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Based on an analysis of data obtained with the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) we report the identification of two distinct stellar populations in the core of the giant HII region 30Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The most compact and richest component coincides with the center of R136 and is ~1 Myr younger than a second more diffuse clump, located ~5.4 pc toward the northeast. We note that published spectral types of massive stars in these two clumps lend support to the proposed age difference. The morphology and age difference between the two sub-clusters suggests that an ongoing merger may occurring within the core of 30Doradus. This finding is consistent with the predictions of models of hierarchical fragmentation of turbulent giant molecular clouds, according to which star clusters would be the final products of merging smaller sub-structures.
57 - N. Bastian , A. Adamo , M. Gieles 2011
Using multi-wavelength imaging from the Wide Field Camera 3 on the Hubble Space Telescope we study the stellar cluster populations of two adjacent fields in the nearby face-on spiral galaxy, M83. The observations cover the galactic centre and reach out to ~6 kpc, thereby spanning a large range of environmental conditions, ideal for testing empirical laws of cluster disruption. The clusters are selected by visual inspection to be centrally concentrated, symmetric, and resolved on the images. We find that a large fraction of objects detected by automated algorithms (e.g. SExtractor or Daofind) are not clusters, but rather are associations. These are likely to disperse into the field on timescales of tens of Myr due to their lower stellar densities and not due to gas expulsion (i.e. they were never gravitationally bound). We split the sample into two discrete fields (inner and outer regions of the galaxy) and search for evidence of environmentally dependent cluster disruption. Colour-colour diagrams of the clusters, when compared to simple stellar population models, already indicate that a much larger fraction of the clusters in the outer field are older by tens of Myr than in the inner field. This impression is quantified by estimating each clusters properties (age, mass, and extinction) and comparing the age/mass distributions between the two fields. Our results are inconsistent with universal age and mass distributions of clusters, and instead show that the ambient environment strongly affects the observed populations.
323 - H. Sana , Y. Momany , M. Gieles 2010
We present adaptive optics (AO) near-infrared observations of the core of the Tr 14 cluster in the Carina region obtained with the ESO multi-conjugate AO demonstrator, MAD. Our campaign yields AO-corrected observations with an image quality of about 0.2 arcsec across the 2 arcmin field of view, which is the widest AO mosaic ever obtained. We detected almost 2000 sources spanning a dynamic range of 10 mag. The pre-main sequence (PMS) locus in the colour-magnitude diagram is well reproduced by Palla & Stahler isochrones with an age of 3 to 5 1E+05 yr, confirming the very young age of the cluster. We derive a very high (deprojected) central density n0~4.5(+/-0.5) times 10^4 pc^-3 and estimate the total mass of the cluster to be about ~4.3^{+3.3}_{-1.5} times 10^3 Msun, although contamination of the field of view might have a significant impact on the derived mass. We show that the pairing process is largely dominated by chance alignment so that physical pairs are difficult to disentangle from spurious ones based on our single epoch observation. Yet, we identify 150 likely bound pairs, 30% of these with a separation smaller than 0.5 arcsec (~1300AU). We further show that at the 2-sigma level massive stars have more companions than lower-mass stars and that those companions are respectively brighter on average, thus more massive. Finally, we find some hints of mass segregation for stars heavier than about 10 Msun. If confirmed, the observed degree of mass segregation could be explained by dynamical evolution, despite the young age of the cluster.
107 - M. Gieles 2009
Many young extra-galactic clusters have a measured velocity dispersion that is too high for the mass derived from their age and total luminosity, which has led to the suggestion that they are not in virial equilibrium. Most of these clusters are confined to a narrow age range centred around 10 Myr because of observational constraints. At this age the cluster light is dominated by luminous evolved stars, such as red supergiants, with initial masses of ~13-22 Msun for which (primordial) binarity is high. In this study we investigate to what extent the observed excess velocity dispersion is the result of the orbital motions of binaries. We demonstrate that estimates for the dynamical mass of young star clusters, derived from the observed velocity dispersion, exceed the photometric mass by up-to a factor of 10 and are consistent with a constant offset in the square of the velocity dispersion. This can be reproduced by models of virialised star clusters hosting a massive star population of which ~25 is in binaries, with typical mass ratios of ~0.6 and periods of ~1000 days. We conclude that binaries play a pivotal role in deriving the dynamical masses of young (~10 Myr) moderately massive and compact (<1e5 Msun; > 1 pc) star clusters.
292 - M. Gieles 2008
The projected distribution of stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) from the Magellanic Clouds Photometric Survey is analysed. Stars of different ages are selected via criteria based on V magnitude and V-I colour, and the degree of `grouping as a function of age is studied. We quantify the degree of structure using the two-point correlation function and a method based on the Minimum Spanning Tree and find that the overall structure of the SMC is evolving from a high degree of sub-structure at young ages (~10 Myr) to a smooth radial density profile. This transition is gradual and at ~75 Myr the distribution is statistically indistinguishable from the background SMC distribution. This time-scale corresponds to approximately the dynamical crossing time of stars in the SMC. The spatial positions of the star clusters in the SMC show a similar evolution of spatial distribution with age. Our analysis suggests that stars form with a high degree of (fractal) sub-structure, probably imprinted by the turbulent nature of the gas from which they form, which is erased by random motions in the galactic potential on a time-scale of a galactic crossing time.
