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352 - Kentaro Somiya 2011
Construction of the Japanese second-generation gravitational-wave detector KAGRA has been started. In the next 6 sim 7 years, we will be able to observe the space-time ripple from faraway galaxies. KAGRA is equipped with the latest advanced technologies. The entire 3-km long detector is located in the underground to be isolated from the seismic motion, the core optics are cooled down to 20 K to reduce thermal fluctuations, and quantum non-demolition techniques are used to decrease quantum noise. In this paper, we introduce the detector configuration of KAGRA; its design, strategy, and downselection of parameters.
Reduction of coating thermal noise is a key issue in precise measurements with an optical interferometer. A good example of such a measurement device is a gravitational-wave detector, where each mirror is coated by a few tens of quarter-wavelength dielectric layers to achieve high reflectivity while the thermal-noise level increases with the number of layers. One way to realize the reduction of coating thermal noise, recently proposed by Khalili, is the mechanical separation of the first few layers from the rest so that a major part of the fluctuations contributes only little to the phase shift of the reflected light. Using an etalon, a Fabry-Perot optical resonator of a monolithic cavity, with a few coating layers on the front and significantly more on the back surface is a way to realize such a system without too much complexity, and in this paper we perform a thermal-noise analysis of an etalon using the Fluctuation-dissipation theorem with probes on both sides of a finite-size cylindrical mirror.
Thermal noise of a mirror is one of the limiting noise sources in the high precision measurement such as gravitational-wave detection, and the modeling of thermal noise has been developed and refined over a decade. In this paper, we present a derivation of coating thermal noise of a finite-size cylindrical mirror based on the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The result agrees to a previous result with an infinite-size mirror in the limit of large thickness, and also agrees to an independent result based on the mode expansion with a thin-mirror approximation. Our study will play an important role not only to accurately estimate the thermal-noise level of gravitational-wave detectors but also to help analyzing thermal noise in quantum-measurement experiments with lighter mirrors.
82 - Kentaro Somiya 2008
Thermal noise of a mirror is one of the most important issues in high precision measurements such as gravitational-wave detection or cold damping experiments. It has been pointed out that thermal noise of a mirror with multi-layer coatings can be reduced by mechanical separation of the layers. In this paper, we introduce a way to further reduce thermal noise by locking the mechanically separated mirrors. The reduction is limited by the standard quantum limit of control noise, but it can be overcome with a quantum-non-demolition technique, which finally raises a possibility of complete elimination of coating thermal noise.
Currently planned second-generation gravitational-wave laser interferometers such as Advanced LIGO exploit the extensively investigated signal-recycling (SR) technique. Candidate Advanced LIGO configurations are usually designed to have two resonances within the detection band, around which the sensitivity is enhanced: a stable optical resonance and an unstable optomechanical resonance - which is upshifted from the pendulum frequency due to the so-called optical-spring effect. Alternative to a feedback control system, we propose an all-optical stabilization scheme, in which a second optical spring is employed, and the test mass is trapped by a stable ponderomotive potential well induced by two carrier light fields whose detunings have opposite signs. The double optical spring also brings additional flexibility in re-shaping the noise spectral density and optimizing toward specific gravitational-wave sources. The presented scheme can be extended easily to a multi-optical-spring system that allows further optimization.
Motivated by the optical-bar scheme of Braginsky, Gorodetsky and Khalili, we propose to add to a high power detuned signal-recycling interferometer a local readout scheme which measures the motion of the arm-cavity front mirror. At low frequencies this mirror moves together with the arm-cavity end mirror, under the influence of gravitational waves. This scheme improves the low-frequency quantum-noise-limited sensitivity of optical-spring interferometers significantly and can be considered as a incorporation of the optical-bar scheme into currently planned second-generation interferometers. On the other hand it can be regarded as an extension of the optical bar scheme. Taking compact-binary inspiral signals as an example, we illustrate how this scheme can be used to improve the sensitivity of the planned Advanced LIGO interferometer, in various scenarios, using a realistic classical-noise budget. We also discuss how this scheme can be implemented in Advanced LIGO with relative ease.

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