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Blazars are astrophysical sources whose emission is dominated by non-thermal processes, typically interpreted as synchrotron and inverse Compton emission. Although the general picture is rather robust and consistent with observations, many aspects are still unexplored. Polarimetric monitoring can offer a wealth of information about the physical processes in blazars. Models with largely different physical ingredients can often provide almost indistinguishable predictions for the total flux, but usually are characterized by markedly different polarization properties. We explore, with a pilot study, the possibility to derive structural information about the emitting regions of blazars by means of a joint analysis of rapid variability of the total and polarized flux at optical wavelengths. Short timescale (from tens of seconds to a couple of minutes) optical linear polarimetry and photometry for two blazars, BL Lacertae and PKS 1424+240, was carried out with the PAOLO polarimeter at the 3.6m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. Several hours of almost continuous observations were obtained for both sources. Our intense monitoring allowed us to draw strongly different scenarios for BL Lacertae and PKS 1424+240, with the former characterized by intense variability on time-scales from hours to a few minutes and the latter practically constant in total flux. Essentially the same behavior is observed for the polarized flux and the position angle. The variability time-scales turned out to be as short as a few minutes, although involving only a few percent variation of the flux. The polarization variability time-scale is generally consistent with the total flux variability. Total and polarized flux appear to be essentially uncorrelated. However, even during our relatively short monitoring, different regimes can be singled out. (abridged)
We report about the multiwavelength campaign on the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) Galaxy PMN J0948+0022 (z = 0.5846) performed in 2010 July-September and triggered by high activity as measured by Fermi/LAT. The peak luminosity in the 0.1-100 GeV energy band exceeded, for the first time in this type of source, the value of 10^48 erg/s, a level comparable to the most powerful blazars. The comparison of the spectral energy distribution of the NLS1 PMN J0948+0022 with that of a typical blazar - like 3C 273 - shows that the power emitted at gamma rays is extreme.
The recent detection of gamma-ray emission from four radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies suggests that the engine driving the AGN activity of these objects share some similarities with that of blazars, namely the presence of a gamma-ray emitting, variable, jet of plasma closely aligned to the line of sight. In this work we analyze the gamma-ray light curves of the four radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies for which high-energy gamma-ray emission has been discovered by Fermi/LAT, in order to study their variability. We find significant flux variability in all the sources. This allows us to exclude a starburst origin of the gamma-ray photons and confirms the presence of a relativistic jet. Furthermore we estimate the minimum e-folding variability timescale (3 - 30 days) and infer an upper limit for the size of the emitting region (0.2 - 2 pc, assuming a relativistic Doppler factor delta=10 and a jet aperture of theta=0.1 rad).
We report on a multiwavelength campaign on the radio-loud Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) Galaxy PMN J0948+0022 (z=0.5846) performed in 2010 July-September and triggered by a high-energy gamma-ray outburst observed by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. The peak flux in the 0.1-100 GeV energy band exceeded, for the first time in this type of source, the value of 10^-6 ph cm^-2 s^-1, corresponding to an observed luminosity of 10^48 erg s^-1. Although the source was too close to the Sun position to organize a densely sampled follow-up, it was possible to gather some multiwavelength data that confirmed the state of high activity across the sampled electromagnetic spectrum. The comparison of the spectral energy distribution of the NLS1 PMN J0948+0022 with that of a typical blazar - like 3C 273 - shows that the power emitted at gamma rays is extreme.
170 - G. Ghisellini 2010
With the release of the first year Fermi catalogue, the number of blazars detected above 100 MeV lying at high redshift has been largely increased. There are 28 blazars at z>2 in the clean sample. All of them are Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs). We study and model their overall spectral energy distribution in order to find the physical parameters of the jet emitting region, and for all of them we estimate their black hole masses and accretion rates. We then compare the jet with the accretion disk properties, setting these sources in the broader context of all the other bright gamma-ray or hard X-ray blazars. We confirm that the jet power correlates with the accretion luminosity. We find that the high energy emission peak shifts to smaller frequencies as the observed luminosity increases, according to the blazar sequence, making the hard X-ray band the most suitable for searching the most luminous and distant blazars.
Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) class of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is generally radio-quiet, but a small percent of them are radio-loud. The recent discovery by Fermi/LAT of high-energy gamma-ray emission from 4 NLS1s proved the existence of relativistic jets in these systems. It is therefore important to study this new class of gamma-ray emitting AGNs. Here we report preliminary results about the observations of the July 2010 gamma-ray outburst of PMN J0948+0022, when the source flux exceeded for the first time 10^-6 ph cm^-2 s^-1 (E > 100 MeV).
109 - G. Ghisellini 2009
We studied all blazars of known redshift detected by the Fermi satellite during its first three months survey. For the majority of them, pointed Swift observations ensures a good multiwavelength coverage, enabling us to to reliably construct their spectral energy distributions (SED). We model the SEDs using a one-zone leptonic model and study the distributions of the derived interesting physical parameters as a function of the observed gamma-ray luminosity. We confirm previous findings concerning the relation of the physical parameters with source luminosity which are at the origin of the blazar sequence. The SEDs allow to estimate the luminosity of the accretion disk for the majority of broad emitting line blazars, while for the line-less BL Lac objects in the sample upper limits can be derived. We find a positive correlation between the jet power and the luminosity of the accretion disk in broad line blazars. In these objects we argue that the jet must be proton-dominated, and that the total jet power is of the same order of (or slightly larger than) the disk luminosity. We discuss two alternative scenarios to explain this result.
84 - G. Ghisellini 2009
A strong hard X-ray luminosity from a blazar flags the presence of a very powerful jet. If the jet power is in turn related to the mass accretion rate, the most luminous hard X-ray blazars should pinpoint the largest accretion rates, and therefore the largest black hole masses. These ideas are confirmed by the Swift satellite observations of the blazar S5 0014+813, at the redshift z=3.366. Swift detected this source with all its three instruments, from the optical to the hard X-rays. Through the construction of its spectral energy distribution we are confident that its optical-UV emission is thermal in origin. Associating it to the emission of a standard optically thick geometrically thin accretion disk, we find a black hole mass of 40 billion solar masses, radiating at 40% the Eddington value. The derived mass is among the largest ever found. Super-Eddington slim disks or thick disks with the presence of a collimating funnel can in principle reduce the black hole mass estimate, but tends to produce spectra bluer than observed.
We present simultaneous optical and X-ray data from Swift for a sample of FSRQs selected from the EMSS survey. We present also a complete analysis of Swift and INTEGRAL data on 4 blazars recently discussed as possibly challenging the trends of the blazar spectral sequence. The SEDs of all these objects are modelled in terms of a general theoretical scheme leading to an estimate of the jets physical parameters. Our results show that, in the case of the EMSS broad line blazars, X-ray selection does not lead to find sources with synchrotron peaks in the UV/X-ray range, as was the case for X-ray selected BL Lacs. Instead, for a wide range of radio powers all the sources with broad emission lines show similar SEDs, with synchrotron components peaking below the optical/UV range. Of the remaining 4 anomalous blazars, two highly luminous sources with broad lines, claimed to possibly emit synchrotron X-rays, are shown to be better described with IC models for their X-ray emission. For one source with weak emission lines (a BL Lac object) a synchrotron peak in the soft X-ray range is confirmed, while for the fourth source, exhibiting lines typical of NLSy1s, no evidence of X-ray emission from a relativistic jet is found. We reexamine the original blazar spectral sequence and suggest that the photon ambient, in which the particle acceleration and emission occur, is likely the main factor determining the shape of the blazar SED.
AIMS: Our goal is to understand the nature of blazars and the mechanisms for the generation of high-energy gamma-rays, through the investigation of the prototypical blazar PKS 2155-304, which shows complex behaviour. METHODS: We analyze simultaneous infrared-to-X-ray observations obtained with XMM-Newton and REM on November 7, 2006, when the source was in a low X-ray state. We perform a comparative analysis of these results with those obtained from previous observations in different brightness states. RESULTS: We found that the peak of the synchrotron emission moved from ultraviolet to optical wavelengths and the X-ray spectrum is best fit with a broken power law model with Gamma_2 ~ 2.4 harder than Gamma_1 ~ 2.6 and a break at about 3.5 keV. This suggests that the soft X-rays (E < 3.5 keV) are related to the high-energy tail of the synchrotron emission, while the hard X-rays (E > 3.5 keV) are from the energy region between the synchrotron and inverse-Compton humps. The different variability at energies below and above the break strengthens this hypothesis. Our results also stress the importance of monitoring this source at both low and high energies to better characterize its variability behaviour.

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