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95 - M. Ziegler 2012
Spectral analyses of hot, compact stars with NLTE (non-local thermodynamical equilibrium) model-atmosphere techniques allow the precise determination of photospheric parameters. The derived photospheric metal abundances are crucial constraints for stellar evolutionary theory. Previous spectral analyses of the exciting star of the nebula A 35, BD-22 3467, were based on He+C+N+O+Si+Fe models only. For our analysis, we use state-of-the-art fully metal-line blanketed NLTE model atmospheres that consider opacities of 23 elements from hydrogen to nickel. For the analysis of high-resolution and high-S/N (signal-to-noise) FUV (far ultraviolet, FUSE) and UV (HST/STIS) observations, we combined stellar-atmosphere models and interstellar line-absorption models to fully reproduce the entire observed UV spectrum. The best agreement with the UV observation of BD-22 3467 is achieved at Teff = 80 +/- 10 kK and log g =7.2 +/- 0.3. While Teff of previous analyses is verified, log g is significantly lower. We re-analyzed lines of silicon and iron (1/100 and about solar abundances, respectively) and for the first time in this star identified argon, chromium, manganese, cobalt, and nickel and determined abundances of 12, 70, 35, 150, and 5 times solar, respectively. Our results partially agree with predictions of diffusion models for DA-type white dwarfs. A combination of photospheric and interstellar line-absorption models reproduces more than 90 % of the observed absorption features. The stellar mass is M ~ 0.48 Msun. BD-22 3467 may not have been massive enough to ascend the asymptotic giant branch and may have evolved directly from the extended horizontal branch to the white dwarf state. This would explain why it is not surrounded by a planetary nebula. However, the star, ionizes the ambient interstellar matter, mimicking a planetary nebula.
We compute the complete Fadell-Husseini index of the 8 element dihedral group D_8 acting on S^d times S^d, both for F_2 and for integer coefficients. This establishes the complete goup cohomology lower bounds for the two hyperplane case of Grunbaums 1960 mass partition problem: For which d and j can any j arbitrary measures be cut into four equal parts each by two suitably-chosen hyperplanes in R^d? In both cases, we find that the ideal bounds are not stronger than previously established bounds based on one of the maximal abelian subgroups of D_8.
We report the discovery of eight gamma-ray pulsars in blind frequency searches using the LAT, onboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Five of the eight pulsars are young (tau_c<100 kyr), energetic (Edot>10^36 erg/s), and located within the Galactic plane (|b|<3 deg). The remaining three are older, less energetic, and located off the plane. Five pulsars are associated with sources included in the LAT bright gamma-ray source list, but only one, PSR J1413-6205, is clearly associated with an EGRET source. PSR J1023-5746 has the smallest characteristic age (tau_c=4.6 kyr) and is the most energetic (Edot=1.1E37 erg/s) of all gamma-ray pulsars discovered so far in blind searches. PSRs J1957+5033 and J2055+25 have the largest characteristic ages (tau_c~1 Myr) and are the least energetic (Edot~5E33 erg/s) of the newly-discovered pulsars. We present the timing models, light curves, and detailed spectral parameters of the new pulsars. We used recent XMM observations to identify the counterpart of PSR J2055+25 as XMMU J205549.4+253959. In addition, publicly available archival Chandra X-ray data allowed us to identify the likely counterpart of PSR J1023-5746 as a faint, highly absorbed source, CXOU J102302.8-574606. The large X-ray absorption indicates that this could be among the most distant gamma-ray pulsars detected so far. PSR J1023-5746 is positionally coincident with the TeV source HESS J1023-575, located near the young stellar cluster Westerlund 2, while PSR J1954+2836 is coincident with a 4.3 sigma excess reported by Milagro at a median energy of 35 TeV. Deep radio follow-up observations of the eight pulsars resulted in no detections of pulsations and upper limits comparable to the faintest known radio pulsars, indicating that these can be included among the growing population of radio-quiet pulsars in our Galaxy being uncovered by the LAT, and currently numbering more than 20.
The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (formerly GLAST), with its improved sensitivity relative to previous generation gamma-ray telescopes, is significantly increasing the number of known gamma-ray sources in the sky, including pulsars. In addition to searching for gamma-ray emission from known radio pulsars, it is now possible to successfully perform blind searches for pulsars on the gamma-ray data alone, with the goal of uncovering a new population of potentially radio-quiet (Geminga-like) pulsars. We describe our methods and some recent results from our searches, performed using the time-differencing technique, which have resulted in the discovery of a large number of new gamma-ray pulsars.
