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We report the results from our analysis of a large set of archival data acquired with the X-ray telescope (XRT) onboard Swift, covering the sky region surrounding objects from the first Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) catalogue of high-energy sources (1FHL), which still lack an association. Of the 23 regions analysed, ten did not show any evidence of X-ray emission, but 13 were characterised by the presence of one or more objects emitting in the 0.3-10 keV band. Only in a couple of cases is the X-ray counterpart located outside the Fermi positional uncertainty, while in all other cases the associations found are compatible with the high-energy error ellipses. All counterparts we found have been studied in detail by means of a multi-waveband approach to evaluate their nature or class; in most cases, we have been able to propose a likely or possible association except for one Fermi source whose nature remains doubtful at the moment. The majority of the likely associations are extragalactic in nature, most probably blazars of the BL Lac type.
The first Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) catalogue of sources (1FHL) emitting at high energies (above 10 GeV) reports the details of 514 objects detected in the first three years of the Fermi mission. Of these, 71 were reported as unidentified in the 1FHL catalogue, although six are likely to be associated with a supernova remnant (SNR), a Pulsar Wind Nebula (PWN) or a combination of both, thereby leaving a list of 65 still unassociated objects. Herein, we report a preliminary analysis on this sample of objects concentrating on nine 1FHL sources, which were found to have a clear optical extragalactic classification. They are all blazar, eight BL Lac and one flat spectrum radio quasar, typically at redshift greater than 0.1.
In this letter we present the primary continuum parameters, the photon index Gamma and the high energy cut-off Ec, of 41 type-1 Seyfert galaxies extracted from the INTEGRAL complete sample of AGN. We performed a broad band (0.3-100 keV) spectral analysis by fitting simultaneously the soft and hard X-ray spectra obtained by XMM and INTEGRAL/IBIS-Swift/BAT respectively in order to investigate the general properties of these parameters in particular their distribution and mean values. We find a mean photon index for the whole sample of 1.73 with a standard deviation of 0.17 and a mean high energy cut-off of 128 keV with a standard deviation of 46 keV. This is the first time that the cut-off energy is constrained in a such large number of AGN. We have 26 measurements of the cut-off, which corresponds to 63% of the entire sample, distributed between 50 and 200 keV. There are a further 11 lower limits mostly below 300 keV. Using the main parameters of the primary continuum, we have been able to obtain the actual physical parameters of the Comptonizing region i.e. the plasma temperature kT_e from 20 to 100 keV and the optical depth tau <4. Finally, with the high S/N spectra starting to come from NuSTAR it will soon be possible to better constrain the cut-off values in many AGN, allowing the determination of more physical models and so to better understand the continuum emission and geometry of the region surrounding black holes.
We report on the identification of a new soft gamma-ray source, namely IGR J20159+3713/SWIFT J2015.9+3715, first detected by INTEGRAL/IBIS and then confirmed by Swift/BAT. The source, which has an observed 20-100 keV flux in the range (0.7-1.4) x 10^(-11) erg cm^(-2) s^(-1), encloses a Fermi variable source (2FGL J2015.6+3709) and is spatially close to a TeV emitter (VER J2016+372). Thanks to X-ray follow-up observations performed with the X-ray telescope on board Swift, we have been able to identify the new IBIS/BAT detection with the combined emission of the blazar B2013+370 and the cataclysmic variable RX J2015.6+3711. Both objects show variability in X-rays, with the CV being the most variable of the two. At high energies (above 20 keV) the emission is likely dominated by B2013+370, but the contribution from RX J2015.6+3711 is not negligible. The blazar emits up to GeV frequencies where it is seen by Fermi, while the cataclysmic variable has a bremsstrahlung temperature which is too low to provide any contribution at these high energies. These findings also indicate that the INTEGRAL/Swift source is not associated with the TeV emission, which is most likely due to the supernova remnant (SNR)/pulsar wind nebula (PWN) CTB 87.
150 - R. Landi 2013
With respect to the recent INTEGRAL/IBIS 9-year Galactic Hard X-ray Survey (Krivonos et al. 2012), we use archival Swift/XRT observations in conjunction with multi-wavelength information to discuss the counterparts of a sample of newly discovered objects. The X-ray telescope (XRT, 0.3-10 keV) on board Swift, thanks to its few arcseconds source location accuracy, has been proven to be a powerful tool with which the X-ray counterparts to these IBIS sources can be searched for and studied. In this work, we present the outcome of this analysis by discussing four objects (SWIFT J0958.0-4208, SWIFT J1508.6-4953, IGR J17157-5449, and IGR J22534+6243) having either X-ray data of sufficient quality to perform a reliable spectral analysis or having interesting multiwaveband properties. We find that SWIFT J1508.6-4953 is most likely a Blazar, while IGR J22534+6243 is probably a HMXB. The remaining two objects may be contaminated by nearby X-ray sources and their class can be inferred only by means of optical follow-up observations of all likely counterparts.
