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Ultra-deep observations of ECDF-S with Chandra and XMM-Newton enable a search for extended X-ray emission down to an unprecedented flux of $2times10^{-16}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$. We present the search for the extended emission on spatial scales of 32$^{primeprime}$ in both Chandra and XMM data, covering 0.3 square degrees and model the extended emission on scales of arcminutes. We present a catalog of 46 spectroscopically identified groups, reaching a redshift of 1.6. We show that the statistical properties of ECDF-S, such as logN-logS and X-ray luminosity function are broadly consistent with LCDM, with the exception that dn/dz/d$Omega$ test reveals that a redshift range of $0.2<z<0.5$ in ECDF-S is sparsely populated. The lack of nearby structure, however, makes studies of high-redshift groups particularly easier both in X-rays and lensing, due to a lower level of clustered foreground. We present one and two point statistics of the galaxy groups as well as weak-lensing analysis to show that the detected low-luminosity systems are indeed low-mass systems. We verify the applicability of the scaling relations between the X-ray luminosity and the total mass of the group, derived for the COSMOS survey to lower masses and higher redshifts probed by ECDF-S by means of stacked weak lensing and clustering analysis, constraining any possible departures to be within 30% in mass. Abridged.
We present a study of SN 2009js in NGC 918. Multi-band Kanata optical photometry covering the first ~120 days show the source to be a Type IIP SN. Reddening is dominated by that due to our Galaxy. One-year-post-explosion photometry with the NTT, and a Subaru optical spectrum 16 days post-discovery, both imply a good match with the well-studied subluminous SN 2005cs. The plateau phase luminosity of SN 2009js and its plateau duration are more similar to the intermediate luminosity IIP SN 2008in. Thus, SN 2009js shares characteristics with both subluminous and intermediate luminosity SNe. Its radioactive tail luminosity lies between SN 2005cs and SN 2008in, whereas its quasi-bolometric luminosity decline from peak to plateau (quantified by a newly-defined parameter Delta[logL] measuring adiabatic cooling following shock breakout) is much smaller than both the others. We estimate the ejected mass of 56Ni to be low (~0.007 Msun). The SN explosion energy appears to have been small, similar to SN 2005cs. SN 2009js is the first subluminous SN IIP to be studied in the mid-infrared. It was serendipitously caught by Spitzer at very early times. In addition, it was detected by WISE 105 days later with a significant 4.6 micron flux excess above the photosphere. The infrared excess luminosity relative to the photosphere is clearly smaller than that of SN 2004dj extensively studied in the mid-infrared. The excess may be tentatively assigned to heated dust with mass ~3e-5 Msun, or to CO fundamental emission as a precursor to dust formation.
We present the results of a search for extended X-ray sources and their corresponding galaxy groups from 800-ks Chandra coverage of the All-wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS). This yields one of the largest X-ray selected galaxy group catalogs from a blind survey to date. The red-sequence technique and spectroscopic redshifts allow us to identify 100$%$ of reliable sources, leading to a catalog of 52 galaxy groups. The groups span the redshift range $zsim0.066-1.544$ and virial mass range $M_{200}sim1.34times 10^{13}-1.33times 10^{14}M_odot$. For the 49 extended sources which lie within DEEP2 and DEEP3 Galaxy Redshift Survey coverage, we identify spectroscopic counterparts and determine velocity dispersions. We select member galaxies by applying different cuts along the line of sight or in projected spatial coordinates. A constant cut along the line of sight can cause a large scatter in scaling relations in low-mass or high-mass systems depending on the size of cut. A velocity dispersion based virial radius can more overestimate velocity dispersion in comparison to X-ray based virial radius for low mass systems. There is no significant difference between these two radial cuts for more massive systems. Independent of radial cut, overestimation of velocity dispersion can be created in case of existence of significant substructure and also compactness in X-ray emission which mostly occur in low mass systems. We also present a comparison between X-ray galaxy groups and optical galaxy groups detected using the Voronoi-Delaunay method (VDM) for DEEP2 data in this field.
