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We present the cluster mass-richness scaling relation calibrated by a weak lensing analysis of >18000 galaxy cluster candidates in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS). Detected using the 3D-Matched-Filter cluster-finder of Milkeraitis et al., these cluster candidates span a wide range of masses, from the small group scale up to $sim10^{15} M_{odot}$, and redshifts 0.2 $lesssim zlesssim$ 0.9. The total significance of the stacked shear measurement amounts to 54$sigma$. We compare cluster masses determined using weak lensing shear and magnification, finding the measurements in individual richness bins to yield 1$sigma$ compatibility, but with magnification estimates biased low. This first direct mass comparison yields important insights for improving the systematics handling of future lensing magnification work. In addition, we confirm analyses that suggest cluster miscentring has an important effect on the observed 3D-MF halo profiles, and we quantify this by fitting for projected cluster centroid offsets, which are typically $sim$ 0.4 arcmin. We bin the cluster candidates as a function of redshift, finding similar cluster masses and richness across the full range up to $z sim$ 0.9. We measure the 3D-MF mass-richness scaling relation $M_{200} = M_0 (N_{200} / 20)^beta$. We find a normalization $M_0 sim (2.7^{+0.5}_{-0.4}) times 10^{13} M_{odot}$, and a logarithmic slope of $beta sim 1.4 pm 0.1$, both of which are in 1$sigma$ agreement with results from the magnification analysis. We find no evidence for a redshift-dependence of the normalization. The CFHTLenS 3D-MF cluster catalogue is now available at
(Abridged) The effect of baryonic feedback on the dark matter mass distribution is generally considered to be a nuisance to weak gravitational lensing. Measurements of cosmological parameters are affected as feedback alters the cosmic shear signal on angular scales smaller than a few arcminutes. Recent progress on the numerical modelling of baryon physics has shown that this effect could be so large that, rather than being a nuisance, the effect can be constrained with current weak lensing surveys, hence providing an alternative astrophysical insight on one of the most challenging questions of galaxy formation. In order to perform our analysis, we construct an analytic fitting formula that describes the effect of the baryons on the mass power spectrum. This fitting formula is based on three scenarios of the OWL hydrodynamical simulations. It is specifically calibrated for $z<1.5$, where it models the simulations to an accuracy that is better than $2%$ for scales $k<10 hmbox{Mpc}^{-1}$ and better than $5%$ for $10 < k < 100 hmbox{Mpc}^{-1}$. Equipped with this precise tool, this paper presents the first constraint on baryonic feedback models using gravitational lensing data, from the Canada France Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS). In this analysis, we show that the effect of neutrino mass on the mass power spectrum is degenerate with the baryonic feedback at small angular scales and cannot be ignored. Assuming a cosmology precision fixed by WMAP9, we find that a universe with no baryon feedback and massless neutrinos is rejected by the CFHTLenS lensing data with 96% confidence. Our study shows that ongoing weak gravitational lensing surveys (KiDS, HSC and DES) will offer a unique opportunity to probe the physics of baryons at galactic scales, in addition to the expected constraints on the total neutrino mass.
(Abridged) We investigate and quantify the impact of finite simulation volume on weak lensing two- and four-point statistics. These {it finite support} (FS) effects are modelled for several estimators, simulation box sizes and source redshifts, and validated against a new large suite of 500 $N$-body simulations. The comparison reveals that our theoretical model is accurate to better than 5 per cent for the shear correlation function $xi_{+}(theta)$ and its error. We find that the most important quantities for FS modelling is the ratio between the measured angle $theta$ and the angular size of the simulation box at the source redshift, $theta_{box}(z_s)$, or the multipole equivalent $ell / ell_{box}(z_s)$. When this ratio reaches 0.1, independently of the source redshift, the shear correlation function $xi_+$ is suppressed by 5, 10, 20 and 25 percent for $L_{box}= 1000$, $500$, $250$ and $147mbox{Mpc}/h$ respectively. When it reaches 0.2, the suppression exceeds 25 percent even for the largest box. The same effect is observed in $xi_{-}(theta)$, but at much larger angles. This has important consequences for cosmological analyses using $N$-body simulations to calibrate the impact of non-linear gravitational clustering or to estimate errors and systematics effects, and should not be overlooked. We propose simple semi-analytic solutions to correct for these finite box effects with and without the presence of survey masks, and the method can be generalized to any weak lensing estimator. This offers a graceful solution to the important problem of estimating accurate covariance matrices for weak lensing studies: there is no need to run extra large simulation volumes, as long as the box effects are corrected.
