classical linking form on the link of the singularity. In particular, they establish the vanishing of the theta invariant if the hypersurface is even-dimensional by exploiting the fact that the (reduced) cohomology of the Milnor fiber is concentrated in odd degrees in this situation. In this paper, we give purely algebra
We show that if X is a toric scheme over a regular ring containing a field then the direct limit of the K-groups of X taken over any infinite sequence of nontrivial dilations is homotopy invariant. This theorem was known in characteristic 0. The affine case of our result was conjectured by Gubeladze.
We observe that there is an equivalence between the singularity category of an affine complete intersection and the homotopy category of matrix factorizations over a related scheme. This relies in part on a theorem of Orlov. Using this equivalence, we give a geometric construction of the ring of cohomology operators, and a generalization of the theory of support varieties, which we call stable support sets. We settle a question of Avramov about which stable support sets can arise for a given complete intersection ring. We also use the equivalence to construct a projective resolution of a module over a complete intersection ring from a matrix factorization, generalizing the well-known result in the hypersurface case.
We study matrix factorizations of locally free coherent sheaves on a scheme. For a scheme that is projective over an affine scheme, we show that homomorphisms in the homotopy category of matrix factorizations may be computed as the hypercohomology of a certain mapping complex. Using this explicit description, we give another proof of Orlovs theorem that there is a fully faithful embedding of the homotopy category of matrix factorizations into the singularity category of the corresponding zero subscheme. We also give a complete description of the image of this functor.
We give conditions for the Mayer-Vietoris property to hold for the algebraic K-theory of blow-up squares of toric varieties in any characteristic, using the theory of monoid schemes. These conditions are used to relate algebraic K-theory to topological cyclic homology in characteristic p. To achieve our goals, we develop for monoid schemes many notions from classical algebraic geometry, such as separated and proper maps.
Let $R$ be the homogeneous coordinate ring of a smooth projective variety $X$ over a field $k$ of characteristic~0. We calculate the $K$-theory of $R$ in terms of the geometry of the projective embedding of $X$. In particular, if $X$ is a curve then we calculate $K_0(R)$ and $K_1(R)$, and prove that $K_{-1}(R)=oplus H^1(C,cO(n))$. The formula for $K_0(R)$ involves the Zariski cohomology of twisted Kahler differentials on the variety.

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