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231 - Leonhard Euler 2017
This is an English translation of the Latin original De summa seriei ex numeris primis formatae ${1/3}-{1/5}+{1/7}+{1/11}-{1/13}-{1/17}+{1/19}+{1/23}-{1/29}+{1/31}-$ etc. ubi numeri primi formae $4n-1$ habent signum positivum formae autem $4n+1$ signum negativum (1775). E596 in the Enestrom index. Let $chi$ be the nontrivial character modulo 4. Euler wants to know what $sum_p chi(p)/p$ is, either an exact expression or an approximation. He looks for analogies to the harmonic series and the series of reciprocals of the primes. Another reason he is interested in this is that if this series has a finite value (which is does, the best approximation Euler gets is 0.3349816 in section 27) then there are infinitely many primes congruent to 1 mod 4 and infinitely many primes congruent to 3 mod 4. In section 15 Euler gives the Euler product for the L(chi,1). As a modern mathematical appendix appendix, I have written a proof following Davenport that the series $sum_p frac{chi(p)}{p}$ converges. This involves applications of summation by parts, and uses Chebyshevs estimate for the second Chebyshev function (summing the von Mangoldt function).
376 - Leonhard Euler 2013
This translation has been withdrawn due to certain imperfections and mistakes, which are corrected in the version uploaded at The Euler Archive (see E65 at
Euler presents a third proof of the Fermat theorem, the one that lets us call it the Euler-Fermat theorem. This seems to be the proof that Euler likes best. He also proves that the smallest power x^n that, when divided by a numer N, prime to x, and that leaves a remainder of 1, is equal to the number of parts of N that are prime to n, that is to say, the number of distinct aliquot parts of N. The translation is presnted from Eulers Latin original into German.
Euler proves that the sum of two 4th powers cant be a 4th power and that the difference of two distinct non-zero 4th powers cant be a 4th power and Fermats theorem that the equation x(x+1)/2=y^4 can only be solved in integers if x=1 and the final theorem y^3+1=x^2 can only be solves for x=3 and y=2 in integers. The paper is translated from Eulers Latin original into German.
Euler gives a long introduction, giving all the arguments for and against the use of divergent series in calculus and then gives his own definition of the sum of a diverging series. Then in the second half of this paper he evaluates the the 1-1+2-6+24-120+720-... on several ways and gets the sum 0.5963473621372. The paper is translated from Eulers Latin original into German.
This paper does exactly what the title says it does. It expands the given series to arrive at the familiar pentagonal number expansion, also known as the pentagonal number theorem, and recalls its application to partition numbers. The paper is translated from Eulers Latin original into German.
85 - Leonhard Euler 2008
Translated from the Latin original Novae demonstrationes circa resolutionem numerorum in quadrata (1774). E445 in the Enestrom index. See Chapter III, section XI of Weils Number theory: an approach through history. Also, a very clear proof of the four squares theorem based on Eulers is Theorem 370 in Hardy and Wright, An introduction to the theory of numbers, fifth ed. It uses Theorem 87 in Hardy and Wright, but otherwise does not assume anything else from their book. I translated most of the paper and checked those details a few months ago, but only finished last few parts now. If anything isnt clear please email me.
136 - Leonhard Euler 2008
E661 in the Enestrom index. This was originally published as Variae considerationes circa series hypergeometricas (1776). In this paper Euler is looking at the asymptotic behavior of infinite products that are similar to the Gamma function. He looks at the relations between some infinite products and integrals. He takes the logarithm of these infinite products, and expands these using the Euler-Maclaurin summation formula. In section 14, Euler seems to be rederiving some of the results he already proved in the paper. However I do not see how these derivations are different. If any readers think they understand please I would appreciate it if you could email me. I am presently examining Eulers work on analytic number theory. The two main topics I want to understand are the analytic continuation of analytic functions and the connection to divergent series, and the asymptotic behavior of the Gamma function.

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