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Compositional data consist of known compositions vectors whose components are positive and defined in the interval (0,1) representing proportions or fractions of a whole. The sum of these components must be equal to one. Compositional data is present in different knowledge areas, as in geology, economy, medicine among many others. In this paper, we introduce a Bayesian analysis for compositional regression applying additive log-ratio (ALR) transformation and assuming uncorrelated and correlated errors. The Bayesian inference procedure based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods (MCMC). The methodology is illustrated on an artificial and a real data set of volleyball.
Inelastic neutron scattering studies have been carried out on selected phonons and magnetic excitations of a crystal of superconducting (SC) Ca$_{10}$Pt$_4$As$_8$(Fe$_{1-x}$Pt$_x$As)$_{10}$ with the onset transition temperature $T_{rm c}^{rm onset} sim$ 33 K to investigate the role that orbital fluctuations play in the Cooper pairing. The spectral weight of the magnetic excitations, $chi ({bm Q}, omega)$ at ${bm Q} = {bm Q}_{rm M}$ (magnetic $Gamma$ points) is suppressed (enhanced) in the relatively low (high) $omega$ region. The maximum of the enhancement is located at $omega = omega_{rm p} sim$ 18 meV at temperature $T = 3$ K corresponding to the $omega_{rm p}/k_{rm B}T_{rm c}^{rm onset} sim$ 6.3. This large value is rather favorable to the orbital-fluctuation mechanism of the superconductivity with the so-called $S_{++}$ symmetry. In the phonon measurements, we observed slight softening of the in-plane transverse acoustic mode corresponding to the elastic constant $C_{66}$. This softening starts at $T$ well above the superconducting $T_{rm c}$, as $T$ decreases. An anomalously large increase in the phonon spectral weight of in-plane optical modes was observed in the range of $35 < omega < 40$ meV with decreasing $T$ from far above $T_{rm c}$. Because this $omega$ region mainly corresponds to the in-plane vibrations of Fe atoms, the finding presents information on the coupling between the orbital fluctuation of the Fe 3$d$ electrons and lattice system, useful for studying possible roles of the orbital fluctuation in the pairing mechanism and appearance of the so-called nematic phase.
We present an incisive spectroscopic technique for directly probing redox orbitals based on bulk electron momentum density measurements via high-resolution x-ray Compton scattering. Application of our method to spinel LixMn2O4, a lithium ion battery cathode material, is discussed. The orbital involved in the lithium insertion and extraction process is shown to mainly be the oxygen 2p orbital. Moreover, the manganese 3d states are shown to experience spatial delocalization involving 0.16 electrons per Mn site during the battery operation. Our analysis provides a clear understanding of the fundamental redox process involved in the working of a lithium ion battery.
176 - K. Suzuki , S. Aoki , A. Ariga 2014
The Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) neutrino experiment measures neutrino oscillations by using an almost pure muon neutrino beam produced at the J-PARC accelerator facility. The T2K muon monitor was installed to measure the direction and stability of the muon beam which is produced together with the muon neutrino beam. The systematic error in the muon beam direction measurement was estimated, using data and MC simulation, to be 0.28 mrad. During beam operation, the proton beam has been controlled using measurements from the muon monitor and the direction of the neutrino beam has been tuned to within 0.3 mrad with respect to the designed beam-axis. In order to understand the muon beam properties,measurement of the absolute muon yield at the muon monitor was conducted with an emulsion detector. The number of muon tracks was measured to be $(4.06pm0.05)times10^4$ cm$^{-2}$ normalized with $4times10^{11}$ protons on target with 250 kA horn operation. The result is in agreement with the prediction which is corrected based on hadron production data.
609 - Y. Kuno , K. Suzuki , I. Ichinose 2014
In this paper, we study an extended bosonic t-J model in an optical lattice, which describes two-component hard-core bosons with a nearest-neighbor (NN) pseudo-spin interaction, and also inter- and intra-species dipole-dipole interactions (DDI). In particular, we focus on the case in which two component hard-core bosons have anti-parallel polarized dipoles with each other. The global phase diagram is studied by means of the Gutzwiller variational method and also the quantum Monte-Carlo simulations (QMC). The both calculations show that a stripe solid order, besides a checkerboard one, appears as a result of the DDI. By the QMC, we find that two kinds of supersolid (SS) form, checkerboard SS and stripe SS, and we also verify the existence of some exotic phase between the stripe solid and checkerboard SS. Finally by the QMC, we study the t-J-like model, which was experimentally realized recently by A. de Paz et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 111}, 185305 (2013)].