We report the first detection of a correlation between gravitational lensing by large scale structure and the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect. Using the mass map from the Canada France Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS) and a newly-constructed tSZ map from Planck, we measure a non-zero correlation between the two maps out to one degree angular separation on the sky, with an overall significance of 6 sigma. The tSZ maps are formed in a manner that removes primary cosmic microwave background fluctuations and minimizes residual contamination by galactic and extragalactic dust emission, and by CO line emission. We perform numerous tests to show that our measurement is immune to these residual contaminants. The resulting correlation function is consistent with the existence of a warm baryonic gas tracing the large scale structure with a bias b_gas. Given the shape of the lensing kernel, our signal sensitivity peaks at a redshift z~0.4, where half a degree separation on the sky corresponds to a physical scale of ~10 Mpc. The amplitude of the signal constrains the product (b_gas/1)(T_e / 0.1 keV)(n_e / 1 m^-3)=2.01pm 0.31pm 0.21, at redshift zero. Our study suggests that a substantial fraction of the missing baryons in the universe may reside in a low density warm plasma that traces dark matter.
Gravitational lensing magnification is measured with a significance of 9.7 sigma on a large sample of galaxy clusters in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS). This survey covers ~154 deg^2 and contains over 18,000 cluster candidates at redshifts 0.2 <= z <= 0.9, detected using the 3D-Matched Filter cluster-finder of Milkeraitis et al. (2010). We fit composite-NFW models to the ensemble, accounting for cluster miscentering, source-lens redshift overlap, as well as nearby structure (the 2-halo term), and recover mass estimates of the cluster dark matter halos in range of ~10^13 M_sun to 2*10^14 M_sun. Cluster richness is measured for the entire sample, and we bin the clusters according to both richness and redshift. A mass-richness relation M_200 = M_0 (N_200 / 20)^beta is fit to the measurements. For two different cluster miscentering models we find consistent results for the normalization and slope, M_0 = (2.3 +/- 0.2)*10^13 M_sun, beta = 1.4 +/- 0.1 and M_0 = (2.2 +/- 0.2)*10^13 M_sun, beta = 1.5 +/- 0.1. We find that accounting for the full redshift distribution of lenses and sources is important, since any overlap can have an impact on mass estimates inferred from flux magnification.
We present a quantitative analysis of the largest contiguous maps of projected mass density obtained from gravitational lensing shear. We use data from the 154 deg2 covered by the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey. Our study is the first attempt to quantitatively characterize the scientific value of lensing maps, which could serve in the future as a complementary approach to the study of the dark universe with gravitational lensing. We show that mass maps contain unique cosmological information beyond that of traditional two-points statistical analysis techniques. Using a series of numerical simulations, we first show how, reproducing the CFHTLenS observing conditions, gravitational lensing inversion provides a reliable estimate of the projected matter distribution of large scale structure. We validate our analysis by quantifying the robustness of the maps with various statistical estimators. We then apply the same process to the CFHTLenS data. We find that the 2-points correlation function of the projected mass is consistent with the cosmological analysis performed on the shear correlation function discussed in the CFHTLenS companion papers. The maps also lead to a significant measurement of the third order moment of the projected mass, which is in agreement with analytic predictions, and to a marginal detection of the fourth order moment. Tests for residual systematics are found to be consistent with zero for the statistical estimators we used. A new approach for the comparison of the reconstructed mass map to that predicted from the galaxy distribution reveals the existence of giant voids in the dark matter maps as large as 3 degrees on the sky. Our analysis shows that lensing mass maps can be used for new techniques such as peak statistics and the morphological analysis of the projected dark matter distribution.
