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We demonstrate that a seismic analysis of stars in their earliest evolutionary phases is a powerful method to identify young stars and distinguish their evolutionary states. The early star that is born from the gravitational collapse of a molecular cloud reaches at some point sufficient temperature, mass and luminosity to be detected. Accretion stops and the pre-main sequence star that emerges is nearly fully convective and chemically homogeneous. It will continue to contract gravitationally until the density and temperature in the core are high enough to start nuclear burning of hydrogen. We show that there is a relationship between detected pulsation properties for a sample of young stars and their evolutionary status illustrating the potential of asteroseismology for the early evolutionary phases.
Star clusters are known as superb tools for understanding stellar evolution. In a quest for understanding the physical origin of magnetism and chemical peculiarity in about 7% of the massive main-sequence stars, we analysed two of the ten brightest members of the ~10 Myr old Galactic open cluster NGC 2264, the early B-dwarfs HD47887 and HD47777. We find accurate rotation periods of 1.95 and 2.64 days, respectively, from MOST photometry. We obtained ESPaDOnS spectropolarimetric observations, through which we determined stellar parameters, detailed chemical surface abundances, projected rotational velocities, and the inclination angles of the rotation axis. Because we found only small (<5 km/s) radial velocity variations, most likely caused by spots, we can rule out that HD47887 and HD47777 are close binaries. Finally, using the least-squares deconvolution technique, we found that both stars possess a large-scale magnetic field with an average longitudinal field strength of about 400 G. From a simultaneous fit of the stellar parameters we determine the evolutionary masses of HD47887 and HD47777 to be 9.4+/-0.7 M0 and 7.6+/-0.5 M0. Interestingly, HD47777 shows a remarkable helium underabundance, typical of helium-weak chemically peculiar stars, while the abundances of HD47887 are normal, which might imply that diffusion is operating in the lower mass star but not in the slightly more massive one. Furthermore, we argue that the rather slow rotation, as well as the lack of nitrogen enrichment in both stars, can be consistent with both the fossil and the binary hypothesis for the origin of the magnetic field. However, the presence of two magnetic and apparently single stars near the top of the cluster mass-function may speak in favour of the latter.
We concentrate on an asteroseismological study of HD 261711, a rather hot delta Scuti type pulsating member of the young open cluster NGC 2264 located at the blue border of the instability region. HD 261711 was discovered to be a pre-main sequence delta Scuti star using the time series photometry obtained by the MOST satellite in 2006. High-precision, time-series photometry of HD 261711 was obtained by the MOST and CoRoT satellites in 4 separate new observing runs that are put into context with the stars fundamental atmospheric parameters obtained from spectroscopy. With the new MOST data set from 2011/12 and the two CoRoT light curves from 2008 and 2011/12, the delta Scuti variability was confirmed and regular groups of frequencies were discovered. The two pulsation frequencies identified in the data from the first MOST observing run in 2006 are confirmed and 23 new delta Scuti-type frequencies were discovered using the CoRoT data. Weighted average frequencies for each group are related to l=0 and l=1 p-modes. Evidence for amplitude modulation of the frequencies in two groups is seen. The effective temperature was derived to be 8600$pm$200 K, log g is 4.1$pm$0.2, and the projected rotational velocity is 53$pm$1km/s. Using our Teff value and the radius of 1.8$pm$0.5 Rsun derived from SED fitting, we get a log L/Lsun of 1.20$pm$0.14 which agrees well to the seismologically determined values of 1.65 Rsun and, hence, a log L/Lsun of 1.13. The radial velocity of 14$pm$2 km/s we derived for HD 261711, confirms the stars membership to NGC 2264. Our asteroseismic models suggest that HD 261711 is a delta Scuti-type star close to the zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) with a mass of 1.8 to 1.9Msun. HD 261711 is either a young ZAMS star or a late PMS star just before the onset of hydrogen-core burning.
Pulsations in pre-main sequence stars have been discovered several times within the last years. But nearly all of these pulsators are of delta Scuti-type. gamma Doradus-type pulsation in young stars has been predicted by theory, but lack observational evidence. We present the investigation of variability caused by rotation and (gammaDoradus-type) pulsation in two pre-main sequence members of the young open cluster NGC2264 using high-precision time series photometry from the CoRoT satellite and dedicated high-resolution spectroscopy. Time series photometry of NGC2264VAS20 and NGC 2264VAS87 was obtained by the CoRoT satellite during the dedicated short run SRa01 in March 2008. NGC2264VAS87 was re-observed by CoRoT during the short run SRa05 in December 2011 and January 2012. Frequency analysis was conducted using Period04 and SigSpec. The spectral analysis was performed using equivalent widths and spectral synthesis. The frequency analysis yielded 10 and 14 intrinsic frequencies for NGC2264VAS20 and NGC2264VAS 87, respectively, in the range from 0 to 1.5c/d which are attributed to be caused by a combination of rotation and pulsation. The effective temperatures were derived to be 6380$pm$150K for NGC2264VAS20 and 6220$pm$150K for NGC2264VAS87. Membership of the two stars to the cluster is confirmed independently using X-ray fluxes, radial velocity measurements and proper motions available in the literature. The derived Li abundances of log n(Li)=3.34 and 3.54 for NGC2264VAS20 and NGC2264VAS87, respectively, are in agreement with the Li abundance for other stars in NGC2264 of similar Teff reported in the literature. We conclude that the two objects are members of NGC2264 and therefore are in their pre-main sequence evolutionary stage. Assuming that part of their variability is caused by pulsation, these two stars might be the first pre-main sequence gamma Doradus candidates.
