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We present a new algorithm designed to improve the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of point and extended source detections in direct imaging data. The novel part of our method is that it finds the linear combination of the science images that best match counterpart images with signal removed from suspected source regions. The algorithm, based on the Locally Optimized Combination of Images (LOCI) method, is called Matched LOCI or MLOCI. We show using data obtained with the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) and Near-Infrared Coronagraphic Imager (NICI) that the new algorithm can improve the SNR of point source detections by 30-400% over past methods. We also find no increase in false detections rates. No prior knowledge of candidate companion locations is required to use MLOCI. While non-blind applications may yield linear combinations of science images which seem to increase the SNR of true sources by a factor > 2, they can also yield false detections at high rates. This is a potential pitfall when trying to confirm marginal detections or to re-detect point sources found in previous epochs. Our findings are relevant to any method where the coefficients of the linear combination are considered tunable, e.g. LOCI and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Thus we recommend that false detection rates be analyzed when using these techniques.
We report the discovery of three planetary-mass companions (M = 6--20 $M_{Jup}$) in wide orbits ($rho sim$ 150--300 AU) around the young stars FW Tau (Taurus-Auriga), ROXs 12 (Ophiuchus), and ROXs 42B (Ophiuchus). All three wide planetary-mass companions (PMCs) were reported as candidate companions in previous binary survey programs, but then were neglected for $>$10 years. We therefore obtained followup observations which demonstrate that each candidate is comoving with its host star. Based on the absolute $M_{K}$ magnitudes, we infer masses (from hot-start evolutionary models) and projected separations of 10 $pm$ 4 $M_{Jup}$ and 330 $pm$ 30 AU for FW Tau b, 16 $pm$ 4 $M_{Jup}$ and 210 $pm$ 20 AU for ROXs 12 b, and 10 $pm$ 4 $M_{Jup}$ and 140 $pm$ 10 AU for ROXs 42B b. We also present similar observations for ten other candidates which show that they are unassociated field stars, as well as multicolor JHKL near-infrared photometry for our new PMCs and for five previously-identified substellar or planetary-mass companions. The NIR photometry for our sample of eight known and new companions generally parallels the properties of free-floating low-mass brown dwarfs in these star-forming regions. However, 5 of the 7 objects with M $<$ 30 $M_{Jup}$ are redder in K-L than the distribution of young free-floating counterparts of similar J-K. We speculate that this distinction could indicate a structural difference in circum-planetary disks, perhaps tied to higher disk mass since at least two of the objects in our sample are known to be accreting more vigorously than typical free-floating counterparts.
We present the results from a large 850 micron survey of the sigma Orionis cluster using the SCUBA-2 camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The 0.5-degree diameter circular region we surveyed contains 297 young stellar objects with an age estimated at about 3Myr. We detect 9 of these objects, 8 of which have infrared excesses from an inner disc. We also serendipitously detect 3 non-stellar sources at > 5sigma that are likely background submillimetre galaxies. The 9 detected stars have inferred disc masses ranging from 5 to about 17MJup, assuming similar dust properties as Taurus discs and an ISM gas-to-dust ratio of 100. There is a net positive signal toward the positions of the individually undetected infrared excess sources indicating a mean disc mass of 0.5 MJup . Stacking the emission toward those stars without infrared excesses constrains their mean disc mass to less than 0.3MJup, or an equivalent Earth mass in dust. The submillimetre luminosity distribution is significantly different from that in the younger Taurus region, indicating disc mass evolution as star forming regions age and the infrared excess fraction decreases. Submillimeter Array observations reveal CO emission toward 4 sources demonstrating that some, but probably not much, molecular gas remains in these relatively evolved discs. These observations provide new constraints on the dust and gas mass of protoplanetary discs during the giant planet building phase and provide a reference level for future studies of disc evolution.
As part of the Dust, Ice, and Gas In Time (DIGIT) Herschel Open Time Key Program, we present Herschel photometry (at 70, 160, 250, 350 and 500 micron) of 31 Weak-Line T Tauri star (WTTS) candidates in order to investigate the evolutionary status of their circumstellar disks. Thirteen stars in our sample had circumstellar disks previously known from infrared observations at shorter wavelengths, while eighteen of them had no previous evidence for a disk. We detect a total of 15 disks as all previously known disks are detected at one or more Herschel wavelengths and two additional disks are identified for the first time. The spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of our targets seem to trace the dissipation of the primordial disk and the transition to the debris disk regime. Seven of the 15 disks appear to be optically thick primordial disks, including two objects with SEDs indistinguishable from those of typical Classical T Tauri stars, four objects that have significant deficit of excess emission at all IR wavelengths, and one pre-transitional object with a known gap in the disk. Despite their previous WTTS classification, we find that the seven targets in our sample with optically thick disks show evidence for accretion. The remaining eight disks have weaker IR excesses similar to those of optically thin debris disks. Six of them are warm and show significant 24 micron Spitzer excesses, while the last two are newly identified cold debris-like disks with photospheric 24 micron fluxes, but significant excess emission at longer wavelengths. The Herschel photometry also places strong constraints on the non-detections, where systems with F70/F70,star > 5 - 15 and L,disk/L,star > 1xE-3 to 1xE-4 can be ruled out. We present preliminary models for both the optically thick and optically thin disks and discuss our results in the context of the evolution and dissipation of circumstellar disks.
T Cha is a nearby (d = 100 pc) transition disk known to have an optically thin gap separating optically thick inner and outer disk components. Huelamo et al. (2011) recently reported the presence of a low-mass object candidate within the gap of the T Cha disk, giving credence to the suspected planetary origin of this gap. Here we present the Herschel photometry (70, 160, 250, 350, and 500 micron) of T Cha from the Dust, Ice, and Gas in Time (DIGIT) Key Program, which bridges the wavelength range between existing Spitzer and millimeter data and provide important constraints on the outer disk properties of this extraordinary system. We model the entire optical to millimeter wavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) of T Cha (19 data points between 0.36 and 3300 micron without any major gaps in wavelength coverage). T Cha shows a steep spectral slope in the far-IR, which we find clearly favors models with outer disks containing little or no dust beyond 40 AU. The full SED can be modeled equally well with either an outer disk that is very compact (only a few AU wide) or a much larger one that has a very steep surface density profile. That is, T Chas outer disk seems to be either very small or very tenuous. Both scenarios suggest a highly unusual outer disk and have important but different implications for the nature of T Cha. Spatially resolved images are needed to distinguish between the two scenarios.

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