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Magnetic excitations in the optimally doped high-$T_mathrm{c}$ superconductor Bi$_{1.5}$Pb$_{0.55}$Sr$_{1.6}$La$_{0.4}$CuO$_{6+delta}$ (OP-Bi2201, $T_mathrm{c}simeq 34$ K) are investigated by Cu $L_3$ edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS), below and above the pseudogap opening temperature. At both temperatures the broad spectral distribution disperses along the (1,0) direction up to $sim$350~meV at zone boundary, similarly to other hole-doped cuprates. However, above $sim$0.22 reciprocal lattice units, we observe a concurrent intensity decrease for magnetic excitations and quasi-elastic signals with weak temperature dependence. This anomaly seems to indicate a coupling between magnetic, lattice and charge modes in this compound. We also compare the magnetic excitation spectra near the anti-nodal zone boundary in the single layer OP-Bi2201 and in the bi-layer optimally doped Bi$_{1.5}$Pb$_{0.6}$Sr$_{1.54}$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+delta}$ (OP-Bi2212, $T_mathrm{c}simeq96$ K). The strong similarities in the paramagnon dispersion and in their energy at zone boundary indicate that the strength of the super-exchange interaction and the short-range magnetic correlation cannot be directly related to $T_mathrm{c}$, not even within the same family of cuprates.
We have studied local magnetic moment and electronic phase separation in superconducting K$_{x}$Fe$_{2-y}$Se$_2$ by x-ray emission and absorption spectroscopy. Detailed temperature dependent measurements at the Fe K-edge have revealed coexisting electronic phases and their correlation with the transport properties. By cooling down, the local magnetic moment of Fe shows a sharp drop across the superconducting transition temperature (T$_c$) and the coexisting phases exchange spectral weights with the low spin state gaining intensity at the expense of the higher spin state. After annealing the sample across the iron-vacancy order temperature, the system does not recover the initial state and the spectral weight anomaly at T$_c$ as well as superconductivity disappear. The results clearly underline that the coexistence of the low spin and high spin phases and the transitions between them provide unusual magnetic fluctuations and have a fundamental role in the superconducting mechanism of electronically inhomogeneous K$_{x}$Fe$_{2-y}$Se$_2$ system.
In CaIrO3 electronic correlation, spin-orbit coupling, and tetragonal crystal field splitting are predicted to be of comparable strength. However, the nature of its ground state is still object of debate, with contradictory experimental and theoretical results. We probe the ground state of CaIrO3 and assess the effective tetragonal crystal field splitting and spin-orbit coupling at play in this system by means of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. We conclude that insulating CaIrO3 is not a jeff = 1/2 iridate and discuss the consequences of our finding to the interpretation of previous experiments. In particular, we clarify how the Mott insulating state in iridates can be readily extended beyond the jeff = 1/2 ground state.
We present RIXS data at O K edge from La2-xSrxCuO4 vs. doping between x=0.10 and x=0.22 with attention to the magnetic excitations in the Mid-Infrared region. The sampling done by RIXS is the same as in the undoped cuprates provided the excitation is at the first pre-peak induced by doping. Note that this excitation energy is about 1.5 eV lower than that needed to see bimagnons in the parent compound. This approach allows the study of the upper region of the bimagnon continuum around 450 meV within about one third of the Brilluoin Zone around Gamma. The results show the presence of damped bimagnons and of higher even order spin excitations with almost constant spectral weight at all the dopings explored here. The implications on high Tc studies are briefly addressed.
We measured high resolution Cu $L_3$ edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) of the undoped cuprates La$_2$CuO$_4$, Sr$_2$CuO$_2$Cl$_2$, CaCuO$_2$ and NdBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_6$. The dominant spectral features were assigned to $dd$ excitations and we extensively studied their polarization and scattering geometry dependence. In a pure ionic picture, we calculated the theoretical cross sections for those excitations and used them to fit the experimental data with excellent agreement. By doing so, we were able to determine the energy and symmetry of Cu-3$d$ states for the four systems with unprecedented accuracy and confidence. The values of the effective parameters could be obtained for the single ion crystal field model but not for a simple two-dimensional cluster model. The firm experimental assessment of $dd$ excitation energies carries important consequences for the physics of high $T_c$ superconductors. On one hand, having found that the minimum energy of orbital excitation is always $geq 1.4$ eV, i.e., well above the mid-infrared spectral range, leaves to magnetic excitations (up to 300 meV) a major role in Cooper pairing in cuprates. On the other hand, it has become possible to study quantitatively the effective influence of $dd$ excitations on the superconducting gap in cuprates.
Using high-resolution resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS), we performed a momentum-resolved study of magnetic excitations in the model spin-1/2 2D antiferromagnetic insulator Sr_2CuCl_2O_2. We identify both a single-spin-wave feature and a multi-magnon continuum, and show that the X-ray polarization can be used to distinguish these two contributions in the cross-section. The spin-waves display a large (70 meV) dispersion between the zone-boundary points ($pi$,0) and ($pi$/2,$pi$/2). Employing an extended $t$-$t$-$t$-$U$ one-band Hubbard model, we find significant electronic hopping beyond nearest-neighbor Cu ions. We conclude that sizeable extended magnetic interactions are present in scoc{} and probably important in all undoped cuprates.

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