MOST observations and model analysis of the Herbig Ae star HD 34282 (V1366 Ori) reveal {delta}-Scuti pulsations. 22 frequencies are observed, 10 of which confirm those previously identified by Amado et al. (2006), and 12 of which are newly discovered in this work. We show that the weighted-average frequency in each group fits the radial p-mode frequencies of viable models. We argue that the observed pulsation spectrum extends just to the edge to the acoustic cut-off frequency and show that this also is consistent with our best-fitting models.
172 - K. Zwintz , P. Lenz , M. Breger 2011
We present high-precision time-series photometry of the classical delta Scuti star HD 144277 obtained with the MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars) satellite in two consecutive years. The observed regular frequency patterns are investigated asteroseismologically. HD 144277 is a hot A-type star that is located on the blue border of the classical instability strip. While we mostly observe low radial order modes in classical delta Scuti stars, HD 144277 presents a different case. Its high observed frequencies, i.e., between 59.9c/d (693.9 microHz) and 71.1c/d (822.8microHz), suggest higher radial orders. We examine the progression of the regular frequency spacings from the low radial order to the asymptotic frequency region. Frequency analysis was performed using Period04 and SigSpec. The results from the MOST observing runs in 2009 and 2010 were compared to each other. The resulting frequencies were submitted to asteroseismic analysis. HD 144277 was discovered to be a delta Scuti star using the time-series photometry observed by the MOST satellite. Twelve independent pulsation frequencies lying in four distinct groups were identified. Two additional frequencies were found to be combination frequencies. The typical spacing of 3.6c/d corresponds to the spacing between subsequent radial and dipole modes, therefore the spacing between radial modes is twice this value, 7.2c/d. Based on the assumption of slow rotation, we find evidence that the two radial modes are the sixth and seventh overtones, and the frequency with the highest amplitude can be identified as a dipole mode. The models required to fit the observed instability range need slightly less metallicity and a moderate enhancement of the helium abundance compared to the standard chemical composition. Our asteroseismic models suggest that HD 144277 is a delta Scuti star close to the ZAMS with a mass of 1.66 solar masses.
The more massive counterparts of T Tauri stars, Herbig Ae/Be stars, are known to vary in a complex way with no variability mechanism clearly identified. We attempt to characterize the optical variability of HD~37806 (MWC 120) on time scales ranging between minutes and several years. A continuous, one-minute resolution, 21 day-long sequence of MOST (Microvariability & Oscillations of STars) satellite observations has been analyzed using wavelet, scalegram and dispersion analysis tools. The MOST data have been augmented by sparse observations over 9 seasons from ASAS (All Sky Automated Survey), by previously non-analyzed ESO (European Southern Observatory) data partly covering 3 seasons and by archival measurements dating back half a century ago. Mutually superimposed flares or accretion instabilities grow in size from about 0.0003 of the mean flux on a time scale of minutes to a peak-to-peak range of <~0.05 on a time scale of a few years. The resulting variability has properties of stochastic red noise, whose self-similar characteristics are very similar to those observed in cataclysmic binary stars, but with much longer characteristic time scales of hours to days (rather than minutes) and with amplitudes which appear to cease growing in size on time scales of tens of years. In addition to chaotic brightness variations combined with stochastic noise, the MOST data show a weakly defined cyclic signal with a period of about 1.5 days, which may correspond to the rotation of the star.
We present precise photometry of the pulsating Herbig Ae star HD 142666 obtained in two consecutive years with the MOST (Microvariability & Oscilations of STars) satellite. Previously, only a single pulsation period was known for HD 142666. The MOST photometry reveals that HD 142666 is multi-periodic. However, the unique identification of pulsation frequencies is complicated by the presence of irregular variability caused by the stars circumstellar dust disk. The two light curves obtained with MOST in 2006 and 2007 provided data of unprecedented quality to study the pulsations in HD 142666 and also to monitor the circumstellar variability. We attribute 12 frequencies to pulsation. Model fits to the three frequencies with the highest amplitudes lie well outside the uncertainty box for the stars position in the HR diagram based on published values. The models suggest that either (1) the published estimate of the luminosity of HD 142666, based on a relation between circumstellar disk radius and stellar luminosity, is too high and/or (2) additional physics such as mass accretion may be needed in our models to accurately fit both the observed frequencies and HD 142666s position in the HR diagram.
155 - K. Zwintz 2007
A comparison of the hot and cool boundaries of the classical instability strip with observations has been an important test for stellar structure and evolution models of post- and main sequence stars. Over the last few years, the number of pulsating pre-main sequence (PMS) stars has increased significantly: 36 PMS pulsators and candidates are known as of June 2007. This number allows to investigate the location of the empirical PMS instability region and to compare its boundaries to those of the classical (post- and main sequence) instability strip. Due to the structural differences of PMS and (post-)main sequence stars, the frequency spacings for nonradial modes will be measurably different, thus challenging asteroseismology as a diagnostic tool.

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