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71 - Daniel Ish , Leon Balents 2015
Despite possessing a local spin $2$ moment on the iron site and a Curie-Weiss temperature of $45K$, the A site spinel FeSc$_2$S$_4$ does not magnetically order down to 50mK. Previous theoretical work by Chen and Balents advanced an explanation for this observation in the form of the $J_2$-$lambda$ model which places FeSc$_2$S$_4$ close to a quantum critical point on the disordered side of a quantum phase transition between a N{e}el ordered phase and a Spin-Orbital Liquid in which spins and orbitals are entangled, quenching the magnetization. We present new theoretical studies of the optical properties of the $J_2$-$lambda$ model, including a computation of the dispersion relation for the quasiparticle excitations and the form of the collective response to electric field. We argue that the latter directly probes a low energy excitation continuum characteristic of quantum criticality, and that our results reinforce the consistency of this model with experiment.
We study the quantum phase diagram of the spin-$1/2$ Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice with first-, second-, and third-neighbor interactions $J_1$, $J_2$, and $J_3$ by means of density matrix renormalization group. For small $J_2$ and $J_3$, this model sustains a time-reversal invariant quantum spin liquid phase. With increasing $J_2$ and $J_3$, we find in addition a $q=(0,0)$ N{e}el phase, a chiral spin liquid phase, a valence-bond crystal phase, and a complex non-coplanar magnetically ordered state with spins forming the vertices of a cuboctahedron known as a cuboc1 phase. Both the chiral spin liquid and cuboc1 phase break time reversal symmetry in the sense of spontaneous scalar spin chirality. We show that the chiralities in the chiral spin liquid and cuboc1 are distinct, and that these two states are separated by a strong first order phase transition. The transitions from the chiral spin liquid to both the $q=(0,0)$ phase and to time-reversal symmetric spin liquid, however, are consistent with continuous quantum phase transitions.
We construct the general free energy governing long-wavelength magnetism in two-dimensional oxide heterostructures, which applies irrespective of the microscopic mechanism for magnetism. This leads, in the relevant regime of weak but non-negligible spin-orbit coupling, to a rich phase diagram containing in-plane ferromagnetic, spiral, cone, and skyrmion lattice phases, as well as a nematic state stabilized by thermal fluctuations. The general conclusions are vetted by a microscopic derivation for a simple model with Rashba spin-orbit coupling.
We construct and analyze a microscopic model for insulating rock salt ordered double perovskites, with the chemical formula A$_2$BBO$_6$, where the B atom has a 4d$^1$ or 5d$^1$ electronic configuration and forms a face centered cubic (fcc) lattice. The combination of the triply-degenerate $t_{2g}$ orbital and strong spin-orbit coupling forms local quadruplets with an effective spin moment $j=3/2$. Moreover, due to strongly orbital-dependent exchange, the effective spins have substantial biquadratic and bicubic interactions (fourth and sixth order in the spins, respectively). This leads, at the mean field level, to three main phases: an unusual antiferromagnet with dominant octupolar order, a ferromagnetic phase with magnetization along the $[110]$ direction, and a non-magnetic but quadrupolar ordered phase, which is stabilized by thermal fluctuations and intermediate temperatures. All these phases have a two sublattice structure described by the ordering wavevector ${boldsymbol Q} =2pi (001)$. We consider quantum fluctuations and argue that in the regime of dominant antiferromagnetic exchange, a non-magnetic valence bond solid or quantum spin liquid state may be favored instead. Candidate quantum spin liquid states and their basic properties are described. We also address the effect of single-site anisotropy driven by lattice distortions. Existing and possible future experiments are discussed in light of these results.
The antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on an anisotropic kagome lattice may be a good minimal model for real magnetic systems as well as a limit from which the isotropic case can be better understood. We therefore study the nearest-neighbor Heisenberg antiferromagnet on an anisotropic kagome lattice in a magnetic field. Such a system should be well described by weakly interacting spin chains, and we motivate a general form for the interaction by symmetry considerations and by perturbatively projecting out the inter-chain spins. In the spin 1/2 case, we find that the system exhibits a quantum phase transition from a ferrimagnetic ordered state to an XY ordered state as the field is increased. Finally, we discuss the appearance of magnetization plateaux in the ferrimagnetic phase.

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