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We deduce and discuss the implications of self-similarity for the stability in terms of robustness to failure of multiplexes, depending on interlayer degree correlations. First, we define self-similarity of multiplexes and we illustrate the concept in practice using the configuration model ensemble. Circumscribing robustness to survival of the mutually percolated state, we find a new explanation based on self-similarity both for the observed fragility of interconnected systems of networks and for their robustness to failure when interlayer degree correlations are present. Extending the self-similarity arguments, we show that interlayer degree correlations can change completely the stability properties of self-similar multiplexes, so that they can even recover a zero percolation threshold and a continuous transition in the thermodynamic limit, qualitatively exhibiting thus the ordinary stability attributes of noninteracting networks. We confirm these results with numerical simulations.
Natural numbers can be divided in two non-overlapping infinite sets, primes and composites, with composites factorizing into primes. Despite their apparent simplicity, the elucidation of the architecture of natural numbers with primes as building blocks remains elusive. Here, we propose a new approach to decoding the architecture of natural numbers based on complex networks and stochastic processes theory. We introduce a parameter-free non-Markovian dynamical model that naturally generates random primes and their relation with composite numbers with remarkable accuracy. Our model satisfies the prime number theorem as an emerging property and a refined version of Cramers conjecture about the statistics of gaps between consecutive primes that seems closer to reality than the original Cramers version. Regarding composites, the model helps us to derive the prime factors counting function, giving the probability of distinct prime factors for any integer. Probabilistic models like ours can help to get deeper insights about primes and the complex architecture of natural numbers.
We present a minimal motif model for transmembrane cell signaling. The model assumes signaling events taking place in spatially distributed nanoclusters regulated by a birth/death dynamics. The combination of these spatio-temporal aspects can be modulated to provide a robust and high-fidelity response behavior without invoking sophisticated modeling of the signaling process as a sequence of cascade reactions and fine-tuned parameters. Our results show that the fact that the distributed signaling events take place in nanoclusters with a finite lifetime regulated by local production is sufficient to obtain a robust and high-fidelity response.
Metabolism is a fascinating cell machinery underlying life and disease and genome-scale reconstructions provide us with a captivating view of its complexity. However, deciphering the relationship between metabolic structure and function remains a major challenge. In particular, turning observed structural regularities into organizing principles underlying systemic functions is a crucial task that can be significantly addressed after endowing complex network representations of metabolism with the notion of geometric distance. Here, we design a cartographic map of metabolic networks by embedding them into a simple geometry that provides a natural explanation for their observed network topology and that codifies node proximity as a measure of hidden structural similarities. We assume a simple and general connectivity law that gives more probability of interaction to metabolite/reaction pairs which are closer in the hidden space. Remarkably, we find an astonishing congruency between the architecture of E. coli and human cell metabolisms and the underlying geometry. In addition, the formalism unveils a backbone-like structure of connected biochemical pathways on the basis of a quantitative cross-talk. Pathways thus acquire a new perspective which challenges their classical view as self-contained functional units.
Popularity is attractive -- this is the formula underlying preferential attachment, a popular explanation for the emergence of scaling in growing networks. If new connections are made preferentially to more popular nodes, then the resulting distribution of the number of connections that nodes have follows power laws observed in many real networks. Preferential attachment has been directly validated for some real networks, including the Internet. Preferential attachment can also be a consequence of different underlying processes based on node fitness, ranking, optimization, random walks, or duplication. Here we show that popularity is just one dimension of attractiveness. Another dimension is similarity. We develop a framework where new connections, instead of preferring popular nodes, optimize certain trade-offs between popularity and similarity. The framework admits a geometric interpretation, in which popularity preference emerges from local optimization. As opposed to preferential attachment, the optimization framework accurately describes large-scale evolution of technological (Internet), social (web of trust), and biological (E.coli metabolic) networks, predicting the probability of new links in them with a remarkable precision. The developed framework can thus be used for predicting new links in evolving networks, and provides a different perspective on preferential attachment as an emergent phenomenon.
We provide a simple proof that graphs in a general class of self-similar networks have zero percolation threshold. The considered self-similar networks include random scale-free graphs with given expected node degrees and zero clustering, scale-free graphs with finite clustering and metric structure, growing scale-free networks, and many real networks. The proof and the derivation of the giant component size do not require the assumption that networks are treelike. Our results rely only on the observation that self-similar networks possess a hierarchy of nested subgraphs whose average degree grows with their depth in the hierarchy. We conjecture that this property is pivotal for percolation in networks.
Identifying key players in collective dynamics remains a challenge in several research fields, from the efficient dissemination of ideas to drug target discovery in biomedical problems. The difficulty lies at several levels: how to single out the role of individual elements in such intermingled systems, or which is the best way to quantify their importance. Centrality measures describe a nodes importance by its position in a network. The key issue obviated is that the contribution of a node to the collective behavior is not uniquely determined by the structure of the system but it is a result of the interplay between dynamics and network structure. We show that dynamical influence measures explicitly how strongly a nodes dynamical state affects collective behavior. For critical spreading, dynamical influence targets nodes according to their spreading capabilities. For diffusive processes it quantifies how efficiently real systems may be controlled by manipulating a single node.
A large number of complex systems find a natural abstraction in the form of weighted networks whose nodes represent the elements of the system and the weighted edges identify the presence of an interaction and its relative strength. In recent years, the study of an increasing number of large scale networks has highlighted the statistical heterogeneity of their interaction pattern, with degree and weight distributions which vary over many orders of magnitude. These features, along with the large number of elements and links, make the extraction of the truly relevant connections forming the networks backbone a very challenging problem. More specifically, coarse-graining approaches and filtering techniques are at struggle with the multiscale nature of large scale systems. Here we define a filtering method that offers a practical procedure to extract the relevant connection backbone in complex multiscale networks, preserving the edges that represent statistical significant deviations with respect to a null model for the local assignment of weights to edges. An important aspect of the method is that it does not belittle small-scale interactions and operates at all scales defined by the weight distribution. We apply our method to real world network instances and compare the obtained results with alternative backbone extraction techniques.
We demonstrate that the self-similarity of some scale-free networks with respect to a simple degree-thresholding renormalization scheme finds a natural interpretation in the assumption that network nodes exist in hidden metric spaces. Clustering, i.e., cycles of length three, plays a crucial role in this framework as a topological reflection of the triangle inequality in the hidden geometry. We prove that a class of hidden variable models with underlying metric spaces are able to accurately reproduce the self-similarity properties that we measured in the real networks. Our findings indicate that hidden geometries underlying these real networks are a plausible explanation for their observed topologies and, in particular, for their self-similarity with respect to the degree-based renormalization.
Complex networks characterized by global transport processes rely on the presence of directed paths from input to output nodes and edges, which organize in characteristic linked components. The analysis of such network-spanning structures in the framework of percolation theory, and in particular the key role of edge interfaces bridging the communication between core and periphery, allow us to shed light on the structural properties of real and theoretical flow networks, and to define criteria and quantities to characterize their efficiency at the interplay between structure and functionality. In particular, it is possible to assess that an optimal flow network should look like a hairy ball, so to minimize bottleneck effects and the sensitivity to failures. Moreover, the thorough analysis of two real networks, the Internet customer-provider set of relationships at the autonomous system level and the nervous system of the worm Caenorhabditis elegans --that have been shaped by very different dynamics and in very different time-scales--, reveals that whereas biological evolution has selected a structure close to the optimal layout, market competition does not necessarily tend toward the most customer efficient architecture.

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