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Data transfer is one of the main functions of the Internet. The Internet consists of a large number of interconnected subnetworks or domains, known as Autonomous Systems. Due to privacy and other reasons the information about what route to use to reach devices within other Autonomous Systems is not readily available to any given Autonomous System. The Border Gateway Protocol is responsible for discovering and distributing this reachability information to all Autonomous Systems. Since the topology of the Internet is highly dynamic, all Autonomous Systems constantly exchange and update this reachability information in small chunks, known as routing control packets or Border Gateway Protocol updates. Motivated by scalability and predictability issues with the dynamics of these updates in the quickly growing Internet, we conduct a systematic time series analysis of Border Gateway Protocol update rates. We find that Border Gateway Protocol update time series are extremely volatile, exhibit long-term correlations and memory effects, similar to seismic time series, or temperature and stock market price fluctuations. The presented statistical characterization of Border Gateway Protocol update dynamics could serve as a ground truth for validation of existing and developing better models of Internet interdomain routing.
Prediction and control of the dynamics of complex networks is a central problem in network science. Structural and dynamical similarities of different real networks suggest that some universal laws might accurately describe the dynamics of these networks, albeit the nature and common origin of such laws remain elusive. Here we show that the causal network representing the large-scale structure of spacetime in our accelerating universe is a power-law graph with strong clustering, similar to many complex networks such as the Internet, social, or biological networks. We prove that this structural similarity is a consequence of the asymptotic equivalence between the large-scale growth dynamics of complex networks and causal networks. This equivalence suggests that unexpectedly similar laws govern the dynamics of complex networks and spacetime in the universe, with implications to network science and cosmology.
Popularity is attractive -- this is the formula underlying preferential attachment, a popular explanation for the emergence of scaling in growing networks. If new connections are made preferentially to more popular nodes, then the resulting distribution of the number of connections that nodes have follows power laws observed in many real networks. Preferential attachment has been directly validated for some real networks, including the Internet. Preferential attachment can also be a consequence of different underlying processes based on node fitness, ranking, optimization, random walks, or duplication. Here we show that popularity is just one dimension of attractiveness. Another dimension is similarity. We develop a framework where new connections, instead of preferring popular nodes, optimize certain trade-offs between popularity and similarity. The framework admits a geometric interpretation, in which popularity preference emerges from local optimization. As opposed to preferential attachment, the optimization framework accurately describes large-scale evolution of technological (Internet), social (web of trust), and biological (E.coli metabolic) networks, predicting the probability of new links in them with a remarkable precision. The developed framework can thus be used for predicting new links in evolving networks, and provides a different perspective on preferential attachment as an emergent phenomenon.
We introduce and study random bipartite networks with hidden variables. Nodes in these networks are characterized by hidden variables which control the appearance of links between node pairs. We derive analytic expressions for the degree distribution, degree correlations, the distribution of the number of common neighbors, and the bipartite clustering coefficient in these networks. We also establish the relationship between degrees of nodes in original bipartite networks and in their unipartite projections. We further demonstrate how hidden variable formalism can be applied to analyze topological properties of networks in certain bipartite network models, and verify our analytical results in numerical simulations.
We develop a geometric framework to study the structure and function of complex networks. We assume that hyperbolic geometry underlies these networks, and we show that with this assumption, heterogeneous degree distributions and strong clustering in complex networks emerge naturally as simple reflections of the negative curvature and metric property of the underlying hyperbolic geometry. Conversely, we show that if a network has some metric structure, and if the network degree distribution is heterogeneous, then the network has an effective hyperbolic geometry underneath. We then establish a mapping between our geometric framework and statistical mechanics of complex networks. This mapping interprets edges in a network as non-interacting fermions whose energies are hyperbolic distances between nodes, while the auxiliary fields coupled to edges are linear functions of these energies or distances. The geometric network ensemble subsumes the standard configuration model and classical random graphs as two limiting cases with degenerate geometric structures. Finally, we show that targeted transport processes without global topology knowledge, made possible by our geometric framework, are maximally efficient, according to all efficiency measures, in networks with strongest heterogeneity and clustering, and that this efficiency is remarkably robust with respect to even catastrophic disturbances and damages to the network structure.
We study the structure of business firm networks and scale-free models with degree distribution $P(q) propto (q+c)^{-lambda}$ using the method of $k$-shell decomposition.We find that the Life Sciences industry network consist of three components: a ``nucleus, which is a small well connected subgraph, ``tendrils, which are small subgraphs consisting of small degree nodes connected exclusively to the nucleus, and a ``bulk body which consists of the majority of nodes. At the same time we do not observe the above structure in the Information and Communication Technology sector of industry. We also conduct a systematic study of these three components in random scale-free networks. Our results suggest that the sizes of the nucleus and the tendrils decrease as $lambda$ increases and disappear for $lambda geq 3$. We compare the $k$-shell structure of random scale-free model networks with two real world business firm networks in the Life Sciences and in the Information and Communication Technology sectors. Our results suggest that the observed behavior of the $k$-shell structure in the two industries is consistent with a recently proposed growth model that assumes the coexistence of both preferential and random agreements in the evolution of industrial networks.

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