The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS) comprises deep multi-colour (u*griz) photometry spanning 154 square degrees, with accurate photometric redshifts and shape measurements. We demonstrate that the redshift probability distribution function summed over galaxies provides an accurate representation of the galaxy redshift distribution accounting for random and catastrophic errors for galaxies with best fitting photometric redshifts z_p < 1.3. We present cosmological constraints using tomographic weak gravitational lensing by large-scale structure. We use two broad redshift bins 0.5 < z_p <= 0.85 and 0.85 < z_p <= 1.3 free of intrinsic alignment contamination, and measure the shear correlation function on angular scales in the range ~1-40 arcmin. We show that the problematic redshift scaling of the shear signal, found in previous CFHTLS data analyses, does not afflict the CFHTLenS data. For a flat Lambda-CDM model and a fixed matter density Omega_m=0.27, we find the normalisation of the matter power spectrum sigma_8=0.771 pm 0.041. When combined with cosmic microwave background data (WMAP7), baryon acoustic oscillation data (BOSS), and a prior on the Hubble constant from the HST distance ladder, we find that CFHTLenS improves the precision of the fully marginalised parameter estimates by an average factor of 1.5-2. Combining our results with the above cosmological probes, we find Omega_m=0.2762 pm 0.0074 and sigma_8=0.802 pm 0.013.
Gravitational lensing surveys have now become large and precise enough that the interpretation of the lensing signal has to take into account an increasing number of theoretical limitations and observational biases. Since the lensing signal is the strongest at small angular scales, only numerical simulations can reproduce faithfully the non-linear dynamics and secondary effects at play. This work is the first of a series in which all gravitational lensing corrections known so far will be implemented in the same set of simulations, using realistic mock catalogues and non-Gaussian statistics. In this first paper, we present the TCS simulation suite and compute basic statistics such as the second and third order convergence and shear correlation functions. These simple tests set the range of validity of our simulations, which are resolving most of the signals at the sub-arc minute level (or $ell sim 10^4$). We also compute the non-Gaussian covariance matrix of several statistical estimators, including many that are used in the Canada France Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS). From the same realizations, we construct halo catalogues, computing a series of properties that are required by most galaxy population algorithms. These simulation products are publicly available for download.
We report on the detection of gravitational lensing magnification by a population of galaxy groups, at a significance level of 4.9 sigma. Using X-ray selected groups in the COSMOS 1.64 deg^2 field, and high-redshift Lyman break galaxies as sources, we measure a lensing-induced angular cross-correlation between the samples. After satisfying consistency checks that demonstrate we have indeed detected a magnification signal, and are not suffering from contamination by physical overlap of samples, we proceed to implement an optimally weighted cross-correlation function to further boost the signal to noise of the measurement. Interpreting this optimally weighted measurement allows us to study properties of the lensing groups. We model the full distribution of group masses using a composite-halo approach, considering both the singular isothermal sphere and Navarro-Frenk-White profiles, and find our best fit values to be consistent with those recovered using the weak-lensing shear technique. We argue that future weak-lensing studies will need to incorporate magnification along with shear, both to reduce residual systematics and to make full use of all available source information, in an effort to maximize scientific yield of the observations.
We present a new harmonic-domain approach for extracting morphological information, in the form of Minkowski Functionals (MFs), from weak lensing (WL) convergence maps. Using a perturbative expansion of the MFs, which is expected to be valid for the range of angular scales probed by most current weak-lensing surveys, we show that the study of three generalized skewness parameters is equivalent to the study of the three MFs defined in two dimensions. We then extend these skewness parameters to three associated skew-spectra which carry more information about the convergence bispectrum than their one-point counterparts. We discuss various issues such as noise and incomplete sky coverage in the context of estimation of these skew-spectra from realistic data. Our technique provides an alternative to the pixel-space approaches typically used in the estimation of MFs, and it can be particularly useful in the presence of masks with non-trivial topology. Analytical modeling of weak lensing statistics relies on an accurate modeling of the statistics of underlying density distribution. We apply three different formalisms to model the underlying dark-matter bispectrum: the hierarchical ansatz, halo model and a fitting function based on numerical simulations; MFs resulting from each of these formalisms are computed and compared. We investigate the extent to witch late-time gravity-induced non-Gaussianity (to which weak lensing is primarily sensitive) can be separated from primordial non-Gaussianity and how this separation depends on source redshift and angular scale.

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