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144 - C.M. Varma , Lijun Zhu , 2015
We re-examine the experimental results for the magnetic response function $chi({bf q}, E, T)$, for ${bf q}$ around the anti-ferromagnetic vectors ${bf Q}$, in the quantum-critical region, obtained by inelastic neutron scattering, on an Fe-based superconductor, and on a heavy Fermion compound. The motivation is to compare the results with a recent theory, which shows that the fluctuations in a generic anti-ferromagnetic model for itinerant fermions map to those in the universality class of the dissipative quantum-XY model. The quantum-critical fluctuations in this model, in a range of parameters, are given by the correlations of spatial and of temporal topological defects. The theory predicts a $chi({bf q}, E, T)$ (i) which is a separable function of $({bf q -Q})$ and of ($E$,$T$), (ii) at crticality, the energy dependent part is $propto tanh (E/2T)$ below a cut-off energy, (iii) the correlation time departs from its infinite value at criticality on the disordered side by an essential singularity, and (iv) the correlation length depends logarithmically on the correlation time, so that the dynamical critical exponent $z$ is $infty$ . The limited existing experimental results are found to be consistent with the first two unusual predictions from which the linear dependence of the resistivity on T and the $T ln T$ dependence of the entropy also follow. More experiments are suggested, especially to test the theory of variations on the correlation time and length on the departure from criticality.
In the context of a warped extra-dimension with Standard Model fields in the bulk, we obtain the general flavor structure of the Higgs couplings to fermions. These couplings will be generically misaligned with respect to the fermion mass matrix, producing large and potentially dangerous flavor changing neutral currents (FCNCs). As recently pointed out in [arXiv:0906.1542], a similar effect is expected from the point of view of a composite Higgs sector, which corresponds to a 4D theory dual to the 5D setup by the AdS-CFT correspondence. We also point out that the effect is independent of the geographical nature of the Higgs (bulk or brane localized), and specifically that it does not go away as the Higgs is pushed towards the IR boundary. The FCNCs mediated by a light enough Higgs (specially their contribution to $epsilon_K$) could become of comparable size as the ones coming from the exchange of Kaluza-Klein (KK) gluons. Moreover, both sources of flavor violation are complementary since they have inverse dependence on the 5D Yukawa couplings, such that we cannot decouple the flavor violation effects by increasing or decreasing these couplings. We also find that for KK scales of a few TeV, the Higgs couplings to third generation fermions could experience suppressions of up to 40% while the rest of diagonal couplings would suffer much milder corrections. Potential LHC signatures like the Higgs flavor violating decays $htomutau$ or $hto tc$, or the exotic top decay channel $tto c h$, are finally addressed.
In the context of a warped extra-dimension with Standard Model fields in the bulk, we obtain the general flavor structure of the Radion couplings to fermions and show that the result is independent on the particular nature of the Higgs mechanism (bulk or brane localized). These couplings will be generically misaligned with respect to the fermion mass matrix when the fermion bulk mass parameters are not all degenerate. When the Radion is light enough, the generic size of these tree-level flavor changing couplings will be strongly constrained by the experimental bounds on $Delta F=2$ processes. At the LHC the possibility of a heavier Radion decaying into top and charm quarks is then considered as a promising signal to probe the flavor structure of both the Radion sector and the whole scenario.
We study flavor violation in the quark sector in a purely 4D, two-site effective field theory description of the Standard Model and just their first Kaluza-Klein excitations from a warped extra dimension. The warped 5D framework can provide solutions to both the Planck-weak and flavor hierarchies of the SM. It is also related (via the AdS/CFT correspondence) to partial compositeness of the SM. We focus on the dominant contributions in the two-site model to two observables which we argue provide the strongest flavor constraints, namely, epsilon_K and BR(b -> s gamma), where contributions in the two-site model occur at tree and loop-level, respectively. In particular, we demonstrate that a tension exists between these two observables in the sense that they have opposite dependence on composite site Yukawa couplings, making it difficult to decouple flavor-violating effects using this parameter. We choose the size of the composite site QCD coupling based on the relation of the two-site model to the 5D model (addressing the Planck-weak hierarchy), where we match the 5D QCD coupling to the 4D coupling at the loop-level and assuming negligible tree-level brane-localized kinetic terms. We estimate that a larger size of the 5D gauge coupling is constrained by the requirement of 5D perturbativity. We find that sim O(5) TeV mass scale for the new particles in the two-site model can then be consistent with both observables. We also compare our analysis of epsilon_K in the two-site model to that in 5D models, including both the cases of a brane-localized and bulk Higgs.

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