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125 - X. Zhou , L. Ma , Z. Shi 2014
In this work, IrMn$_{3}$/insulating-Y$_{3}$Fe$_{5}$O$_{12}$ exchange-biased bilayers are studied. The behavior of the net magnetic moment $Delta m_{AFM}$ in the antiferromagnet is directly probed by anomalous and planar Hall effects, and anisotropic magnetoresistance. The $Delta m_{AFM}$ is proved to come from the interfacial uncompensated magnetic moment. We demonstrate that the exchange bias and rotational hysteresis are induced by the irreversible switching of the $Delta m_{AFM}$. In the training effect, the $Delta m_{AFM}$ changes continuously. This work highlights the fundamental role of the $Delta m_{AFM}$ in the exchange bias and facilitates the manipulation of antiferromagnetic spintronic devices.
133 - J. Zhang , L. Ma , J. Dai 2014
We report $^{51}$V nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies on single crystals of the multiferroic material FeVO$_4$. The high-temperature Knight shift shows Curie-Weiss behavior, $^{51}K = a/(T + theta)$, with a large Weiss constant $theta approx$ 116 K. However, the $^{51}$V spectrum shows no ordering near these temperatures, splitting instead into two peaks below 65 K, which suggests only short-ranged magnetic order on the NMR time scale. Two magnetic transitions are identified from peaks in the spin-lattice relaxation rate, $1/^{51}T_1$, at temperatures $T_{N1} approx$ 19 K and $T_{N2} approx$ 13 K, which are lower than the estimates obtained from polycrystalline samples. In the low-temperature incommensurate spiral state, the maximum ordered moment is estimated as 1.95${mu}_B$/Fe, or 1/3 of the local moment. Strong low-energy spin fluctuations are also indicated by the unconventional power-law temperature dependence $1/^{51}T_1 propto T^2$. The large Weiss constant, short-range magnetic correlations far above $T_{N1}$, small ordered moment, significant low-energy spin fluctuations, and incommensurate ordered phases all provide explicit evidence for strong magnetic frustration in FeVO$_4$.
84 - L. L. Ma 2010
The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory project is proposed to study high energy gamma ray astronomy ( 40 GeV-1 PeV ) and cosmic ray physics ( 20 TeV-1 EeV ). The wide field of view Cherenkov telescope array, as a component of the LHAASO project, will be used to study energy spectrum and compositions of cosmic ray by measuring the total Cherenkov light generated by air showers and shower maximum depth. Two prototype telescopes have been in operation since 2008. The pointing accuracy of each telescope is crucial to the direction reconstruction of the primary particles. On the other hand the primary energy reconstruction relies on the shape of the Cherenkov image on the camera and the unrecorded photons due to the imperfect connections between photomultiplier tubes. UV bright stars are used as point-like objects to calibrate the pointing and to study the optical properties of the camera, the spot size and the fractions of unrecorded photons in the insensitive areas of the camera.
92 - S. W. Zhang , L. Ma , Y. D. Hou 2009
We performed $^{75}$As NMR studies on two overdoped high-quality Ba$_{1-x}$K$_{x}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ (x=0.7 and 1.0) single crystals. In the normal states, we found a dramatic increase of the spin-lattice relaxation ($1/^{75}T_1$) from the x=0.7 to the x=1.0 samples. In KFe$_2$As$_2$, the ratio of $1/^{75}T_1TK_n^2$, where $^{75}K_n$ is the Knight shift, increases as temperature drops. These results indicate the existence of a new type of spin fluctuations in KFe$_2$As$_2$ which is accustomed to being treated as a simple Fermi liquid. In the superconducting state, we observe a step-like feature in the temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation of the x=0.7 sample, which supports a two-gap superconductivity as the underdoped materials. However, the temperature scalings of $1/^{75}T_1$ below Tc in the overdoped samples are significantly different from those in the under or optimal doped ones. A power-law scaling behavior $1/^{75}T_1Tsim T^{0.5}$ is observed, which indicates universal strong low energy excitations in the overdoped hole-type superconductors.