We present a photometric and spectroscopic study of galaxies at 0.5<z<1 as a function of environment based on data from the zCOSMOS survey. There is a fair amount of evidence that galaxy properties depend on mass of groups and clusters, in the sense that quiescent galaxies prefer more massive systems. We base our analysis on a mass-selected environment using X-ray groups of galaxies and define the group membership using a large number of spectroscopic redshifts from zCOSMOS. We show that the fraction of red galaxies is higher in groups than in the field at all redshifts probed in our study. Interestingly, the fraction of [OII] emitters on the red sequence increases at higher redshifts in groups, while the fraction does not strongly evolve in the field. This is due to increased dusty star formation activities and/or increased activities of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in high redshift groups. We study these possibilities using the 30-band photometry and X-ray data. We find that the stellar population of the red [OII] emitters in groups is old and there is no clear hint of dusty star formation activities in those galaxies. The observed increase of red [OII] emitters in groups is likely due to increased AGN activities. However, our overall statistics is poor and any firm conclusions need to be drawn from a larger statistical sample of z~1 groups.
70 - A.W. Zirm , S. Toft , M. Tanaka 2011
We present a high spatial-resolution HST/NICMOS imaging survey in the field of a known protocluster surrounding the powerful radio galaxy MRC1138-262 at z=2.16. Previously, we have shown that this field exhibits a substantial surface overdensity of red J-H galaxies. Here we focus on the stellar masses and galaxy effective radii in an effort to compare and contrast the properties of likely protocluster galaxies with their field counterparts and to look for correlations between galaxy structure and (projected) distance relative to the radio galaxy. We find a hint that quiescent, cluster galaxies are on average less dense than quiescent field galaxies of similar stellar mass and redshift. In fact, we find only two (of nine) quiescent protocluster galaxies are of simliar density to the majority of the massive, quiescent compact galaxies (SEEDs) found in several field surveys. Furthermore, there is some indication that the structural Sersic n parameter is higher (n ~ 3-4) on average for cluster galaxies compared to the field SEEDs (n ~ 1-2) This result may imply that the accelerated galaxy evolution expected (and observed) in overdense regions also extends to structural evolution presuming that massive galaxies began as dense (low n) SEEDs and have already evolved to be more in line with local galaxies of the same stellar mass.
We present the results of a search for galaxy clusters in Subaru-XMM Deep Field. We reach a depth for a total cluster flux in the 0.5-2 keV band of 2x10^{-15} ergs cm^{-2} s^{-1} over one of the widest XMM-Newton contiguous raster surveys, covering an area of 1.3 square degrees. Cluster candidates are identified through a wavelet detection of extended X-ray emission. The red sequence technique allows us to identify 57 cluster candidates. We report on the progress with the cluster spectroscopic follow-up and derive their properties based on the X-ray luminosity and cluster scaling relations. In addition, 3 sources are identified as X-ray counterparts of radio lobes, and in 3 further sources, X-ray counterpart of radio lobes provides a significant fraction of the total flux of the source. In the area covered by NIR data, our identification success rate achieves 86%. We detect a number of radio galaxies within our groups and for a luminosity-limited sample of radio galaxies we compute halo occupation statistics using a marked cluster mass function. We compare the cluster detection statistics in the SXDF with the predictions of concordance cosmology and current knowledge of the X-ray cluster properties, concluding that a reduction of concordance sigma_8 value by 5% is required in order to match the prediction of the model and the data. This conclusion still needs verification through the completion of cluster follow-up.
We report on the spectroscopic confirmation of a huge cosmic structure around the CL0016 cluster at z=0.55. We made wide-field imaging observations of the surrounding regions of the cluster and identified more than 30 concentrations of red galaxies near the cluster redshift. The follow-up spectroscopic observations of the most prominent part of the structure confirmed 14 systems close to the cluster redshift, roughly half of which have a positive probability of being bound to the cluster dynamically. We also made an X-ray follow-up, which detected extended X-ray emissions from 70% of the systems in the X-ray surveyed region. The observed structure is among the richest ever observed in the distant Universe. It will be an ideal site for quantifying environmental variations in the galaxy properties and effects of large-scale structure on galaxy evolution.