We have performed a 2.5 dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation that resolves the propagation and dissipation of Alfven waves in the solar atmosphere. Alfvenic fluctuations are introduced on the bottom boundary of the extremely large simulation box that ranges from the photosphere to far above the solar wind acceleration region. Our model is ab initio in the sense that no corona and no wind are assumed initially.The numerical experiment reveals the quasi-steady solution that has the transition from the cool to the hot atmosphere and the emergence of the high speed wind. The global structure of the resulting hot wind solution fairly well agree with the coronal and the solar wind structure inferred from observations. The purpose of this study is to complement the previous paper by Matsumoto & Suzuki (2012) and describe the more detailed results and the analysis method. These results include the dynamics of the transition region and the more precisely measured heating rate in the atmosphere. Particularly, the spatial distribution of the heating rate helps us to interpret the actual heating mechanisms in the numerical simulation.Our estimation method of heating rate turned out to be a good measure for dissipation of Alfven waves and low beta fast waves.
215 - Y. Kuno , K. Suzuki , 2013
In the previous papers, we studied the bosonic t-J mode and derived an effective field theory, which is a kind of quantum XY model. The bosonic t-J model is expected to be realized by experiments of two-component cold atoms in an optical lattice. In this paper, we consider a similar XY model that describes phase diagram of the t-J model with a mass difference. Phase diagram and critical behavior of the quantum XY model are clarified by means of the Monte-Carlo simulations. Effective field theory that describes the phase structure and low-energy excitations of the quantum XY model is derived. Nambu-Goldstone bosons and the Higgs mode are studied by using the effective field theory and interesting findings are obtained for the system with multiple order, i.e., Bose-Einstein condensations and pseudo-spin symmetry. We also investigate physical properties of the quantum XY model in an effective magnetic field that is realized by rotating the optical lattice, etc. We show that low-energy states of the system strongly depend on the strength of the magnetic field. For some specific strength of the magnetic field, vortex lattice forms and the correlation function of the bosons exhibits solid like behavior, which is a kind of Bose-Einstein condensation.
371 - Takeru K. Suzuki 2012
We investigate mass losses via stellar winds from sun-like main sequence stars with a wide range of activity levels. We perform forward-type magnetohydrodynamical numerical experiments for Alfven wave-driven stellar winds with a wide range of the input Poynting flux from the photosphere. Increasing the magnetic field strength and the turbulent velocity at the stellar photosphere from the current solar level, the mass loss rate rapidly increases at first owing to the suppression of the reflection of the Alfven waves. The surface materials are lifted up by the magnetic pressure associated with the Alfven waves, and the cool dense chromosphere is intermittently extended to 10 -- 20 % of the stellar radius. The dense atmospheres enhance the radiative losses and eventually most of the input Poynting energy from the stellar surface escapes by the radiation. As a result, there is no more sufficient energy remained for the kinetic energy of the wind; the stellar wind saturates in very active stars, as observed in Wood et al. The saturation level is positively correlated with B_{r,0}f_0, where B_{r,0} and f_0 are the magnetic field strength and the filling factor of open flux tubes at the photosphere. If B_{r,0}f_0 is relatively large >~ 5 G, the mass loss rate could be as high as 1000 times. If such a strong mass loss lasts for ~ 1 billion years, the stellar mass itself is affected, which could be a solution to the faint young sun paradox. We derive a Reimers-type scaling relation that estimates the mass loss rate from the energetics consideration of our simulations. Finally, we derive the evolution of the mass loss rates, dot{M} t^{-1.23}, of our simulations, combining with an observed time evolution of X-ray flux from sun-like stars, which is shallower than dot{M} t^{-2.33+/-0.55} in Wood et al.(2005).
Our recent study has revealed that the mixture of the dz2 orbital component into the Fermi surface suppresses Tc in the cuprates such as La2CuO4. We have also shown that applying hydrostatic pressure enhances Tc due to smaller mixing of the Cu4s component. We call these the orbital distillation effect. In our previous study, the 4s orbital was taken into account through the hoppings in the dx2-y2 sector, but here we consider a model in which of the dx2-y2, dz2 and 4s orbitals are all considered explicitly. The present study reinforces our conclusion that smaller 4s hybridization further enhances Tc.
Analyzing DISTO data of $pp -> p Lambda K^+$ at $T_p = 2.50$ and 2.85 GeV to populate a previously reported X(2265) resonance with $M_X = 2267$ MeV/$c^2$ and $Gamma_X = 118$ MeV at 2.85 GeV, we found that the production of X(2265) at 2.50 GeV is much less than that at 2.85 GeV (less than 10%), though it is expected from a kinematical consideration to be produced as much as 33% of that at 2.85 GeV. The small population of X(2265) at 2.50 GeV is consistent with the very weak production of Lambda (1405) at the same incident energy toward its production threshold, thus indicating that Lambda (1405) plays an important role as a doorway state for the formation of X(2265).

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