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The controllability of a network is a theoretical problem of relevance in a variety of contexts ranging from financial markets to the brain. Until now, network controllability has been characterized only on isolated networks, while the vast majority of complex systems are formed by multilayer networks. Here we build a theoretical framework for the linear controllability of multilayer networks by mapping the problem into a combinatorial matching problem. We found that correlating the external signals in the different layers can significantly reduce the multiplex network robustness to node removal, as it can be seen in conjunction with a hybrid phase transition occurring in interacting Poisson networks. Moreover we observe that multilayer networks can stabilize the fully controllable multiplex network configuration that can be stable also when the full controllability of the single network is not stable.
A Belief Propagation approach has been recently proposed for the zero-patient problem in a SIR epidemics. The zero-patient problem consists in finding the initial source of an epidemic outbreak given observations at a later time. In this work, we study a harder but related inference problem, in which observations are noisy and there is confusion between observed states. In addition to studying the zero-patient problem, we also tackle the problem of completing and correcting the observations possibly finding undiscovered infected individuals and false test results. Moreover, we devise a set of equations, based on the variational expression of the Bethe free energy, to find the zero patient along with maximum-likelihood epidemic parameters. We show, by means of simulated epidemics, how this method is able to infer details on the past history of an epidemic outbreak based solely on the topology of the contact network and a single snapshot of partial and noisy observations.
We study several bayesian inference problems for irreversible stochastic epidemic models on networks from a statistical physics viewpoint. We derive equations which allow to accurately compute the posterior distribution of the time evolution of the state of each node given some observations. At difference with most existing methods, we allow very general observation models, including unobserved nodes, state observations made at different or unknown times, and observations of infection times, possibly mixed together. Our method, which is based on the Belief Propagation algorithm, is efficient, naturally distributed, and exact on trees. As a particular case, we consider the problem of finding the zero patient of a SIR or SI epidemic given a snapshot of the state of the network at a later unknown time. Numerical simulations show that our method outperforms previous ones on both synthetic and real networks, often by a very large margin.
We propose a modified voter model with locally conserved magnetization and investigate its phase ordering dynamics in two dimensions in numerical simulations. Imposing a local constraint on the dynamics has the surprising effect of speeding up the phase ordering process. The system is shown to exhibit a scaling regime characterized by algebraic domain growth, at odds with the logarithmic coarsening of the standard voter model. A phenomenological approach based on cluster diffusion and similar to Smoluchowski ripening correctly predicts the observed scaling regime. Our analysis exposes unexpected complexity in the phase ordering dynamics without thermodynamic potential.
Cascade processes are responsible for many important phenomena in natural and social sciences. Simple models of irreversible dynamics on graphs, in which nodes activate depending on the state of their neighbors, have been successfully applied to describe cascades in a large variety of contexts. Over the last decades, many efforts have been devoted to understand the typical behaviour of the cascades arising from initial conditions extracted at random from some given ensemble. However, the problem of optimizing the trajectory of the system, i.e. of identifying appropriate initial conditions to maximize (or minimize) the final number of active nodes, is still considered to be practically intractable, with the only exception of models that satisfy a sort of diminishing returns property called submodularity. Submodular models can be approximately solved by means of greedy strategies, but by definition they lack cooperative characteristics which are fundamental in many real systems. Here we introduce an efficient algorithm based on statistical physics for the optimization of trajectories in cascade processes on graphs. We show that for a wide class of irreversible dynamics, even in the absence of submodularity, the spread optimization problem can be solved efficiently on large networks. Analytic and algorithmic results on random graphs are complemented by the solution of the spread maximization problem on a real-world network (the Epinions consumer reviews network).
Evolutionary dynamics in finite populations is known to fixate eventually in the absence of mutation. We here show that a similar phenomenon can be found in stochastic game dynamical batch learning, and investigate fixation in learning processes in a simple 2x2 game, for two-player games with cyclic interaction, and in the context of the best-shot network game. The analogues of finite populations in evolution are here finite batches of observations between strategy updates. We study when and how such fixation can occur, and present results on the average time-to-fixation from numerical simulations. Simple cases are also amenable to analytical approaches and we provide estimates of the behaviour of so-called escape times as a function of the batch size. The differences and similarities with escape and fixation in evolutionary dynamics are discussed.
We define a minimal model of traffic flows in complex networks containing the most relevant features of real routing schemes, i.e. a trade--off strategy between topological-based and traffic-based routing. The resulting collective behavior, obtained analytically for the ensemble of uncorrelated networks, is physically very rich and reproduces results recently observed in traffic simulations on scale-free networks. We find that traffic control is useless in homogeneous graphs but may improves global performance in inhomogeneous networks, enlarging the free-flow region in parameter space. Traffic control also introduces non-linear effects and, beyond a critical strength, may trigger the appearance of a congested phase in a discontinuous manner.

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