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We report inelastic light scattering studies on Ca(Fe0.97Co0.03)2As2 in a wide spectral range of 120-5200 cm-1 from 5K to 300K, covering the tetragonal to orthorhombic structural transition as well as magnetic transition at Tsm ~ 160K. The mode frequencies of two first-order Raman modes B1g and Eg, both involving displacement of Fe atoms, show sharp increase below Tsm. Concomitantly, the linewidths of all the first-order Raman modes show anomalous broadening below Tsm, attributed to strong spin-phonon coupling. The high frequency modes observed between 400-1200 cm-1 are attributed to the electronic Raman scattering involving the crystal field levels of d-orbitals of Fe2+. The splitting between xz and yz d-orbital levels is shown to be ~ 25 meV which increases as temperature decreases below Tsm. A broad Raman band observed at ~ 3200 cm-1 is assigned to two-magnon excitation of the itinerant Fe 3d antiferromagnet.
We report a low-temperature specific heat study of high-quality single crystals of the heavily hole doped superconductor Ca$_{0.32}$Na$_{0.68}$Fe$_2$As$_2$. This compound exhibits bulk superconductivity with a transition temperature $T_c approx 34$,K, which is evident from the magnetization, transport, and specific heat measurements. The zero field data manifests a significant electronic specific heat in the normal state with a Sommerfeld coefficient $gamma approx 53$ mJ/mol K$^{2}$. Using a multi-band Eliashberg analysis, we demonstrate that the dependence of the zero field specific heat in the superconducting state is well described by a three-band model with an unconventional s$_pm$ pairing symmetry and gap magnitudes $Delta_i$ of approximately 2.35, 7.48, and -7.50 meV. Our analysis indicates a non-negligible attractive intraband coupling,which contributes significantly to the relatively high value of $T_c$. The Fermi surface averaged repulsive and attractive coupling strengths are of comparable size and outside the strong coupling limit frequently adopted for describing high-$T_c$ iron pnictide superconductors. We further infer a total mass renormalization of the order of five, including the effects of correlations and electron-boson interactions.
Electronic structure of newly synthesized single crystals of calcium iron arsenide doped with sodium with Tc ranging from 33 to 14 K has been determined by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). The measured band dispersion is in general agreement with theoretical calculations, nonetheless implies absence of Fermi surface nesting at antiferromagnetic vector. A clearly developing below Tc strongly band-dependant superconducting gap has been revealed for samples with various doping levels. BCS ratio for optimal doping, $2Delta/k_{rm B}T_{rm c}=5.5$, is substantially smaller than the numbers reported for related compounds, implying a non-trivial relation between electronic dispersion and superconducting gap in iron arsenides.
We report a combined valence band photoemission and Auger spectroscopy study of single crystalline Ca(Fe,Co)2As2 and Ba(Fe,TM)2As2 with TM=Ni or Cu. The valence band photoemission data show directly that the TM-states move to higher binding energies with increasing atomic number, contributing less and less to the states close to the Fermi level. Furthermore, the 3d8 final state of the LVV Auger decay, which is observed for Ni and Cu, unambiguously reveals the accumulation of charge at these impurities. We also show that the onsite Coulomb interaction on the impurity strongly increases when moving from Co over Ni to Cu. Our results quantify the impurity potentials and imply that the superconducting state is robust against impurity scattering.
We present a calorimetric study on single crystals of Ca(Fe1-xCox)2As2 (x = 0, 0.032, 0.051, 0.056, 0.063, and 0.146). The combined first order spin-density wave/structural transition occurs in the parent CaFe2As2 compound at 168 K and gradually shifts to lower temperature for low doping levels (x = 0.032 and x = 0.051). It is completely suppressed upon higher doping x = 0.056. Simultaneously, superconductivity appears at lower temperature with a transition temperature around Tc = 14.1 K for Ca(Fe0.937Co0.063)2As2. The phase diagram of Ca(Fe0.937Co0.063)2As2 has been derived and the upper critical field is found to be H(c) c2 = 11.5
Platelet-like single crystals of the Ca(Fe1-xCox)2As2 series having lateral dimensions up to 15 mm and thickness up to 0.5 mm were obtained from the high temperature solution growth technique using Sn flux. Upon Co doping, the c-axis of the tetragonal unit cell decreases, while the a-axis shows a less significant variation. Pristine CaFe2As2 shows a combined spin-density-wave and structural transition near T = 166 K which gradually shifts to lower temperatures and splits with increasing Co-doping. Both transitions terminate abruptly at a critical Co-concentration of xc = 0.075. For x geq 0.05, superconductivity appears at low temperatures with a maximum transition temperature TC of around 20 K. The superconducting volume fraction increases with Co concentration up to x = 0.09 followed by a gradual decrease with further increase of the doping level. The electronic phase diagram of Ca(Fe1-xCox)2As2 (0 leq x leq 0.2) series is constructed from the magnetization and electric resistivity data. We show that the low-temperature superconducting properties of Co-doped CaFe2As2 differ considerably from those of BaFe2As2 reported previously. These differences seem to be related to the extreme pressure sensitivity of CaFe2As2 relative to its Ba counterpart.

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