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We derive the evolution equation for the second order curvature perturbation using standard techniques of cosmological perturbation theory. We do this for different definitions of the gauge invariant curvature perturbation, arising from different splits of the spatial metric, and compare the expressions. The results are valid at all scales and include all contributions from scalar, vector and tensor perturbations, as well as anisotropic stress, with all our results written purely in terms of gauge invariant quantities. Taking the large-scale approximation, we find that a conserved quantity exists only if, in addition to the non-adiabatic pressure, the transverse traceless part of the anisotropic stress tensor is also negligible. We also find that the version of the gauge invariant curvature perturbation which is exactly conserved is the one defined with the determinant of the spatial part of the inverse metric.
Working with perturbations about an FLRW spacetime, we compute the gauge-invariant curvature perturbation to second order solely in terms of scalar field fluctuations. Using the curvature perturbation on uniform density hypersurfaces as our starting point, we give our results in terms of field fluctuations in the flat gauge, incorporating both large and small scale behaviour. For ease of future numerical implementation we give our result in terms of the scalar field fluctuations and their time derivatives.
Magnetic fields are present on all scales in the Universe. While we understand the processes which amplify the fields fairly well, we do not have a natural mechanism to generate the small initial seed fields. By using fully relativistic cosmological perturbation theory and going beyond the usual confines of linear theory we show analytically how magnetic fields are generated. This is the first analytical calculation of the magnetic field at second order, using gauge-invariant cosmological perturbation theory, and including all the source terms. To this end, we have rederived the full set of governing equations independently. Our results suggest that magnetic fields of the order of $10^{-30}$ G can be generated (although this depends on the small scale cut-off of the integral), which is largely in agreement with previous results that relied upon numerical calculations. These fields are likely too small to act as the primordial seed fields for dynamo mechanisms.
Vorticity is ubiquitous in nature however, to date, studies of vorticity in cosmology and the early universe have been quite rare. In this paper, based on a talk in session CM1 of the 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, we consider vorticity generation from scalar cosmological perturbations of a perfect fluid system. We show that, at second order in perturbation theory, vorticity is sourced by a coupling between energy density and entropy gradients, thus extending a well-known feature of classical fluid dynamics to a relativistic cosmological framework. This induced vorticity, sourced by isocurvature perturbations, may prove useful in the future as an additional discriminator between inflationary models.
Currently, most of the numerical simulations of structure formation use Newtonian gravity. When modelling pressureless dark matter, or `dust, this approach gives the correct results for scales much smaller than the cosmological horizon, but for scenarios in which the fluid has pressure this is no longer the case. In this article, we present the correspondence of perturbations in Newtonian and cosmological perturbation theory, showing exact mathematical equivalence for pressureless matter, and giving the relativistic corrections for matter with pressure. As an example, we study the case of scalar field dark matter which features non-zero pressure perturbations. We discuss some problems which may arise when evolving the perturbations in this model with Newtonian numerical simulations and with CMB Boltzmann codes.
125 - Ian Huston , Karim A. Malik 2011
We numerically calculate the evolution of second order cosmological perturbations for an inflationary scalar field without resorting to the slow-roll approximation or assuming large scales. In contrast to previous approaches we therefore use the full non-slow-roll source term for the second order Klein-Gordon equation which is valid on all scales. The numerical results are consistent with the ones obtained previously where slow-roll is a good approximation. We investigate the effect of localised features in the scalar field potential which break slow-roll for some portion of the evolution. The numerical package solving the second order Klein-Gordon equation has been released under an open source license and is available for download.
We compare and contrast two different metric based formulations of non- linear cosmological perturbation theory: the MW2009 approach in [K. A. Malik and D. Wands, Phys. Rept. 475 (2009), 1.] following Bardeen and the recent approach of the paper KN2010 [K. Nakamura, Advances in Astronomy 2010 (2010), 576273]. We present each formulation separately. In the MW2009 approach, one considers the gauge transformations of perturbative quantities, choosing a gauge by requiring that certain quantities vanish, rendering all other variables gauge invariant. In the KN2010 formalism, one decomposes the metric tensor into a gauge variant and gauge invariant part from the outset. We compare the two approaches in both the longitudinal and uniform curvature gauges. In the longitudinal gauge, we find that Nakamuras gauge invariant variables correspond exactly to those in the longitudinal gauge (i.e., for scalar perturbations, to the Bardeen potentials), and in the uniform curvature gauge we obtain the usual relationship between gauge invariant variables in the flat and longitudinal gauge. Thus, we show that these two approaches are equivalent.
In this paper we analyse three models of the early universe, for which the respective mechanisms for generating the curvature perturbation are considered disparate. We find that in fact the mechanisms are very similar, and hence explain why they give rise to a large non-gaussianity. We show that the mechanism for generating the primordial curvature perturbation, and hence the observable non-gaussianity, is similar in both the Curvaton and Modulated Reheating models. In both cases the model can be written in terms of an energy transfer between the constituting fluids. We then show that this is also true for the mechanism of generating the curvature perturbation by symmetry breaking the end of inflation. We then relate this to the non-gaussian contribution to the curvature perturbation and find that it is inversely proportional to the efficiency with which the curvature perturbation is transferred between the fluids. For the first time, we generalise models of modulated reheating to allow for a non-linear energy transfer rate.
147 - Ian Huston , Karim A. Malik 2009
We numerically solve the Klein-Gordon equation at second order in cosmological perturbation theory in closed form for a single scalar field, describing the method employed in detail. We use the slow-roll version of the second order source term and argue that our method is extendable to the full equation. We consider two standard single field models and find that the results agree with previous calculations using analytic methods, where comparison is possible. Our procedure allows the evolution of second order perturbations in general and the calculation of the non-linearity parameter f_NL to be examined in cases where there is no analytical solution available.
We review the study of inhomogeneous perturbations about a homogeneous and isotropic background cosmology. We adopt a coordinate based approach, but give geometrical interpretations of metric perturbations in terms of the expansion, shear and curvature of constant-time hypersurfaces and the orthogonal timelike vector field. We give the gauge transformation rules for metric and matter variables at first and second order. We show how gauge invariant variables are constructed by identifying geometric or matter variables in physically-defined coordinate systems, and give the relations between many commonly used gauge-invariant variables. In particular we show how the Einstein equations or energy-momentum conservation can be used to obtain simple evolution equations at linear order, and discuss extensions to non-linear order. We present evolution equations for systems with multiple interacting fluids and scalar fields, identifying adiabatic and entropy perturbations. As an application we consider the origin of primordial curvature and isocurvature perturbations from field perturbations during inflation in the very early universe.

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