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In one-dimensional quantum systems with strong long-range repulsion particles arrange in a quasi-periodic chain, the Wigner crystal. We demonstrate that besides the familiar phonons, such one-dimensional Wigner crystal supports an additional mode of elementary excitations, which can be identified with solitons in the classical limit. We compute the corresponding excitation spectrum and argue that the solitons have a parametrically small decay rate at low energies. We discuss implications of our results for the behavior of the dynamic structure factor.
We study elementary excitations of a system of one-dimensional bosons with weak contact repulsion. We show that the Gross-Pitaevskii regime, in which the excitations are the well-known Bogoliubov quasiparticles and dark solitons, does not extend to the low energy limit. Instead, the spectra of both excitations have finite curvatures at zero momentum, in agreement with the phenomenological picture of fermionic quasiparticles. We describe analytically the crossover between the Gross-Pitaevskii and the low-energy regimes, and discuss implications of our results for the behavior of the dynamic structure factor.
We study inelastic decay of bosonic excitations in a Luttinger liquid. In a model with linear excitation spectrum the decay rate diverges. We show that this difficulty is resolved when the interaction between constituent particles is strong, and the excitation spectrum is nonlinear. Although at low energies the nonlinearity is weak, it regularizes the divergence in the decay rate. We develop a theoretical description of the approach of the system to thermal equilibrium. The typical relaxation rate scales as the fifth power of temperature.
We consider a longitudinal expansion of a one-dimensional gas of hard-core bosons suddenly released from a trap. We show that the broken translational invariance in the initial state of the system is encoded in correlations between the bosonic occupation numbers in the momentum space. The correlations are protected by the integrability and exhibit no relaxation during the expansion.
We show that the dynamic structure factor of a one-dimensional Bose liquid has a power-law singularity defining the main mode of collective excitations. Using the Lieb-Liniger model, we evaluate the corresponding exponent as a function of the wave vector and the interaction strength.

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