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Using the exact $N$-particle ground state wave function for a one-dimensional gas of hard-core bosons in a harmonic trap we develop an algorithm to compute the reduced single-particle density matrix and corresponding momentum distribution. Accurate numerical results are presented for up to N=8 particles, and the momentum distributions are compared to a recent analytic approximation.
126 - M.D. Girardeau 2010
Motivated by previous suggestions that three-body hard-core interactions in lower-dimensional ultracold Bose gases might provide a way for creation of non-Abelian anyons, the exact ground state of a harmonically trapped 1D Bose gas with three-body hard-core interactions is constructed by duality mapping, starting from an $N$-particle ideal gas of mixed symmetry with three-body nodes, which has double occupation of the lowest harmonic oscillator orbital and single occupation of the next $N-2$ orbitals. It has some similarity to the ground state of a Tonks-Girardeau gas, but is more complicated. It is proved that in 1D any system of $Nge 3$ bosons with three-body hard-core interactions also has two-body soft-core interactions of generalized Lieb-Liniger delta function form, as a consequence of the topology of the configuration space of $N$ particles in 1D, i.e., wave functions with emph{only} three-body hard core zeroes are topologically impossible. This is in contrast with the case of 2D, where pure three-body hard-core interactions do exist, and are closely related to the fractional quantized Hall effect. The exact ground state is compared with a previously-proposed Pfaffian-like approximate ground state, which satisfies the three-body hard-core constraint but is not an exact energy eigenstate. Both the exact ground state and the Pfaffian-like approximation imply two-body soft-core interactions as well as three-body hard-core interactions, in accord with the general topological proof.
113 - M.D. Girardeau 2010
A harmonically trapped ultracold 1D spin-1 Bose gas with strongly repulsive or attractive 1D even-wave interactions induced by a 3D Feshbach resonance is studied. The exact ground state, a hybrid of Tonks-Girardeau (TG) and ideal Fermi gases, is constructed in the TG limit of infinite even-wave repulsion by a spinor Fermi-Bose mapping to a spinless ideal Fermi gas. It is then shown that in the limit of infinite even-wave attraction this same state remains an exact many-body eigenstate, now highly excited relative to the collapsed generalized McGuire cluster ground state, showing that the hybrid TG state is completely stable against collapse to this cluster ground state under a sudden switch from infinite repulsion to infinite attraction. It is shown to be the TG limit of a hybrid super Tonks-Girardeau (STG) state which is metastable under a sudden switch from finite but very strong repulsion to finite but very strong attraction. It should be possible to create it experimentally by a sudden switch from strongly repulsive to strongly attractive interaction, as in the recent Innsbruck experiment on a spin-polarized bosonic STG gas. In the case of strong attraction there should also exist another STG state of much lower energy, consisting of strongly bound dimers, a bosonic analog of a recently predicted STG gas which is an ultracold gas of strongly bound bosonic dimers of fermionic atoms, but it is shown that this STG state cannot be created by such a switch from strong repulsion to strong attraction.
100 - M.D. Girardeau 2010
A harmonically trapped ultracold 1D spinor Fermi gas with a strongly attractive 1D even-wave interaction induced by a 3D Feshbach resonance is studied. It is shown that it has two different super Tonks-Girardeau (sTG) energy eigenstates which are metastable against collapse in spite of the strong attraction, due to their close connection with 1D hard sphere Bose gases which are highly excited gas-like states. One of these sTG states is a hybrid between an sTG gas with strong $(uparrowdownarrow$ attractions and an ideal Fermi gas with no $(uparrowuparrow)$ or $(downarrowdownarrow)$ interactions, the sTG component being an exact analog of the recently observed sTG state of a 1D ultracold Bose gas. It should be possible to create it experimentally by a sudden switch of the $(uparrowdownarrow)$ interaction from strongly repulsive to strongly attractive, as in the recent Innsbruck experiment on the bosonic sTG gas. The other is a trapped analog of a recently predicted sTG state which is an ultracold gas of strongly bound $(uparrowdownarrow)$ fermion dimers which behave as bosons with a strongly attractive boson-boson interaction leading to sTG behavior. It is proved that the probability of a transition from the ground state for strongly repulsive interaction to this dimer state under a sudden switch from strongly repulsive to strongly attractive interaction is $ll 1$, contrary to a previous suggestion.
