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Enforcing a non-classical behavior in mesoscopic systems is important for the study of the boundaries between quantum and classical world. Recent experiments have shown that optomechanical devices are promising candidates to pursue such investigations. Here we consider two different setups where the indirect coupling between a three-level atom and the movable mirrors of a cavity is achieved. The resulting dynamics is able to conditionally prepare a non-classical state of the mirrors by means of projective measurements operated over a pure state of the atomic system. The non-classical features are persistent against incoherent thermal preparation of the mechanical systems and their dissipative dynamics.
The information encoded in a quantum system is generally spoiled by the influences of its environment, leading to a transition from pure to mixed states. Reducing the mixedness of a state is a fundamental step in the quest for a feasible implementation of quantum technologies. Here we show that it is impossible to transfer part of such mixedness to a trash system without losing some of the initial information. Such loss is lower-bounded by a value determined by the properties of the initial state to purify. We discuss this interesting phenomenon and its consequences for general quantum information theory, linking it to the information theoretical primitive embodied by the quantum state-merging protocol and to the behaviour of general quantum correlations.
Starting from a four-partite photonic hyper-entangled Dicke resource, we report the full tomographic characterization of three-, two-, and one-qubit states obtained by projecting out part of the computational register. The reduced states thus obtained correspond to fidelities with the expected states larger than 87%, therefore certifying the faithfulness of the entanglement-sharing structure within the original four-qubit resource. The high quality of the reduced three-qubit state allows for the experimental verification of the Koashi-Winter relation for the monogamy of correlations within a tripartite state. We show that, by exploiting the symmetries of the three-qubit state obtained upon projection over the four-qubit Dicke resource, such relation can be experimentally fully characterized using only 5 measurement settings. We highlight the limitations of such approach and sketch an experimentally-oriented way to overcome them.
We study the dissipative dynamics of two independent arrays of many-body systems, locally driven by a common entangled field. We show that in the steady state the entanglement of the driving field is reproduced in an arbitrarily large series of inter-array entangled pairs over all distances. Local nonclassical driving thus realizes a scale-free entanglement replication and long-distance entanglement distribution mechanism that has immediate bearing on the implementation of quantum communication networks.
123 - L. Mazzola , M. Paternostro 2011
We present a scheme to prepare quantum correlated states of two mechanical systems based on the pouring of pre-available all-optical entanglement into the state of two micro-mirrors belonging to remote and non-interacting optomechanical cavities. We show that, under realistic experimental conditions, the protocol allows for the preparation of a genuine quantum state of a composite mesoscopic system whose non-classical features extend far beyond the occurrence of entanglement. We finally discuss a way to access such mechanical correlations.
Although a complete picture of the full evolution of complex quantum systems would certainly be the most desirable goal, for particular Quantum Information Processing schemes such an analysis is not necessary. When quantum correlations between only specific elements of a many-body system are required for the performance of a protocol, a more distinguished and specialised investigation is helpful. Here, we provide a striking example with the achievement of perfect state transfer in a spin chain without state initialisation, whose realisation has been shown to be possible in virtue of the correlations set between the first and last spin of the transmission-chain.
We study the changes in the spatial distribution of vortices in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate due to an increasing anisotropy of the trapping potential. Once the rotational symmetry is broken, we find that the vortex system undergoes a rich variety of structural changes, including the formation of zig-zag and linear configurations. These spatial re-arrangements are well signaled by the change in the behavior of the vortex-pattern eigenmodes against the anisotropy parameter. The existence of such structural changes opens up possibilities for the coherent exploitation of effective many-body systems based on vortex patterns.
Many-electron systems confined to a quasi-1D geometry by a cylindrical distribution of positive charge have been investigated by density functional computations in the unrestricted local spin density approximation. Our investigations have been focused on the low density regime, in which electrons are localised. The results reveal a wide variety of different charge and spin configurations, including linear and zig-zag chains, single and double-strand helices, and twisted chains of dimers. The spin-spin coupling turns from weakly anti-ferromagnetic at relatively high density, to weakly ferromagnetic at the lowest densities considered in our computations. The stability of linear chains of localised charge has been investigated by analysing the radial dependence of the self-consistent potential and by computing the dispersion relation of low-energy harmonic excitations.
We propose a scheme for the determination of the coupling parameters in a chain of interacting spins. This requires only time-resolved measurements over a single particle, simple data post-processing and no state initialization or prior knowledge of the state of the chain. The protocol fits well into the context of quantum-dynamics characterization and is efficient even when the spin-chain is affected by general dissipative and dephasing channels. We illustrate the performance of the scheme by analyzing explicit examples and discuss possible extensions.
We demonstrate that perfect state transfer can be achieved using an engineered spin chain and clean local end-chain operations, without requiring the initialization of the state of the medium nor fine tuning of control-pulses. This considerably relaxes the prerequisites for obtaining reliable transfer of quantum information across interacting-spin systems. Moreover, it allows us to shed light on the interplay among purity, entanglement and operations on a class of many-body systems potentially useful for quantum information processing tasks.

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