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145 - Yong Shi 2014
The first galaxies contain stars born out of gas with little or no metals. The lack of metals is expected to inhibit efficient gas cooling and star formation but this effect has yet to be observed in galaxies with oxygen abundance relative to hydrogen below a tenth of that of the Sun. Extremely metal poor nearby galaxies may be our best local laboratories for studying in detail the conditions that prevailed in low metallicity galaxies at early epochs. Carbon Monoxide (CO) emission is unreliable as tracers of gas at low metallicities, and while dust has been used to trace gas in low-metallicity galaxies, low-spatial resolution in the far-infrared has typically led to large uncertainties. Here we report spatially-resolved infrared observations of two galaxies with oxygen abundances below 10 per cent solar, and show that stars form very inefficiently in seven star-forming clumps of these galaxies. The star formation efficiencies are more than ten times lower than found in normal, metal rich galaxies today, suggesting that star formation may have been very inefficient in the early Universe.
We compare the morphologies of a sample of 20 LIRGs from the Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey (GOALS) in the FUV, B, I and H bands, using the Gini (G) and M20 parameters to quantitatively estimate the distribution and concentration of flux as a function of wavelength. HST images provide an average spatial resolution of ~80 pc. While our LIRGs can be reliably classified as mergers across the entire range of wavelengths studied here, there is a clear shift toward more negative M20 (more bulge-dominated) and a less significant decrease in G values at longer wavelengths. We find no correlation between the derived FUV G-M20 parameters and the global measures of the IR to FUV flux ratio, IRX. Given the fine resolution in our HST data, this suggests either that the UV morphology and IRX are correlated on very small scales, or that the regions emitting the bulk of the IR emission emit almost no FUV light. We use our multi-wavelength data to simulate how merging LIRGs would appear from z~0.5-3 in deep optical and near-infrared images such as the HUDF, and use these simulations to measure the G-M20 at these redshifts. Our simulations indicate a noticeable decrease in G, which flattens at z >= 2 by as much as 40%, resulting in mis-classifying our LIRGs as disk-like, even in the rest-frame FUV. The higher redshift values of M20 for the GOALS sources do not appear to change more than about 10% from the values at z~0. The change in G-M20 is caused by the surface brightness dimming of extended tidal features and asymmetries, and also the decreased spatial resolution which reduced the number of individual clumps identified. This effect, seen as early as z~0.5, could easily lead to an underestimate of the number of merging galaxies at high-redshift in the rest-frame FUV.
We study a 24,$mu$m selected sample of 330 galaxies observed with the Infrared Spectrograph for the 5,mJy Unbiased Spitzer Extragalactic Survey. We estimate accurate total infrared luminosities by combining mid-IR spectroscopy and mid-to-far infrared photometry, and by utilizing new empirical spectral templates from {em Spitzer} data. The infrared luminosities of this sample range mostly from 10$^9$L$_odot$ to $10^{13.5}$L$_odot$, with 83% in the range 10$^{10}$L$_odot$$<$L$_{rm IR}$$<10^{12}$L$_odot$. The redshifts range from 0.008 to 4.27, with a median of 0.144. The equivalent widths of the 6.2,$mu$m aromatic feature have a bimodal distribution. We use the 6.2,$mu$m PAH EW to classify our objects as SB-dominated (44%), SB-AGN composite (22%), and AGN-dominated (34%). The high EW objects (SB-dominated) tend to have steeper mid-IR to far-IR spectral slopes and lower L$_{rm IR}$ and redshifts. The low EW objects (AGN-dominated) tend to have less steep spectral slopes and higher L$_{rm IR}$ and redshifts. This dichotomy leads to a gross correlation between EW and slope, which does not hold within either group. AGN dominated sources tend to have lower log(L$_{rm PAH 7.7mu m}$/L$_{rm PAH 11.3mu m}$) ratios than star-forming galaxies, possibly due to preferential destruction of the smaller aromatics by the AGN. The log(L$_{rm PAH 7.7mu m}$/L$_{rm PAH 11.3mu m}$) ratios for star-forming galaxies are lower in our sample than the ratios measured from the nuclear spectra of nearby normal galaxies, most probably indicating a difference in the ionization state or grain size distribution between the nuclear regions and the entire galaxy. Finally, we provide a calibration relating the monochromatic 5.8, 8, 14 and 24um continuum or Aromatic Feature luminosity to L$_{rm IR}$ for different types of objects.
When and how did galaxies form and their metals accumulate? Over the last decade, this has moved from an archeological question to a live investigation: there is now a broad picture of the evolution of galaxies in dark matter halos: their masses, stars, metals and supermassive blackholes. Galaxies have been found and studied in which these formation processes are taking place most vigorously, all the way back in cosmic time to when the intergalactic medium (IGM) was still largely neutral. However, the details of how and why the interstellar medium (ISM) in distant galaxies cools, is processed, recycled and enriched in metals by stars, and fuels active galactic nuclei (AGNs) remain uncertain. In particular, the cooling of gas to fuel star formation, and the chemistry and physics of the most intensely active regions is hidden from view at optical wavelengths, but can be seen and diagnosed at mid- & far-infrared (IR) wavelengths. Rest-frame IR observations are important first to identify the most luminous, interesting and important galaxies, secondly to quantify accurately their total luminosity, and finally to use spectroscopy to trace the conditions in the molecular and atomic gas out of which stars form. In order to map out these processes over the full range of environments and large-scale structures found in the universe - from the densest clusters of galaxies to the emptiest voids - we require tools for deep, large area surveys, of millions of galaxies out to z~5, and for detailed follow-up spectroscopy. The necessary tools can be realized technically. Here, we outline the requirements for gathering the crucial information to build, validate and challenge models of galaxy evolution.
Observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope have revealed a population of red-sequence galaxies with a significant excess in their 24-micron emission compared to what is expected from an old stellar population. We identify 900 red galaxies with 0.15<z<0.3 from the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES) selected from the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey Bootes field. Using Spitzer/MIPS, we classify 89 (~10%) with 24-micron infrared excess (f24>0.3 mJy). We determine the prevalence of AGN and star-formation activity in all the AGES galaxies using optical line diagnostics and mid-IR color-color criteria. Using the IRAC color-color diagram from the IRAC Shallow Survey, we find that 64% of the 24-micron excess red galaxies are likely to have strong PAH emission features in the 8-micron IRAC band. This fraction is significantly larger than the 5% of red galaxies with f24<0.3 mJy that are estimated to have strong PAH emission, suggesting that the infrared emission is largely due to star-formation processes. Only 15% of the 24-micron excess red galaxies have optical line diagnostics characteristic of star-formation (64% are classified as AGN and 21% are unclassifiable). The difference between the optical and infrared results suggest that both AGN and star-formation activity is occurring simultaneously in many of the 24-micron excess red galaxies. These results should serve as a warning to studies that exclusively use optical line diagnostics to determine the dominant emission mechanism in the infrared and other bands. We find that ~40% of the 24-micron excess red galaxies are edge-on spiral galaxies with high optical extinctions. The remaining sources are likely to be red galaxies whose 24-micron emission comes from a combination of obscured AGN and star-formation activity.
175 - J. Melbourne 2008
Spitzer MIPS images in the Bootes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey have revealed a class of extremely dust obscured galaxy (DOG) at z~2. The DOGs are defined by very red optical to mid-IR (observed-frame) colors, R - [24 um] > 14 mag, i.e. f_v (24 um) / f_v (R) > 1000. They are Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies with L_8-1000 um > 10^12 -10^14 L_sun, but typically have very faint optical (rest-frame UV) fluxes. We imaged three DOGs with the Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics (LGSAO) system, obtaining ~0.06 resolution in the K-band. One system was dominated by a point source, while the other two were clearly resolved. Of the resolved sources, one can be modeled as a exponential disk system. The other is consistent with a de Vaucouleurs profile typical of elliptical galaxies. The non-parametric measures of their concentration and asymmetry, show the DOGs to be both compact and smooth. The AO images rule out double nuclei with separations of greater than 0.1 (< 1 kpc at z=2), making it unlikely that ongoing major mergers (mass ratios of 1/3 and greater) are triggering the high IR luminosities. By contrast, high resolution images of z~2 SCUBA sources tend to show multiple components and a higher degree of asymmetry. We compare near-IR morphologies of the DOGs with a set of z=1 luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs; L_IR ~ 10^11 L_sun) imaged with Keck LGSAO by the Center for Adaptive Optics Treasury Survey. The DOGs in our sample have significantly smaller effective radii, ~1/4 the size of the z=1 LIRGs, and tend towards higher concentrations. The small sizes and high concentrations may help explain the globally obscured rest-frame blue-to-UV emission of the DOGs.
104 - Anna Sajina 2007
We present mid-IR spectral decomposition of a sample of 48 Spitzer-selected ULIRGs spanning z~1-3 and likely L_IR~10^12-10^13Lsun. Our study aims at quantifying the star-formation and AGN processes in these sources which recent results suggest have evolved strongly between the observed epoch and today. To do this, we study the mid-IR contribution of PAH emission, continuum, and extinction. About 3/4 of our sample are continuum- (i.e. AGN) dominated sources, but ~60% of these show PAH emission, suggesting the presence of star-formation activity. These sources have redder mid-IR colors than typical optically-selected quasars. About 25% of our sample have strong PAH emission, but none are likely to be pure starbursts as reflected in their relatively high 5um hot dust continua. However, their steep 30um-to-14um slopes suggest that star-formation might dominate the total infrared luminosity. Six of our z~2 sources have EW6.2>~0.3um and L_14um>~10^12Lsun (implying L_IR>~10^13Lsun). At these luminosities, such high EW6.2 ULIRGs do not exist in the local Universe. We find a median optical depth at 9.7um of <tau_9.7>=1.4. This is consistent with local IRAS-selected ULIRGs, but differs from early results on SCUBA-selected z~2 ULIRGs. Similar to local ULIRGs about 25% of our sample show extreme obscuration (tau_9.7>~3) suggesting buried nuclei. In general, we find that our sources are similar to local ULIRGs, but are an order of magnitude more luminous. It is not clear whether our z~2 ULIRGs are simply scaled-u

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