In their Comment [1] Giraud and Combescot point out that the contribution to the impurity-boson distribution function $rho_{bi}(x-y)$ of a term we dropped is not negligible, rather than being negligible in the thermodynamic limit as we had conjectured. We now agree with them, but nevertheless our results for $rho_{bi}$ are highly accurate for large impurity-boson mass ratio $m_i/m$ and remain qualitatively correct for all values of $m_i/m$ and all values of the boson-impurity coupling constant.
A model of two Calogero-Sutherland Bose gases A and B with strong odd-wave AB attractions induced by a p-wave AB Feshbach resonance is studied. The ground state wave function is found analytically by a Bose-Bose duality mapping, which permits one to accurately determine static physical properties by a Monte Carlo method. The condensation of particles or particle pairs (molecules) is tested by analyzing the presence of the off-diagonal long-range order in one- or two-body density matrices. The p-wave symmetry of AB interaction makes possible quasi-condensation of type A particles at the Fermi momentum of the B component. The zero-temperature phase diagram is drawn in terms of densities and interaction strengths.
Recent theoretical and experimental results demonstrate a close connection between the super Tonks-Girardeau (sTG) gas and a 1D hard sphere Bose (HSB) gas with hard sphere diameter nearly equal to the 1D scattering length $a_{1D}$ of the sTG gas, a highly excited gas-like state with nodes only at interparticle separations $|x_{jell}|=x_{node}approx a_{1D}$. It is shown herein that when the coupling constant $g_B$ in the Lieb-Liniger interaction $g_Bdelta(x_{jell})$ is negative and $|x_{12}|ge x_{node}$, the sTG and HSB wave functions for $N=2$ particles are not merely similar, but identical; the only difference between the sTG and HSB wave functions is that the sTG wave function allows a small penetration into the region $|x_{12}|<x_{node}$, whereas for a HSB gas with hard sphere diameter $a_{h.s.}=x_{node}$, the HSB wave function vanishes when all $|x_{12}|<a_{h.s.}$. Arguments are given suggesting that the same theorem holds also for $N>2$. The sTG and HSB wave functions for N=2 are given exactly in terms of a parabolic cylinder function, and for $Nge 2$, $x_{node}$ is given accurately by a simple parabola. The metastability of the sTG phase generated by a sudden change of the coupling constant from large positive to large negative values is explained in terms of the very small overlap between the ground state of the Tonks-Girardeau gas and collapsed cluster states.
100 - M.D. Girardeau 2009
A model of two 1D ideal Bose gases A and B with strong AB attractions induced by a p-wave AB Feshbach resonance is studied. The model is solved exactly by a Bose-Bose duality mapping, and it is shown that there is no A-component or B-component Bose-Einstein condensation and no AB-pair off-diagonal long-range order (ODLRO), but both AA-pair and BB-pair ODLRO. After generalization by adding even-wave AA and BB repulsion and reducing the strength of the odd-wave AB attraction by Feshbach resonance detuning, a quantum phase transition occurs between a phase with AB contact nodes and one with no such nodes.
The low-lying eigenstates of a one-dimensional (1D) system of many impenetrable point bosons and one moving impurity particle with repulsive zero-range impurity-boson interaction are found for all values of the impurity-boson mass ratio and coupling constant. The moving entity is a polaron-like composite object consisting of the impurity clothed by a co-moving gray soliton. The special case with impurity-boson interaction of point hard-core form and impurity-boson mass ratio $m_i/m$ unity is first solved exactly as a special case of a previous Fermi-Bose (FB) mapping treatment of soluble 1D Bose-Fermi mixture problems. Then a more general treatment is given using second quantization for the bosons and the second-quantized form of the FB mapping, eliminating the impurity degrees of freedom by a Lee-Low-Pines canonical transformation. This yields the exact solution for arbitrary $m_i/m$ and impurity-boson interaction strength.
In this paper we elucidate the physics underlying the fact that both bright and dark solitary waves can arise in a one-dimensional spin-polarized gas of fermionic atoms with attractive three-dimensional p-wave interactions in a hard-wall trap. This is possible since the one-dimensional fermion system can be mapped to a system of bosons described by the Lieb-Liniger model with either repulsive or attractive delta-function interactions which can support solitary waves.

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