Recent wide-field imaging observations of the X-ray luminous cluster RDCSJ1252.9-2927 at z=1.24 uncovered several galaxy groups that appear to be embedded in filamentary structure extending from the cluster core. We make a spectroscopic study of the galaxies in these groups using GMOS on Gemini-South and FORS2 on VLT with the aim of determining if these galaxies are physically associated to the cluster. We find that three groups contain galaxies at the cluster redshift and that they are probably bound to the cluster. This is the first confirmation of filamentary structure as traced by galaxy groups at z>1. We then use several spectral features in the FORS2 spectra to determine the star formation histories of group galaxies. We find a population of relatively red star-forming galaxies in the groups that are absent from the cluster core. While similarly red star forming galaxies can also be found in the field, the average strength of the hd line is systematically weaker in group galaxies. Interestingly, these groups at z=1.2 are in an environment in which the on-going build-up of red sequence is happening. The unusual line strengths can be explained by star formation that is heavily obscured by dust. We hypothesize that galaxy-galaxy interactions, which is more efficient in the group environment, is the mechanism that drives these dust obscured star formation. The hypothesis can be tested by obtaining spectral observations in the near-IR, high resolution imaging observations and observations in the mid-IR.
We present a photometric survey of the stellar halo of the Andromeda galaxy, using Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope. A detailed analysis of VI color-magnitude diagrams of the resolved stellar population is used to measure properties such as line-of-sight distance, surface brightness, metallicity, and age, and these are used to isolate and characterize different components of the M31 halo: (1) several substructures, and (2) the smooth halo. First, we study M31s halo substructure along the north-west/south-east minor axis out to R ~ 100 kpc and the south-west major axis region at R ~ 60 kpc. We confirm two substructures in the south-east halo reported by Ibata et al. (2007) and discover two overdense substructures in the north-west halo. We investigate the properties of these four substructures as well as other structures including the western shelf and find that differences in stellar populations among these systems, thereby suggesting each has a different origin. Our statistical analysis implies that the M31 halo as a whole may contain at least 16 substructures, each with a different origin. Second, we investigate the properties of an underlying, smooth and extended halo component out to R > 100 kpc. We find that the surface density of this smooth halo can be fitted to a Hernquist model of scale radius ~ 17 kpc or a power-law profile with ~ R^{-2.17 +/- 0.15}. In contrast to the relative smoothness of the halo density profile, its metallicity distribution appears to be spatially non-uniform with non-monotonic variations with radius, suggesting that the halo population has not had sufficient time to dynamically homogenize the accreted populations. Further implications for the formation of the M31 halo are discussed.
112 - C. Lidman , P. Rosati , M. Tanaka 2008
We use HAWK-I, the recently-commissioned near-IR imager on Yepun (VLT-UT4), to obtain wide-field, high-resolution images of the X-ray luminous galaxy cluster XMMU J2235.3-2557 in the J and Ks bands, and we use these images to build a colour-magnitude diagram of cluster galaxies. Galaxies in the core of the cluster form a tight red sequence with a mean J-Ks colour of 1.9 (Vega system). The intrinsic scatter in the colour of galaxies that lie on the red sequence is similar to that measured for galaxies on the red sequence of the Coma cluster. The slope and location of the red sequence can be modelled by passively evolving the red sequence of the Coma cluster backwards in time. Using simple stellar population (SSP) models, we find that galaxies in the core of XMMU J2235.3-2557 are, even at z=1.39, already 3 Gyr old, corresponding to a formation redshift of z ~ 4. Outside the core, the intrinsic scatter and the fraction of galaxies actively forming stars increase substantially. Using SSP models, we find that most of these galaxies will join the red sequence within 1.5 Gyr. The contrast between galaxies in the cluster core and galaxies in the cluster outskirts indicates that the red sequence of XMMU J2235.3-2557 is being built from the dense cluster core outwards.

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