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A very simple way to obtain comparable baryon and DM densities in the early Universe is through their contemporary production from the out-of-equilibrium decay of a mother particle, if both populations are suppressed by comparably small numbers, i.e. the CP violation in the decay and the branching fraction respectively. We present a detailed study of this kind of scenario in the context of a R-parity violating realization of the MSSM in which the baryon asymmetry and the gravitino Dark Matter are produced by the decay of a Bino. The implementation of this simple picture in a realistic particle framework results, however, quite involving, due to the non trivial determination of the abundance of the decaying Bino, as well as due to the impact of wash-out processes and of additional sources both for the baryon asymmetry and the DM relic density. In order to achieve a quantitative determination of the baryon and Dark Matter abundances, we have implemented and solved a system of coupled Boltzmann equations for the particle species involved in their generation, including all the relevant processes. In the most simple, but still general, limit, in which the processes determining the abundance and the decay rate of the Bino are mediated by degenerate right-handed squarks, the correct values of the DM and baryon relic densities are achieved for a Bino mass between 50 and 100 TeV, Gluino NLSP mass in the range 15-60 TeV and a gravitino mass between 100 GeV and few TeV. These high masses are unfortunately beyond the kinematical reach of LHC. On the contrary, an antiproton signal from the decays of the gravitino LSP might be within the sensitivity of AMS-02 and gamma-ray telescopes.
Gravitino Dark Matter represents a compelling scenario in Supersymmetry, which brings together a variety of data from cosmology and collider physics. We discuss the constraints obtained from the LHC on supersymmetric models with gravitino dark matter and neutralino NLSP, which is the case most difficult to disentangle at colliders from a neutralino LSP forming DM. The phenomenological SUSY model with 19+1 free parameters is adopted. Results are obtained from broad scans of the phase space of these uncorrelated parameters. The relation between gravitino mass, gluino mass and reheating temperature as well as the derived constraints on these parameters are discussed in detail. This relation offers a unique opportunity to place stringent bounds on the cosmological model, within the gravitino dark matter scenario, from the results of the LHC searches in Run-2 and the planned High-Luminosity upgrade.
Supersymmetric theories with gravitino dark matter generally do not allow the high reheating temperature required by thermal leptogenesis without running afoul of relic abundance or big bang nucleosynthesis constraints. We report on a successful search for parameter space that does satisfy these requirements. The main implication is the near degeneracy of the gluino with the other neutralinos in the spectrum. The leading discovery channel at the LHC for this scenario is through monojet plus missing energy events.
We investigate different neutrino signals from the decay of dark matter particles to determine the prospects for their detection, and more specifically if any spectral signature can be disentangled from the background in present and future neutrino observatories. If detected, such a signal could bring an independent confirmation of the dark matter interpretation of the dramatic rise in the positron fraction above 10 GeV recently observed by the PAMELA satellite experiment and offer the possibility of distinguishing between astrophysical sources and dark matter decay or annihilation. In combination with other signals, it may also be possible to distinguish among different dark matter decay channels.
We study the scenario of gravitino DM with a general neutralino NLSP in a model independent way. We consider all neutralino decay channels and compare them with the most recent BBN constraints. We check how those bounds are relaxed for a Higgsino or a Wino NLSP in comparison to the Bino neutralino case and look for possible loopholes in the general MSSM parameter space.We determine constraints on the gravitino and neutralino NLSP mass and comment on the possibility of detecting these scenarios at colliders.
We develop a method for constructing metastable de Sitter vacua in N=1 supergravity models describing the no-scale volume moduli sector of Calabi-Yau string compactifications. We consider both heterotic and orientifold models. Our main guideline is the necessary condition for the existence of metastable vacua coming from the Goldstino multiplet, which constrains the allowed scalar geometries and supersymmetry-breaking directions. In the simplest non-trivial case where the volume is controlled by two moduli, this condition simplifies and turns out to be fully characterised by the intersection numbers of the Calabi-Yau manifold. We analyse this case in detail and show that once the metastability condition is satisfied it is possible to reconstruct in a systematic way the local form of the superpotential that is needed to stabilise all the fields. We apply then this procedure to construct some examples of models where the superpotential takes a realistic form allowed by flux backgrounds and gaugino condensation effects, for which a viable vacuum arises without the need of invoking corrections to the Kahler potential breaking the no-scale property or uplifting terms. We finally discuss the prospects of constructing potentially realistic models along these lines.
We investigate scenarios in which a charged, long-lived scalar particle decouples from the primordial plasma in the Early Universe. We compute the number density at time of freeze-out considering both the cases of abelian and non-abelian interactions and including the effect of Sommerfeld enhancement at low initial velocity. We also discuss as extreme case the maximal cross section that fulfils the unitarity bound. We then compare these number densities to the exotic nuclei searches for stable relics and to the BBN bounds on unstable relics and draw conclusions for the cases of a stau or stop NLSP in supersymmetric models with a gravitino or axino LSP.
We perform a general algebraic analysis on the possibility of realising slow-roll inflation in the moduli sector of string models. This problem turns out to be very closely related to the characterisation of models admitting metastable vacua with non-negative cosmological constant. In fact, we show that the condition for the existence of viable inflationary trajectories is a deformation of the condition for the existence of metastable de Sitter vacua. This condition depends on the ratio between the scale of inflation and the gravitino mass and becomes stronger as this parameter grows. After performing a general study within arbitrary supergravity models, we analyse the implications of our results in several examples. More concretely, in the case of heterotic and orientifold string compactifications on a Calabi-Yau in the large volume limit we show that there may exist fully viable models, allowing both for inflation and stabilisation. Additionally, we show that subleading corrections breaking the no-scale property shared by these models always allow for slow-roll inflation but with an inflationary scale suppressed with respect to the gravitino scale. A scale of inflation larger than the gravitino scale can also be achieved under more restrictive circumstances and only for certain types of compactifications.
We perform a general analysis on the possibility of obtaining metastable vacua with spontaneously broken N=1 supersymmetry and non-negative cosmological constant in the moduli sector of string models. More specifically, we study the condition under which the scalar partners of the Goldstino are non-tachyonic, which depends only on the Kahler potential. This condition is not only necessary but also sufficient, in the sense that all of the other scalar fields can be given arbitrarily large positive square masses if the superpotential is suitably tuned. We consider both heterotic and orientifold string compactifications in the large-volume limit and show that the no-scale property shared by these models severely restricts the allowed values for the `sGoldstino masses in the superpotential parameter space. We find that a positive mass term may be achieved only for certain types of compactifications and specific Goldstino directions. Additionally, we show how subleading corrections to the Kahler potential which break the no-scale property may allow to lift these masses.

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