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A long-term multi-purpose observational programme has started with HARPS-N@TNG aimed to characterise the global architectural properties of exoplanetary systems. In this first paper we fully characterise the transiting system Qatar-1. We exploit HARPS-N high-precision radial velocity measurements obtained during a transit to measure the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect in the Qatar-1 system, and out-of-transit measurements to redetermine the spectroscopic orbit. New photometric transit light-curves are analysed and a spectroscopic characterisation of the host star atmospheric parameters is performed based on various methods (line equivalent width ratios, spectral synthesis, spectral energy distribution). We achieved a significant improvement in the accuracy of the orbital parameters and derived the spin-orbit alignment of the system; this information, combined with the spectroscopic determination of the host star properties, allows us to derive the fundamental physical parameters for star and planet (masses and radii). The orbital solution for the Qatar-1 system is consistent with a circular orbit and the system presents a sky-projected obliquity of lambda = -8.4+-7.1 deg. The planet, with a mass of 1.33+-0.05 M_J, is found to be significantly more massive than previously reported. The host star is confirmed to be metal-rich ([Fe/H]= 0.20+-0.10) and slowly rotating (vsinI = 1.7+-0.3 km/s), though moderately active, as indicated by strong chromospheric emission in the Ca II H&K line cores (logR_HK about -4.60). The system is well aligned and fits well within the general lambda vs Teff trend. We definitely rule out any significant orbital eccentricity. The evolutionary status of the system is inferred based on gyrochronology, and the present orbital configuration and timescale for orbital decay are discussed in terms of star-planet tidal interactions.
68 - P. Molaro 2012
We reconsider the role of pre-main sequence (pre-MS) Li depletion on the basis of new observational and theoretical evidence: i) new observations of Halpha emissions in young clusters show that mass accretion could be continuing till the first stages of the MS, ii) theoretical implications from helioseismology suggest large overshooting values below the bottom of the convective envelopes. We argue here that a significant pre-MS 7Li destruction, caused by efficient overshoot mixing, could be followed by a matter accretion after 7Li depletion has ceased on MS thus restoring Li almost to the pristine value. As a test case we show that a halo dwarf of 0.85 Msun with an extended overshooting envelope starting with an initial abundance of A(Li) = 2.74 would burn Li completely, but an accretion rate of the type 1e-8xe^{-t/3e6} Msun yr$^{-1}$ would restore Li to end with an A(Li) = 2.31. A self-regulating process is required to produce similar final values in a range of different stellar masses to explain the PopII Spite plateau. However, this framework could explain why open cluster stars have lower Li abundances than the pre-solar nebula, the absence of Li in the most metal poor dwarfs and a number of other features which lack of a satisfactory explanation.
This paper reports a detailed analysis of the optical light curve of PSR B0540-69, the second brightest pulsar in the visible band, obtained in 2009 (Jan. 18 and 20, and Dec. 14, 15, 16, 18) with the very high speed photon counting photometer Iqueye mounted at the ESO 3.6-m NTT in La Silla (Chile). The optical light curve derived by Iqueye shows a double structure in the main peak, with a raising edge steeper than the trailing edge. The double peak can be fitted by two Gaussians with the same height and FWHM of 13.3 and 15.5 ms respectively. Our new values of spin frequencies allow to extend by 3.5 years the time interval over which a reliable estimate of frequency first and second derivatives can be performed. A discussion of implications on the braking index and age of the pulsar is carried out. A value of n = 2.087 +/- 0.007 for the overall braking index from 1987 to 2009 is derived. The braking index corrected age is confirmed around 1700 years.
By weakly measuring the polarization of a photon between two strong polarization measurements, we experimentally investigate the correlation between the appearance of anomalous values in quantum weak measurements, and the violation of realism and non-intrusiveness of measurements. A quantitative formulation of the latter concept is expressed in terms of a Leggett-Garg inequality for the outcomes of subsequent measurements of an individual quantum system. We experimentally violate the Leggett-Garg inequality for several measurement strengths. Furthermore, we experimentally demonstrate that there is a one-to-one correlation between achieving strange weak values and violating the Leggett-Garg inequality.
