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Do completely unpredictable events exist in nature? Classical theory, being fully deterministic, completely excludes fundamental randomness. On the contrary, quantum theory allows for randomness within its axiomatic structure. Yet, the fact that a theory makes prediction only in probabilistic terms does not imply the existence of any form of randomness in nature. The question then remains whether one can certify randomness independent of the physical framework used. While standard Bell tests approach this question from this perspective, they require prior perfect randomness, which renders the approach circular. Recently, it has been shown that it is possible to certify full randomness using almost perfect random bits. Here, we prove that full randomness can indeed be certified using quantum non-locality under the minimal possible assumptions: the existence of a source of arbitrarily weak (but non-zero) randomness and the impossibility of instantaneous signalling. Thus we are left with a strict dichotomic choice: either our world is fully deterministic or there exist in nature events that are fully random. Apart from the foundational implications, our results represent a quantum protocol for full randomness amplification, an information task known to be impossible classically. Finally, they open a new path for device-independent protocols under minimal assumptions.
A well-known manifestation of quantum entanglement is that it may lead to correlations that are inexplicable within the framework of a locally causal theory --- a fact that is demonstrated by the quantum violation of Bell inequalities. The precise relationship between quantum entanglement and the violation of Bell inequalities is, however, not well understood. While it is known that entanglement is necessary for such a violation, it is not clear whether all entangled states violate a Bell inequality, even in the scenario where one allows joint operations on multiple copies of the state and local filtering operations before the Bell experiment. In this paper we show that all entangled states, namely, all non-fully-separable states of arbitrary Hilbert space dimension and arbitrary number of parties, violate a Bell inequality when combined with another state which on its own cannot violate the same Bell inequality. This result shows that quantum entanglement and quantum nonlocality are in some sense equivalent, thus giving an affirmative answer to the aforementioned open question. It follows from our result that two entangled states that are apparently useless in demonstrating quantum nonlocality via a specific Bell inequality can be combined to give a Bell violation of the same inequality. Explicit examples of such activation phenomenon are provided.
Device-independent quantum key distribution aims to provide key distribution schemes whose security is based on the laws of quantum physics but which does not require any assumptions about the internal working of the quantum devices used in the protocol. This strong form of security, unattainable with standard schemes, is possible only when using correlations that violate a Bell inequality. We provide a general security proof valid for a large class of device-independent quantum key distribution protocols in a model in which the raw key elements are generated by causally independent measurement processes. The validity of this independence condition may be justifiable in a variety of implementations and is necessarily satisfied in a physical realization where the raw key is generated by N separate pairs of devices. Our work shows that device-independent quantum key distribution is possible with key rates comparable to those of standard schemes.

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