92 - N. Bastian 2008
We present an analysis of the spatial distribution of various stellar populations within the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. We use optically selected stellar samples with mean ages between ~9 and ~1000 Myr, and existing stellar cluster catalogues to investigate how stellar structures form and evolve within the LMC/SMC. We use two statistical techniques to study the evolution of structure within these galaxies, the $Q$-parameter and the two-point correlation function (TPCF). In both galaxies we find the stars are born with a high degree of substructure (i.e. are highly fractal) and that the stellar distribution approaches that of the background population on timescales similar to the crossing times of the galaxy (~80/150 Myr for the SMC/LMC respectively). By comparing our observations to simple models of structural evolution we find that popping star clusters do not significantly influence structural evolution in these galaxies. Instead we argue that general galactic dynamics are the main drivers, and that substructure will be erased in approximately the crossing time, regardless of spatial scale, from small clusters to whole galaxies. This can explain why many young Galactic clusters have high degrees of substructure, while others are smooth and centrally concentrated. We conclude with a general discussion on cluster infant mortality, in an attempt to clarify the time/spatial scales involved.
111 - M. Gieles 2008
We study the escape rate, dN/dt, from clusters with different radii in a tidal field using analytical predictions and direct N-body simulations. We find that dN/dt depends on the ratio R=r_h/r_j, where r_h is the half-mass radius and r_j the radius of the zero-velocity surface. For R>0.05, the tidal regime, there is almost no dependence of dN/dt on R. To first order this is because the fraction of escapers per relaxation time, t_rh, scales approximately as R^1.5, which cancels out the r_h^1.5 term in t_rh. For R<0.05, the isolated regime, dN/dt scales as R^-1.5. Clusters that start with their initial R, Ri, in the tidal regime dissolve completely in this regime and their t_dis is insensitive to the initial r_h. We predicts that clusters that start with Ri<0.05 always expand to the tidal regime before final dissolution. Their t_dis has a shallower dependence on Ri than what would be expected when t_dis is a constant times t_rh. For realistic values of Ri, the lifetime varies by less than a factor of 1.5 due to changes in Ri. This implies that the survival diagram for globular clusters should allow for more small clusters to survive. We note that with our result it is impossible to explain the universal peaked mass function of globular cluster systems by dynamical evolution from a power-law initial mass function, since the peak will be at lower masses in the outer parts of galaxies. Our results finally show that in the tidal regime t_dis scales as N^0.65/w, with w the angular frequency of the cluster in the host galaxy. [ABRIDGED]
48 - N. Bastian 2008
The observed properties of young star clusters, such as the core radius and luminosity profile, change rapidly during the early evolution of the clusters. Here we present observations of 6 young clusters in M51 where we derive their sizes using HST imaging and ages using deep Gemini-North spectroscopy. We find evidence for a rapid expansion of the cluster cores during the first 20 Myr of their evolution. We confirm this trend by including data from the literature of both Galactic and extra-galactic embedded and young clusters, and possible mechanisms (rapid gas removal, stellar evolutionary mass-loss, and internal dynamical heating) are discussed. We explore the implications of this result, focussing on the fact that clusters were more concentrated in the past, implying that their stellar densities were much higher and relaxation times correspondingly shorter. Thus, when estimating if a particular cluster is dynamically relaxed, (i.e. when determining if a clusters mass segregation is due to primordial or dynamical processes), the current relaxation time is only an upper-limit, with the relaxation time likely being significantly shorter in the past.
356 - M. Gieles 2007
We re-analyze the age distribution (dN/dt) of star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) using age determinations based on the Magellanic Cloud Photometric Survey. For ages younger than 3x10^9 yr the dN/dt distribution can be approximated by a power-law distribution, dN/dt propto t^-beta, with -beta=-0.70+/-0.05 or -beta=-0.84+/-0.04, depending on the model used to derive the ages. Predictions for a cluster population without dissolution limited by a V-band detection result in a power-law dN/dt distribution with an index of ~-0.7. This is because the limiting cluster mass increases with age, due to evolutionary fading of clusters, reducing the number of observed clusters at old ages. When a mass cut well above the limiting cluster mass is applied, the dN/dt distribution is flat up to 1 Gyr. We conclude that cluster dissolution is of small importance in shaping the dN/dt distribution and incompleteness causes dN/dt to decline. The reason that no (mass independent) infant mortality of star clusters in the first ~10-20 Myr is found is explained by a detection bias towards clusters without nebular emission, i.e. cluster that have survived the infant mortality phase. The reason we find no evidence for tidal (mass dependent) cluster dissolution in the first Gyr is explained by the weak tidal field of the SMC. Our results are in sharp contrast to the interpretation of Chandar et al. (2006), who interpret the declining dN/dt distribution as rapid cluster dissolution. This is due to their erroneous assumption that the sample is limited by cluster mass, rather than luminosity.
87 - N. Bastian 2007
Star-formation within galaxies appears on multiple scales, from spiral structure, to OB associations, to individual star clusters, and often sub-structure within these clusters. This multitude of scales calls for objective methods to find and classify star-forming regions, regardless of spatial size. To this end, we present an analysis of star-forming groups in the local group spiral galaxy M33, based on a new implementation of the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) method. Unlike previous studies which limited themselves to a single spatial scale, we study star-forming structures from the effective resolution limit (~20pc) to kpc scales. We find evidence for a continuum of star-forming group sizes, from pc to kpc scales. We do not find a characteristic scale for OB associations, unlike that found in previous studies, and we suggest that the appearance of such a scale was caused by spatial resolution and selection effects. The luminosity function of the groups is found to be well represented by a power-law with an index, -2, similar to that found for clusters and GMCs. Additionally, the groups follow a similar mass-radius relation as GMCs. The size distribution of the groups is best described by a log-normal distribution and we show that within a hierarchical distribution, if a scale is selected to find structure, the resulting size distribution will have a log-normal distribution. We find an abrupt drop of the number of groups outside a galactic radius of ~4kpc, suggesting a change in the structure of the star-forming ISM, possibly reflected in the lack of GMCs beyond this radius. (abridged)

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