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Early experiments on spin-blockaded double quantum dots revealed surprising robust, large-amplitude current oscillations in the presence of a static (dc) source-drain bias [see e.g. K. Ono, S. Tarucha, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 256803 (2004)]. Experimental evidence strongly indicates that dynamical nuclear polarization plays a central role, but the mechanism has remained a mystery. Here we introduce a minimal albeit realistic model of coupled electron and nuclear spin dynamics which supports robust self-sustained oscillations. Our mechanism relies on a nuclear-spin analog of the tunneling magnetoresistance phenomenon (spin-dependent tunneling rates in the presence of an inhomogeneous Overhauser field) and nuclear spin diffusion, which governs dynamics of the spatial profile of nuclear polarization. The extremely long oscillation periods (up to hundreds of seconds) observed in experiments as well as the differences in phenomenology between vertical and lateral quantum dot structures are naturally explained in the proposed framework.
Topological phase transitions can occur in the dissipative dynamics of a quantum system when the ratio of matrix elements for competing transport channels is varied. Here we establish a relation between such behavior in a class of non-Hermitian quantum walk problems [M. S. Rudner and L. S. Levitov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 065703 (2009)] and nuclear spin pumping in double quantum dots, which is mediated by the decay of a spin-blockaded electron triplet state in the presence of spin-orbit and hyperfine interactions. The transition occurs when the strength of spin-orbit coupling exceeds the strength of the net hyperfine coupling, and results in the complete suppression of nuclear spin pumping. Below the transition point, nuclear pumping is accompanied by a strong reduction in current due to the presence of non-decaying dark states in this regime. Due to its topological character, the transition is expected to be robust against dephasing of the electronic degrees of freedom.
Spin-blockaded quantum dots provide a unique setting for studying nuclear-spin dynamics in a nanoscale system. Despite recent experimental progress, observing phase-sensitive phenomena in nuclear spin dynamics remains challenging. Here we point out that such a possibility opens up in the regime where hyperfine exchange directly competes with a purely electronic spin-flip mechanism such as the spin-orbital interaction. Interference between the two spin-flip processes, resulting from long-lived coherence of the nuclear-spin bath, modulates the electron-spin-flip rate, making it sensitive to the transverse component of nuclear polarization. In a system repeatedly swept through a singlet-triplet avoided crossing, nuclear precession is manifested in oscillations and sign reversal of the nuclear-spin pumping rate as a function of the waiting time between sweeps. This constitutes a purely electrical method for the detection of coherent nuclear-spin dynamics.
The interference between repeated Landau-Zener transitions in a qubit swept through an avoided level crossing results in Stueckelberg oscillations in qubit magnetization. The resulting oscillatory patterns are a hallmark of the coherent strongly-driven regime in qubits, quantum dots and other two-level systems. The two-dimensional Fourier transforms of these patterns are found to exhibit a family of one-dimensional curves in Fourier space, in agreement with recent observations in a superconducting qubit. We interpret these images in terms of time evolution of the quantum phase of qubit state and show that they can be used to probe dephasing mechanisms in the qubit.

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