Cesium adsorption structures on Ag(111) were characterized in a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy experiment. At low coverages, atomic resolution of individual Cs atoms is occasionally suppressed in regions of an otherwise hexagonally ordered adsorbate film on terraces. Close to step edges Cs atoms appear as elongated protrusions along the step edge direction. At higher coverages, Cs superstructures with atomically resolved hexagonal lattices are observed. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations model the observed adsorbate structures on a qualitative level.
We show that for every injective continuous map f: S^2 --> R^3 there are four distinct points in the image of f such that the convex hull is a tetrahedron with the property that two opposite edges have the same length and the other four edges are also of equal length. This result represents a partial result for the topological Borsuk problem for R^3. Our proof of the geometrical claim, via Fadell-Husseini index theory, provides an instance where arguments based on group cohomology with integer coefficients yield results that cannot be accessed using only field coefficients.
155 - M. Ziegler 2008
Previous studies aiming at the iron-abundance determination in three PG 1159 stars (K 1-16, PG 1159-035, NGC 7094) and a [WC]-PG 1159 transition star (Abell 78) have revealed that no object shows any iron line in the UV spectrum. The stars are iron-deficient by at least 1 dex, typically. A possible explanation is that iron nuclei were transformed by neutron captures into heavier elements (s-process), however, the extent of the iron-destruction would be much stronger than predicted by AGB star models. But if n-captures are the right explanation, then we should observe an enrichment of trans-iron elements. In this paper we report on our search for a possible nickel overabundance in one of the four Fe deficient PG 1159 stars, namely the central star NGC 7094. We are unable to identify any nickel line in HST and FUSE spectra and conclude that Ni is not overabundant. It is conceivable that iron was transformed into even heavier elements, but their identification suffers from the lack of atomic data.
259 - Gunter M. Ziegler 2007
It is an amazing and a bit counter-intuitive discovery by Micha Perles from the sixties that there are ``non-rational polytopes: combinatorial types of convex polytopes that cannot be realized with rational vertex coordinates. We describe a simple construction of non-rational polytopes that does not need duality (Perles ``Gale diagrams): It starts from a non-rational point configuration in the plane, and proceeds with so-called Lawrence extensions. We also show that there are non-rational polyhedral surfaces in 3-space, a discovery by Ulrich Brehm from 1997. His construction also starts from any non-rational point configuration in the plane, and then performs what one should call Brehm extensions, in order to obtain non-rational partial surfaces. These examples and objects are first mile stones on the way to the remarkable universality theorems for polytopes and for polyhedral surfaces by Mnev (1986), Richter-Gebert (1994), and Brehm (1997).
We introduce a deformed product construction for simple polytopes in terms of lower-triangular block matrix representations. We further show how Gale duality can be employed for the construction and for the analysis of deformed products such that specified faces (e.g. all the k-faces) are ``strictly preserved under projection. Thus, starting from an arbitrary neighborly simplicial (d-2)-polytope Q on n-1 vertices we construct a deformed n-cube, whose projection to the last dcoordinates yields a neighborly cubical d-polytope. As an extension of thecubical case, we construct matrix representations of deformed products of(even) polygons (DPPs), which have a projection to d-space that retains the complete (lfloor tfrac{d}{2} rfloor - 1)-skeleton. In both cases the combinatorial structure of the images under projection is completely determined by the neighborly polytope Q: Our analysis provides explicit combinatorial descriptions. This yields a multitude of combinatorially different neighborly cubical polytopes and DPPs. As a special case, we obtain simplified descriptions of the neighborly cubical polytopes of Joswig & Ziegler (2000) as well as of the ``projected deformed products of polygons that were announced by Ziegler (2004), a family of 4-polytopes whose ``fatness gets arbitrarily close to 9.
In 1989 Kalai stated the three conjectures A, B, C of increasing strength concerning face numbers of centrally symmetric convex polytopes. The weakest conjecture, A, became known as the ``$3^d$-conjecture. It is well-known that the three conjectures hold in dimensions d leq 3. We show that in dimension 4 only conjectures A and B are valid, while conjecture C fails. Furthermore, we show that both conjectures B and C fail in all dimensions d geq 5.

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