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In this work, we first use Thompsons renormalization group method to treat QCD-vacuum behavior close to the regime of asymptotic freedom. QCD-vacuum behaves effectively like a paramagnetic system of a classical theory in the sense that virtual color charges (gluons) emerge in it as spin effect of a paramagnetic material when a magnetic field aligns their microscopic magnetic dipoles. Making a classical analogy with the paramagnetism of Landaus theory,we are able to introduce a kind of Landau effective action without temperature and phase transition for simply representing QCD-vacuum behavior at higher energies as magnetization of a paramagnetic material in the presence of a magnetic field H. This reasoning allows us to use Thompsons heuristic approach in order to extract an effective susceptibility ($chi>0$) of QCD-vacuum. It depends on logarithmic of energy scale u to investigate hadronic matter. Consequently,we are able to get an effective magnetic permeability ($mu>1$) of such a paramagnetic vacuum. As QCD-vacuum must obey Lorentz invariance,the attainment of $mu>1$ must simply require that the effective electrical permissivity is $epsilon<1$,in such a way that $muepsilon=1$ (c^2=1).This leads to the antiscreening effect, where the asymptotic freedom takes place. On the other hand, quarks cofinement, a subject which is not treatable by perturbative calculations, is worked by the present approach. We apply the method to study this subject in order to obtain the string constant, which is in agreement with the experiments.
In massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, it may not be power efficient to have a high-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for each antenna element. In this paper, a near maximum likelihood (nML) detector for uplink multiuser massive MIMO systems is proposed where each antenna is connected to a pair of one-bit ADCs, i.e., one for each real and imaginary component of the baseband signal. The exhaustive search over all the possible transmitted vectors required in the original maximum likelihood (ML) detection problem is relaxed to formulate an ML estimation problem. Then, the ML estimation problem is converted into a convex optimization problem which can be efficiently solved. Using the solution, the base station can perform simple symbol-by-symbol detection for the transmitted signals from multiple users. To further improve detection performance, we also develop a two-stage nML detector that exploits the structures of both the original ML and the proposed (one-stage) nML detectors. Numerical results show that the proposed nML detectors are efficient enough to simultaneously support multiple uplink users adopting higher-order constellations, e.g., 16 quadrature amplitude modulation. Since our detectors exploit the channel state information as part of the detection, an ML channel estimation technique with one-bit ADCs that shares the same structure with our proposed nML detector is also developed. The proposed detectors and channel estimator provide a complete low power solution for the uplink of a massive MIMO system.
79 - E. Makai Jr 2015
In this small survey we consider the volume product, and sketch some of the best upper and lower estimates known up to now, based on our paper [BMMR]. The author thanks the organizers of the conference in Jurata, March 2010, for their kind invitation, and the excellent atmosphere there. This paper is based on the talk of the author on that conference.
88 - E. Makai Jr. , H. Martini 2015
Let $d ge 2$, and let $K subset {Bbb{R}}^d$ be a convex body containing the origin $0$ in its interior. In a previous paper we have proved the following. The body $K$ is $0$-symmetric if and only if the following holds. For each $omega in S^{d-1}$, we have that the $(d-1)$-volume of the intersection of $K$ and an arbitrary hyperplane, with normal $omega$, attains its maximum if the hyperplane contains $0$. An analogous theorem, for $1$-dimensional sections and $1$-volumes, has been proved long ago by Hammer (cite{H}). In this paper we deal with the ($(d-2)$-dimensional) surface area, or with lower dimensional quermassintegrals of these intersections, and prove an analogous, but local theorem, for small $C^2$-perturbations, or $C^3$-perturbations of the Euclidean unit ball, respectively.
Physics beyond the Standard Model predicts the possible existence of new particles that can be searched at the low energy frontier in the sub-eV range. The OSQAR photon regeneration experiment looks for Light Shining through a Wall from the quantum oscillation of optical photons into Weakly Interacting Sub-eV Particles, such as axion or Axion-Like Particles (ALPs), in a 9 T transverse magnetic field over the unprecedented length of $2 times 14.3$ m. In 2014, this experiment has been run with an outstanding sensitivity, using an 18.5 W continuous wave laser emitting in the green at the single wavelength of 532 nm. No regenerated photons have been detected after the wall, pushing the limits for the existence of axions and ALPs down to an unprecedented level for such a type of laboratory experiment. The di-photon couplings of possible pseudo-scalar and scalar ALPs can be constrained in the nearly massless limit to be less than $3.5cdot 10^{-8}$ GeV$^{-1}$ and $3.2cdot 10^{-8}$ GeV$^{-1}$, respectively, at 95% Confidence Level.
