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We investigate the capabilities of various stages of the SKA to perform world-leading weak gravitational lensing surveys. We outline a way forward to develop the tools needed for pursuing weak lensing in the radio band. We identify the key analysis challenges and the key pathfinder experiments that will allow us to address them in the run up to the SKA. We identify and summarize the unique and potentially very powerful aspects of radio weak lensing surveys, facilitated by the SKA, that can solve major challenges in the field of weak lensing. These include the use of polarization and rotational velocity information to control intrinsic alignments, and the new area of weak lensing using intensity mapping experiments. We show how the SKA lensing surveys will both complement and enhance corresponding efforts in the optical wavebands through cross-correlation techniques and by way of extending the reach of weak lensing to high redshift.
We outline the prospects for performing pioneering radio weak gravitational lensing analyses using observations from a potential forthcoming JVLA Sky Survey program. A large-scale survey with the JVLA can offer interesting and unique opportunities for performing weak lensing studies in the radio band, a field which has until now been the preserve of optical telescopes. In particular, the JVLA has the capacity for large, deep radio surveys with relatively high angular resolution, which are the key characteristics required for a successful weak lensing study. We highlight the potential advantages and unique aspects of performing weak lensing in the radio band. In particular, the inclusion of continuum polarisation information can greatly reduce noise in weak lensing reconstructions and can also remove the effects of intrinsic galaxy alignments, the key astrophysical systematic effect that limits weak lensing at all wavelengths. We identify a VLASS deep fields program (total area ~10-20 square degs), to be conducted at L-band and with high-resolution (A-array configuration), as the optimal survey strategy from the point of view of weak lensing science. Such a survey will build on the unique strengths of the JVLA and will remain unsurpassed in terms of its combination of resolution and sensitivity until the advent of the Square Kilometre Array. We identify the best fields on the JVLA-accessible sky from the point of view of overlapping with existing deep optical and near infra-red data which will provide crucial redshift information and facilitate a host of additional compelling multi-wavelength science.
BINGO is a concept for performing a 21cm intensity mapping survey using a single dish telescope. We briefly discuss the idea of intensity mapping and go on to define our single dish concept. This involves a sim 40 m dish with an array of sim 50 feed horns placed sim 90 m above the dish using a pseudo-correlation detection system based on room temperature LNAs and one of the celestial poles as references. We discuss how such an array operating between 960 and 1260 MHz could be used to measure the acoustic scale to 2.4% over the redshift range 0.13<z<0.48 in around 1 year of on-source integration time by performing a 10 deg times 200 deg drift scan survey with a resolution of sim 2/3 deg.
We present an improved analysis of the final dataset from the QUaD experiment. Using an improved technique to remove ground contamination, we double the effective sky area and hence increase the precision of our CMB power spectrum measurements by ~30% versus that previously reported. In addition, we have improved our modeling of the instrument beams and have reduced our absolute calibration uncertainty from 5% to 3.5% in temperature. The robustness of our results is confirmed through extensive jackknife tests and by way of the agreement we find between our two fully independent analysis pipelines. For the standard 6-parameter LCDM model, the addition of QUaD data marginally improves the constraints on a number of cosmological parameters over those obtained from the WMAP experiment alone. The impact of QUaD data is significantly greater for a model extended to include either a running in the scalar spectral index, or a possible tensor component, or both. Adding both the QUaD data and the results from the ACBAR experiment, the uncertainty in the spectral index running is reduced by ~25% compared to WMAP alone, while the upper limit on the tensor-to-scalar ratio is reduced from r < 0.48 to r < 0.33 (95% c.l). This is the strongest limit on tensors to date from the CMB alone. We also use our polarization measurements to place constraints on parity violating interactions to the surface of last scattering, constraining the energy scale of Lorentz violating interactions to < 1.5 x 10^{-43} GeV (68% c.l.). Finally, we place a robust upper limit on the strength of the lensing B-mode signal. Assuming a single flat band power between l = 200 and l = 2000, we constrain the amplitude of B-modes to be < 0.57 micro-K^2 (95% c.l.).

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