AIMS : To improve the parameters of the HD 17156 system (peculiar due to the eccentric and long orbital period of its transiting planet) and constrain the presence of stellar companions. METHODS : Photometric data were acquired for 4 transits, and high precision radial velocity measurements were simultaneously acquired with SARG@TNG for one transit. The template spectra of HD 17156 was used to derive effective temperature, gravity, and metallicity. A fit of the photometric and spectroscopic data was performed to measure the stellar and planetary radii, and the spin-orbit alignment. Planet orbital elements and ephemeris were derived from the fit. Near infrared adaptive optic images was acquired with ADOPT@TNG. RESULTS: We have found that the star has a radius of R_S = 1.43+/-0.03 R_sun and the planet R_P =1.02+/-0.08 R_jup. The transit ephemeris is T_c = 2454756.73134+/-0.00020+N*21.21663+/-0.00045 BJD. The analysis of the Rossiter-Mclaughlin effect shows that the system is spin orbit aligned with an angle lambda = 4.8 +/- 5.3 deg. The analysis of high resolution images has not revealed any stellar companion with projected separation between 150 and 1000 AU from HD 17156.
Entanglement is widely believed to lie at the heart of the advantages offered by a quantum computer. This belief is supported by the discovery that a noiseless (pure) state quantum computer must generate a large amount of entanglement in order to offer any speed up over a classical computer. However, deterministic quantum computation with one pure qubit (DQC1), which employs noisy (mixed) states, is an efficient model that generates at most a marginal amount of entanglement. Although this model cannot implement any arbitrary algorithm it can efficiently solve a range of problems of significant importance to the scientific community. Here we experimentally implement a first-order case of a key DQC1 algorithm and explicitly characterise the non-classical correlations generated. Our results show that while there is no entanglement the algorithm does give rise to other non-classical correlations, which we quantify using the quantum discord - a stronger measure of non-classical correlations that includes entanglement as a subset. Our results suggest that discord could replace entanglement as a necessary resource for a quantum computational speed-up. Furthermore, DQC1 is far less resource intensive than universal quantum computing and our implementation in a scalable architecture highlights the model as a practical short-term goal.
62 - R. Alonso 2008
We report on H-band, ground-based observations of a transit of the hot Neptune GJ 436b. Once combined to achieve sampling equivalent to archived observations taken with Spitzer, our measurements reach comparable precision levels. We analyze both sets of observations in a consistent way, and measure the rate of orbital inclination change to be of 0.02+/-0.04 degrees in the time span between the two observations (253.8 d, corresponding to 0.03+/-0.05 degrees/yr if extrapolated). This rate allows us to put limits on the relative inclination between the two planets by performing simulations of planetary systems, including a second planet, GJ 436c, whose presence has been recently suggested (Ribas et al. 2008). The allowed inclinations for a 5 M_E super-Earth GJ 436c in a 5.2 d orbit are within ~7 degrees of the one of GJ 436b; for larger differences the observed inclination change can be reproduced only during short sections (<50%) of the orbital evolution of the system. The measured times of three transit centers of the system do not show any departure from linear ephemeris, a result that is only reproduced in <1% of the simulated orbits. Put together, these results argue against the proposed planet candidate GJ 436c.
Quantum computation offers the potential to solve fundamental yet otherwise intractable problems across a range of active fields of research. Recently, universal quantum-logic gate sets - the building blocks for a quantum computer - have been demonstrated in several physical architectures. A serious obstacle to a full-scale implementation is the sheer number of these gates required to implement even small quantum algorithms. Here we present and demonstrate a general technique that harnesses higher dimensions of quantum systems to significantly reduce this number, allowing the construction of key quantum circuits with existing technology. We are thereby able to present the first implementation of two key quantum circuits: the three-qubit Toffoli and the two-qubit controlled-unitary. The gates are realised in a linear optical architecture, which would otherwise be absolutely infeasible with current technology.
We report the detection of transits by the 3.1 M_Jup companion to the V=8.17 G0V star HD 17156. The transit was observed by three independant observers on Sept. 9/10, 2007 (two in central Italy and one in the Canary Islands), who obtained detections at confidence levels of 3.0 sigma, 5.3 sigma, and 7.9 sigma, respectively. The observations were carried out under the auspices of the network, which organizes follow-up photometric transit searches of known planet-bearing stars during the time intervals when transits are expected to possibly occur. Analyses of the 7.9 sigma data set indicates a transit depth d=0.0062+/-0.0004, and a transit duration t=186+/-5 min. These values are consistent with the transit of a Jupiter-sized planet with an impact parameter b=a*cos(i)/R_star ~ 0.8. This planet occupies a unique regime among known transiting extrasolar planets, both as a result of its large orbital eccentricity (e=0.67) and long orbital period (P=21.2 d). The planet receives a 26-fold variation in insolation during the course of its orbit, which will make it a useful object for characterization of exoplanetary atmospheric dynamics.

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