We report on the identification of a new soft gamma-ray source, IGR J12319-0749, detected with the IBIS imager on board the INTEGRAL satellite. The source, which has an observed 20-100 keV flux of ~8.3 x 10^{-12} erg cm^{-2} s^{-1}, is spatially coincident with an AGN at redshift z=3.12. The broad-band continuum, obtained by combining XRT and IBIS data, is flat (Gamma ~ 1.3) with evidence for a spectral break around 25 keV (100 keV in the source rest frame). X-ray observations indicate flux variability which is further supported by a comparison with a previous ROSAT measurement. IGR J12319-0749 is also a radio emitting object likely characterized by a flat spectrum and high radio loudness; optically it is a broad-line emitting object with a massive black hole (2.8 x 10^{9}$ solar masses) at its center. The source Spectral Energy Distribution is similar to another high redshift blazar, 225155+2217 at z=3.668: both objects are bright, with a large accretion disk luminosity and a Compton peak located in the hard X-ray/soft gamma-ray band. IGR J12319-0749 is likely the second most distant blazar detected so far by INTEGRAL.
In this paper we report on the broadband X-ray properties of a complete sample of 33 absorbed Seyfert galaxies hard X-ray selected with integral. The high quality broadband spectra obtained with both xmm, and integral-IBIS data are well reproduced with an absorbed primary emission with a high energy cutoff and its scattered fraction below 2-3 keV, plus the Compton reflection features. A high energy cut-off is found in 30% of the sample, with an average value below 150 keV. The diagnostic plot NH vs Fobs(2-10 keV)/F(20-100 keV) allowed the isolation of the Compton thick objects, and may represent a useful tool for future hard X-ray observations of newly discovered AGN. We are unable to associate the reflection components with the absorbing gas as a torus, a more complex scenario being necessary. In the Compton thin sources, a fraction (but not all) of the Fe K line needs to be produced in a gas possibly associated with the optical Broad Line Region, responsible also for the absorption. We still need a Compton thick medium (not intercepting the line of sight) likely associated to a torus, which contributes to the Fe line intensity and produces the observed reflection continuum above 10 keV. The so-called Iwasawa-Taniguchi effect can not be confirmed with our data. Finally, the comparison with a sample of unobscured AGN shows that, type 1 and type 2 (once corrected for absorption) Seyfert are characterized by the same nuclear/accretion properties (luminosity, bolometric luminosity, Eddington ratio), supporting the unified view.
256 - R. Landi , L. Bassani , A. Malizia 2010
Many sources listed in the 4th IBIS/ISGRI survey are still unidentified, i.e. lacking an X-ray counterpart or simply not studied at lower energies (< 10 keV). The cross-correlation between the list of IBIS sources in the 4th catalogue and the Swift/XRT data archive is of key importance to search for the X-ray counterparts; in fact, the positional accuracy of few arcseconds obtained with XRT allows us to perform more efficient and reliable follow-up observations at other wavelengths (optical, UV, radio). In this work, we present the results of the XRT observations for four new gamma-ray sources: IGR J12123-5802, IGR J1248.2-5828, IGR J13107-5626 and IGR J14080-3023. For IGR J12123-5802 we find a likely counterpart, but further information are needed to classified this object, IGR J1248.2-5828 is found to be a Seyfert 1.9, for IGR J13107-5626 we suggest a possible AGN nature, while IGR J14080-3023 is classified as a Seyfert 1.5 galaxy.
102 - R. Landi , L. Bassani , A. Malizia 2009
The 4th IBIS/ISGRI survey lists 723 hard X-ray sources many still unidentified. We cross-correlated the list of the sources included in the 4th IBIS catalogue with the Swift/XRT data archive, finding a sample of 20 objects for which XRT data could help in the search for the X-ray and hence optical counterpart and/or in the study of the source spectral and variability properties below 10 keV. Four objects (IGR J00465-4005, LEDA 96373, IGR J1248.2-5828 and IGR J13107-5626) are confirmed or likely absorbed active galaxies, while two (IGR J14080-3023 and 1RXS J213944.3+595016) are unabsorbed AGN. We find three peculiar extragalactic objects, NGC 4728 being a Narrow Line Seyfert galaxy, MCG+04-26-006 a type 2 LINER and PKS 1143-693 probably a QSO; furthermore, our results indicate that IGR J08262+4051 and IGR J22234-4116 are candidate AGN, which require further optical spectroscopic follow-up observations to be fully classified. In the case of 1RXS J080114.6-462324 we are confident that the source is a Galactic object. For IGR J10447-6027, IGR J12123-5802 and IGR J20569+4940 we pinpoint one X-ray counterpart, although its nature could not be assessed despite spectral and sometimes variability information being obtained. Clearly, we need to perform optical follow-up observations in order to firmly assess their nature. There are five objects for which we find no obvious X-ray counterpart (IGR J07506-1547 and IGR J17008-6425) or even no detection (IGR J17331-2406, IGR J18134-1636 and IGR J18175-1530); apart from IGR J18134-1636, all these sources are found to be variable in the IBIS energy band, therefore it is difficult to catch them even in X-rays.
In this paper we report on the fourth soft gamma-ray source catalog obtained with the IBIS gamma-ray imager on board the INTEGRAL satellite. The scientific dataset is based on more than 70Ms of high quality observations performed during the first five and a half years of Core Program and public observations. Compared to previous IBIS surveys, this catalog includes a substantially increased coverage of extragalactic fields, and comprises more than 700 high-energy sources detected in the energy range 17--100 keV, including both transients and faint persistent objects which can only be revealed with longer exposure times. A comparison is provided with the latest Swift/BAT survey results.

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