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115 - M.I. Dyakonov 2014
The quantum computer is supposed to process information by applying unitary transformations to the complex amplitudes defining the state of N qubits. A useful machine needing N=1000 or more, the number of continuous parameters describing the state of a quantum computer at any given moment is much greater than the number of protons in the Universe. However, the theorists believe that the feasibility of large-scale quantum computing has been proven via the threshold theorem. Like for any theorem, the proof is based on a number of assumptions considered as axioms. However, in the physical world none of these assumptions can be fulfilled exactly. Any assumption can be only approached with some limited precision. So, the rather meaningless error-per-qubit-per-gate threshold must be supplemented by a list of the precisions with which all assumptions behind the threshold theorem should hold. Such a list still does not exist. The theory also seems to ignore the undesired free evolution of the quantum computer caused by the energy differences of quantum states entering any given superposition. Another important point is that the hypothetical quantum computer will be a system of at least a thousand of qubits plus an extremely complex and monstrously sophisticated classical apparatus. This huge and strongly nonlinear system will generally exhibit instabilities and chaotic behavior.
Within the two antenna model, we develop a theory of the recently observed helicity-sensitive detection of terahertz radiation by FETs. The effect arises because of the mixing of the ac signals produced in the channel by the two antennas. We calculate the helicity-dependent part of the photoresponse and its dependence on the antenna impedance, gate length, and gate voltage.
244 - M.I. Dyakonov 2012
This is a brief review of the phenomenology of the spin Hall effect and related phenomena.
127 - M.I. Dyakonov 2012
A simple one-dimensional model is proposed, in which N spinless repulsively interacting fermions occupy M>N degenerate states. It is argued that the energy spectrum and the wavefunctions of this system strongly resemble the spectrum and wavefunctions of 2D electrons in the lowest Landau level (the problem of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect). In particular, Laughlin-type wavefunctions describe ground states at filling factors v = N/M = 1(2m+1). Within this model the complimentary wavefunction for v = 1-1/(2m + 1) is found explicitly and extremely simple ground state wavefunctions for arbitrary odd-denominator filling factors are proposed.
170 - M.I. Dyakonov 2011
This is a brief overview of the main physical ideas for application of field effect transistors for generation and detection of TeraHertz radiation. Resonant frequencies of the two-dimensional plasma oscillations in FETs increase with the reduction of the channel dimensions and reach the THz range for sub-micron gate lengths. When the mobility is high enough, the dynamics of a short channel FET at THz frequencies is dominated by plasma waves. This may result, on the one hand, in a spontaneous generation of plasma waves by a dc current and on the other hand, in a resonant response to the incoming radiation. In the opposite case, when plasma oscillations are overdamped, the FET can operate as an efficient broadband THz detector.

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