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It has been shown that there are not only transverse but also longitudinal couplings between microwave fields and a superconducting qubit with broken inversion symmetry of the potential energy. Using multiphoton processes induced by longitudinal coupling fields and frequency matching conditions, we design a universal algorithm to produce arbitrary superpositions of two-mode photon states of microwave fields in two separated transmission line resonators, which are coupled to a superconducting qubit. Based on our algorithm, we analyze the generation of evenly-populated states and NOON states. Compared to other proposals with only single-photon process, we provide an efficient way to produce entangled microwave states when the interactions between superconducting qubits and microwave fields are in the ultrastrong regime.
138 - Jun Zhao , Liangyun Chen 2015
In this paper, we define $omega$-derivations, and study some properties of $omega$-derivations, with its properties we can structure a new $n$-ary Hom-Nambu algebra from an $n$-ary Hom-Nambu algebra. In addition, we also give derivations and representations of $n$-ary Hom-Nambu algebras.
Random intersection graphs have received much interest and been used in diverse applications. They are naturally induced in modeling secure sensor networks under random key predistribution schemes, as well as in modeling the topologies of social networks including common-interest networks, collaboration networks, and actor networks. Simply put, a random intersection graph is constructed by assigning each node a set of items in some random manner and then putting an edge between any two nodes that share a certain number of items. Broadly speaking, our work is about analyzing random intersection graphs, and models generated by composing it with other random graph models including random geometric graphs and ErdH{o}s-Renyi graphs. These compositional models are introduced to capture the characteristics of various complex natural or man-made networks more accurately than the existing models in the literature. For random intersection graphs and their compositions with other random graphs, we study properties such as ($k$-)connectivity, ($k$-)robustness, and containment of perfect matchings and Hamilton cycles. Our results are typically given in the form of asymptotically exact probabilities or zero-one laws specifying critical scalings, and provide key insights into the design and analysis of various real-world networks.
Besides the conventional transverse couplings between superconducting qubits (SQs) and electromagnetic fields, there are additional longitudinal couplings when the inversion symmetry of the potential energies of the SQs is broken. We study nonclassical-state generation in a SQ which is driven by a classical field and coupled to a single-mode microwave field. We find that the classical field can induce transitions between two energy levels of the SQs, which either generate or annihilate, in a controllable way, different photon numbers of the cavity field. The effective Hamiltonians of these classical-field-assisted multiphoton processes of the single-mode cavity field are very similar to those for cold ions, confined to a coaxial RF-ion trap and driven by a classical field. We show that arbitrary superpositions of Fock states can be more efficiently generated using these controllable multiphoton transitions, in contrast to the single-photon resonant transition when there is only a SQ-field transverse coupling. The experimental feasibility for different SQs is also discussed.
One-dimensional geometric random graphs are constructed by distributing $n$ nodes uniformly and independently on a unit interval and then assigning an undirected edge between any two nodes that have a distance at most $r_n$. These graphs have received much interest and been used in various applications including wireless networks. A threshold of $r_n$ for connectivity is known as $r_n^{*} = frac{ln n}{n}$ in the literature. In this paper, we prove that a threshold of $r_n$ for the absence of isolated node is $frac{ln n}{2 n}$ (i.e., a half of the threshold $r_n^{*}$). Our result shows there is a curious gap between thresholds of connectivity and the absence of isolated node in one-dimensional geometric random graphs; in particular, when $r_n$ equals $frac{cln n}{ n}$ for a constant $c in( frac{1}{2}, 1)$, a one-dimensional geometric random graph has no isolated node but is not connected. This curious gap in one-dimensional geometric random graphs is in sharp contrast to the prevalent phenomenon in many other random graphs such as two-dimensional geometric random graphs, ErdH{o}s-Renyi graphs, and random intersection graphs, all of which in the asymptotic sense become connected as soon as there is no isolated node.
Random $s$-intersection graphs have recently received considerable attention in a wide range of application areas. In such a graph, each vertex is equipped with a set of items in some random manner, and any two vertices establish an undirected edge in between if and only if they have at least $s$ common items. In particular, in a uniform random $s$-intersection graph, each vertex independently selects a fixed number of items uniformly at random from a common item pool, while in a binomial random $s$-intersection graph, each item in some item pool is independently attached to each vertex with the same probability. For binomial/uniform random $s$-intersection graphs, we establish threshold functions for perfect matching containment, Hamilton cycle containment, and $k$-robustness, where $k$-robustness is in the sense of Zhang and Sundaram [IEEE Conf. on Decision & Control 12]. We show that these threshold functions resemble those of classical ErdH{o}s-R{e}nyi graphs, where each pair of vertices has an undirected edge independently with the same probability.
One of the main challenges for biomedical research lies in the computer-assisted integrative study of large and increasingly complex combinations of data in order to understand molecular mechanisms. The preservation of the materials and methods of such computational experiments with clear annotations is essential for understanding an experiment, and this is increasingly recognized in the bioinformatics community. Our assumption is that offering means of digital, structured aggregation and annotation of the objects of an experiment will provide necessary meta-data for a scientist to understand and recreate the results of an experiment. To support this we explored a model for the semantic description of a workflow-centric Research Object (RO), where an RO is defined as a resource that aggregates other resources, e.g., datasets, software, spreadsheets, text, etc. We applied this model to a case study where we analysed human metabolite variation by workflows.
We propose a method to generate entangled states of the vibrational modes of N membranes which are coupled to a cavity mode via the radiation pressure. Using sideband excitations, we show that arbitrary entangled states of vibrational modes of different membranes can be produced in principle by sequentially applying a series of classical pulses with desired frequencies, phases and durations. As examples, we show how to synthesize several typical entangled states, for example, Bell states, NOON states, GHZ states and W states. The environmental effect, information leakage, and experimental feasibility are briefly discussed. Our proposal can also be applied to other experimental setups of optomechanical systems, in which many mechanical resonators are coupled to a common sing-mode cavity field via the radiation pressure.
High-temperature (high-Tc) superconductivity in the copper oxides arises from electron or hole doping of their antiferromagnetic (AF) insulating parent compounds. The evolution of the AF phase with doping and its spatial coexistence with superconductivity are governed by the nature of charge and spin correlations and provide clues to the mechanism of high-Tc superconductivity. Here we use a combined neutron scattering and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) to study the Tc evolution of electron-doped superconducting Pr0.88LaCe0.12CuO4-delta obtained through the oxygen annealing process. We find that spin excitations detected by neutron scattering have two distinct modes that evolve with Tc in a remarkably similar fashion to the electron tunneling modes in STS. These results demonstrate that antiferromagnetism and superconductivity compete locally and coexist spatially on nanometer length scales, and the dominant electron-boson coupling at low energies originates from the electron-spin excitations.
We use inelastic neutron scattering to study magnetic excitations of the FeAs-based superconductor BaFe$_{1.9}$Ni$_{0.1}$As$_2$ above and below its superconducting transition temperature $T_c=20$ K. In addition to gradually open a spin gap at the in-plane antiferromagnetic ordering wavevector $(1,0,0)$, the effect of superconductivity is to form a three dimensional resonance with clear dispersion along the c-axis direction. The intensity of the resonance develops like a superconducting order parameter, and the mode occurs at distinctively different energies at $(1,0,0)$ and $(1,0,1)$. If the resonance energy is directly associated with the superconducting gap energy $Delta$, then $Delta$ is dependent on the wavevector transfers along the c-axis. These results suggest that one must be careful in interpreting the superconducting gap energies obtained by surface sensitive probes such as scanning tunneling microscopy and angle resolved photoemission.

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