Current applications have produced graphs on the order of hundreds of thousands of nodes and millions of edges. To take advantage of such graphs, one must be able to find patterns, outliers and communities. These tasks are better performed in an interactive environment, where human expertise can guide the process. For large graphs, though, there are some challenges: the excessive processing requirements are prohibitive, and drawing hundred-thousand nodes results in cluttered images hard to comprehend. To cope with these problems, we propose an innovative framework suited for any kind of tree-like graph visual design. GMine integrates (a) a representation for graphs organized as hierarchies of partitions - the concepts of SuperGraph and Graph-Tree; and (b) a graph summarization methodology - CEPS. Our graph representation deals with the problem of tracing the connection aspects of a graph hierarchy with sub linear complexity, allowing one to grasp the neighborhood of a single node or of a group of nodes in a single click. As a proof of concept, the visual environment of GMine is instantiated as a system in which large graphs can be investigated globally and locally.
We study the effects of a finite chemical potential on the occurrence of cavitation in a quark gluon plasma (QGP). We solve the evolution equations of second order viscous relativistic hydrodynamics using three different equations of state. The first one was derived in lattice QCD and represents QGP at zero chemical potential. It was previously used in the study of cavitation. The second equation of state also comes from lattice QCD and is a recent parametrization of the QGP at finite chemical potential. The third one is similar to the MIT equation of state with chemical potential and includes nonperturbative effects through the gluon condensates. We conclude that at finite chemical potential cavitation in the QGP occurs earlier than at zero chemical potential. We also consider transport coefficients from a holographic model of a non-conformal QGP at zero chemical potential. In this case cavitation does not occur.
Communication systems with low-resolution analog-to-digital-converters (ADCs) can exploit channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) and receiver. This paper presents initial results on codebook design and performance analysis for limited feedback systems with one-bit ADCs. Different from the high-resolution case, the absolute phase at the receiver is important to align the phase of the received signals when the received signal is sliced by one-bit ADCs. A new codebook design for the beamforming case is proposed that separately quantizes the channel direction and the residual phase.
Millimeter wave (mmWave) systems will likely employ large antenna arrays at both the transmitters and receivers. A natural application of antenna arrays is simultaneous transmission to multiple users, which requires multi-user precoding at the transmitter. Hardware constraints, however, make it difficult to apply conventional lower frequency MIMO precoding techniques at mmWave. This paper proposes and analyzes a low complexity hybrid analog/digital beamforming algorithm for downlink multi-user mmWave systems. Hybrid precoding involves a combination of analog and digital processing that is motivated by the requirement to reduce the power consumption of the complete radio frequency and mixed signal hardware. The proposed algorithm configures hybrid precoders at the transmitter and analog combiners at multiple receivers with a small training and feedback overhead. For this algorithm, we derive a lower bound on the achievable rate for the case of single-path channels, show its asymptotic optimality at large numbers of antennas, and make useful insights for more general cases. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm offers higher sum rates compared with analog-only beamforming, and approaches the performance of the unconstrained digital precoding solutions.
A new fitting methodology is presented which is equally well suited for the estimation of low-, medium-, and high-degree mode parameters from $m$-averaged solar oscillation power spectra of widely differing spectral resolution. This method, which we call the Windowed, MuLTiple-Peak, averaged spectrum, or WMLTP Method, constructs a theoretical profile by convolving the weighted sum of the profiles of the modes appearing in the fitting box with the power spectrum of the window function of the observing run using weights from a leakage matrix that takes into account both observational and physical effects, such as the distortion of modes by solar latitudinal differential rotation. We demonstrate that the WMLTP Method makes substantial improvements in the inferences of the properties of the solar oscillations in comparison with a previous method that employed a single profile to represent each spectral peak. We also present an inversion for the internal solar structure which is based upon 6,366 modes that we have computed using the WMLTP method on the 66-day long 2010 SOHO/MDI Dynamics Run. To improve both the numerical stability and reliability of the inversion we developed a new procedure for the identification and correction of outliers in a frequency data set. We present evidence for a pronounced departure of the sound speed in the outer half of the solar convection zone and in the subsurface shear layer from the radial sound speed profile contained in Model~S of Christensen-Dalsgaard and his collaborators that existed in the rising phase of Solar Cycle~24 during mid-2010.

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