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82 - M. Dalmonte , W. Lechner , Zi Cai 2015
We investigate the quantum phases of hard-core bosonic atoms in an extended Hubbard model where particles interact via soft-shoulder potentials in one dimension. Using a combination of field-theoretical methods and strong-coupling perturbation theory, we demonstrate that the low-energy phase can be a conformal cluster Luttinger liquid (CLL) phase with central charge $c=1$, where the microscopic degrees of freedom correspond to mesoscopic ensembles of particles. Using numerical density-matrix-renormalization-group methods, we demonstrate that the CLL phase, first predicted in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 165302 (2013)], is separated from a conventional Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid by an exotic critical point with central charge $c=3/2$. The latter is expression of an emergent conformal supersymmetry, which is not present in the original Hamiltonian. We discuss the observability of the CLL phase in realistic experimental settings with weakly-dressed Rydberg atoms confined to optical lattices. Using quantum Monte-Carlo simulations, we show that the typical features of CLLs are stable up to comparatively high temperatures. Using exact diagonalizations and quantum trajectory methods, we provide a protocol for adiabatic state preparation as well as quantitative estimates on the effects of particle losses.
We propose a novel platform for quantum many body simulations of dipolar spin models using current circuit QED technology. Our basic building blocks are 3D Transmon qubits where we use the naturally occurring dipolar interactions to realize interacting spin systems. This opens the way toward the realization of a broad class of tunable spin models in both two- and one-dimensional geometries. We illustrate the potential offered by these systems in the context of dimerized Majumdar-Ghosh-type phases, archetypical examples of quantum magnetism, showing how such phases are robust against disorder and decoherence, and could be observed within state-of-the-art experiments.
We discuss how to locate critical points in the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) universality class by means of gap-scaling analyses. While accurately determining such points using gap extrapolation procedures is usually challenging and inaccurate due to the exponentially small value of the gap in the vicinity of the critical point, we show that a generic gap-scaling analysis, including the effects of logarithmic corrections, provides very accurate estimates of BKT transition points in a variety of spin and fermionic models. As a first example, we show how the scaling procedure, combined with density-matrix-renormalization-group simulations, performs extremely well in a non-integrable spin-$3/2$ XXZ model, which is known to exhibit strong finite-size effects. We then analyze the extended Hubbard model, whose BKT transition has been debated, finding results that are consistent with previous studies based on the scaling of the Luttinger-liquid parameter. Finally, we investigate an anisotropic extended Hubbard model, for which we present the first estimates of the BKT transition line based on large-scale density-matrix-renormalization-group simulations. Our work demonstrates how gap-scaling analyses can help to locate accurately and efficiently BKT critical points, without relying on model-dependent scaling assumptions.
166 - E. Rico , T. Pichler , M. Dalmonte 2013
We show that gauge invariant quantum link models, Abelian and non-Abelian, can be exactly described in terms of tensor networks states. Quantum link models represent an ideal bridge between high-energy to cold atom physics, as they can be used in cold-atoms in optical lattices to study lattice gauge theories. In this framework, we characterize the phase diagram of a (1+1)-d quantum link version of the Schwinger model in an external classical background electric field: the quantum phase transition from a charge and parity ordered phase with non-zero electric flux to a disordered one with a net zero electric flux configuration is described by the Ising universality class.
We investigate magnetic properties of strongly interacting bosonic mixtures confined in one dimensional geometries, focusing on recently realized Rb-K gases with tunable interspecies interactions. By combining analytical perturbation theory results with density-matrix-renormalization group calculations, we provide quantitative estimates of the ground state phase diagram as a function of the relevant microscopic quantities, identifying the more favorable experimental regimes in order to access the various magnetic phases. Finally, we qualitatively discuss the observability of such phases in realistic setups when finite temperature effects have to be considered.
Using ultracold alkaline-earth atoms in optical lattices, we construct a quantum simulator for U(N) and SU(N) lattice gauge theories with fermionic matter based on quantum link models. These systems share qualitative features with QCD, including chiral symmetry breaking and restoration at non-zero temperature or baryon density. Unlike classical simulations, a quantum simulator does not suffer from sign problems and can address the corresponding chiral dynamics in real time.
Recent experimental breakthroughs in trapping, cooling and controlling ultracold gases of polar molecules, magnetic and Rydberg atoms have paved the way toward the investigation of highly tunable quantum systems, where anisotropic, long-range dipolar interactions play a prominent role at the many-body level. In this article we review recent theoretical studies concerning the physics of such systems. Starting from a general discussion on interaction design techniques and microscopic Hamiltonians, we provide a summary of recent work focused on many-body properties of dipolar systems, including: weakly interacting Bose gases, weakly interacting Fermi gases, multilayer systems, strongly interacting dipolar gases and dipolar gases in 1D and quasi-1D geometries. Within each of these topics, purely dipolar effects and connections with experimental realizations are emphasized.
Using a Fermi-Bose mixture of ultra-cold atoms in an optical lattice, we construct a quantum simulator for a U(1) gauge theory coupled to fermionic matter. The construction is based on quantum links which realize continuous gauge symmetry with discrete quantum variables. At low energies, quantum link models with staggered fermions emerge from a Hubbard-type model which can be quantum simulated. This allows us to investigate string breaking as well as the real-time evolution after a quench in gauge theories, which are inaccessible to classical simulation methods.
We present a systematic investigation of attractive binary mixtures in presence of both spin- and mass-imbalance in one dimensional setups described by the Hubbard model. After discussing typical cold atomic experimental realizations and the relation between microscopic and effective parameters, we study several many-body features of trapped Fermi-Fermi and Bose-Bose mixtures such as density profiles, momentum distributions and correlation functions by means of numerical density-matrix-renormalization-group and Quantum Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, we focus on the stability of Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov, dimer and trimer fluids in inhomogeneous situations, as typically realized in cold gas experiments due to the harmonic confinement. We finally consider possible experimental signatures of these phases both in the presence of a finite polarization and of a finite temperature.
We study the emergence of several magnetic phases in dipolar bosonic gases subject to three-body loss mechanism employing numerical simulations based on the density matrix renormalization group(DMRG) algorithm. After mapping the original Hamiltonian in spin language, we find a strong parallelism between the bosonic theory and the spin-1 Heisenberg model with single ion anisotropy and long-range interactions. A rich phase diagram, including ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic and non-local ordered phases, emerges in the half-filled one-dimensional case, and is preserved even in presence of a trapping potential.

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