99 - Z. Y. Peng , L. Ma , X. H. Zhao 2009
Employing two samples containing of 56 and 59 well-separated FRED (fast rise and exponential decay) gamma-ray burst (GRB) pulses whose spectra are fitted by the Band spectrum and Compton model, respectively, we have investigated the evolutionary slope of $E_{p}$ (where $E_{p}$ is the peak energy in the $ u F u$ spectrum) with time during the pulse decay phase. The bursts in the samples were observed by the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory. We first test the $E_{p}$ evolutionary slope during the pulse decay phase predicted by Lu et al. (2007) based on the model of highly symmetric expanding fireballs in which the curvature effect of the expanding fireball surface is the key factor concerned. It is found that the evolutionary slopes are normally distributed for both samples and concentrated around the values of 0.73 and 0.76 for Band and Compton model, respectively, which is in good agreement with the theoretical expectation of Lu et al. (2007). However, the inconsistence with their results is that the intrinsic spectra of most of bursts may bear the Comptonized or thermal synchrotron spectrum, rather than the Band spectrum. The relationships between the evolutionary slope and the spectral parameters are also checked. We show the slope is correlated with $E_{p}$ of time-integrated spectra as well as the photon flux but anticorrelated with the lower energy index $alpha$. In addition, a correlation between the slope and the intrinsic $E_{p}$ derived by using the pseudo-redshift is also identified. The mechanisms of these correlations are unclear currently and the theoretical interpretations are required.
79 - Z. Y. Peng , L. Ma , R. J. Lu 2008
Employing a sample presented by Kaneko et al. (2006) and Kocevski et al. (2003), we select 42 individual tracking pulses (here we defined tracking as the cases in which the hardness follows the same pattern as the flux or count rate time profile) within 36 Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs) containing 527 time-resolved spectra and investigate the spectral hardness, $E_{peak}$ (where $E_{peak}$ is the maximum of the $ u F_{ u}$ spectrum), evolutionary characteristics. The evolution of these pulses follow soft-to-hard-to-soft (the phase of soft-to-hard and hard-to-soft are denoted by rise phase and decay phase, respectively) with time. It is found that the overall characteristics of $E_{peak}$ of our selected sample are: 1) the $E_{peak}$ evolution in the rise phase always start on the high state (the values of $E_{peak}$ are always higher than 50 keV); 2) the spectra of rise phase clearly start at higher energy (the median of $E_{peak}$ are about 300 keV), whereas the spectra of decay phase end at much lower energy (the median of $E_{peak}$ are about 200 keV); 3) the spectra of rise phase are harder than that of the decay phase and the duration of rise phase are much shorter than that of decay phase as well. In other words, for a complete pulse the initial $E_{peak}$ is higher than the final $E_{peak}$ and the duration of initial phase (rise phase) are much shorter than the final phase (decay phase). This results are in good agreement with the predictions of Lu et al. (2007) and current popular view on the production of GRBs. We argue that the spectral evolution of tracking pulses may be relate to both of kinematic and dynamic process even if we currently can not provide further evidences to distinguish which one is dominant. Moreover, our statistical results give some witnesses to constrain the current GRB model.
523 - F. Jin , Y. G. Ma , G. L. Ma 2007
Baryon-strangeness correlation (C$_{BS}$) has been investigated with a multi-phase transport model (AMPT) in $^{197}$Au + $^{197}$Au collisions at $sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV. The centrality dependence of C$_{BS}$ is presented within the model, from partonic phase to hadronic matter. We find that the system still reserve partial predicted signatures of C$_{BS}$ after parton coalescence. But after hadronic rescattering, the predicted signatures will be obliterated completely. So it seems that both coalescence hadronization process and hadronic rescattering are responsible for the disappearance of the C$_{BS}$ signatures.
264 - S. Zhang , G. L. Ma , Y. G. Ma 2007
The transverse momentum and pseudorapidity dependences of partonic {`it{Mach-like}} shock wave have been studied by using a multi-phase transport model (AMPT) with both partonic and hadronic interactions. The splitting parameter $D$, i.e. half distance between two splitting peaks on away side in di-hadron azimuthal angular ($Deltaphi$) correlations, slightly increases with the transverse momentum of associated hadrons ($p^{assoc}_T$), which is consistent with preliminary experimental trend, owing to different interaction-lengths/numbers between wave partons and medium in strong parton cascade. On the other hand, the splitting parameter $D$ as a function of pseudorapidity of associated hadrons ($eta^{assoc}$), keeps flat in mid-pseudorapidity region and rapidly drops in high-pseudorapidity region, which is as a result of different violent degrees of jet-medium interactions in the medium that has different energy densities in the longitudinal direction. It is proposed that the research on the properties of {`it{Mach-like}} correlation can shed light on the knowledge of both partonic and hadronic interactions at RHIC.

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