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Limited Feedback in Multiple-Antenna Systems with One-Bit Quantization

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 Added by Jianhua Mo
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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Communication systems with low-resolution analog-to-digital-converters (ADCs) can exploit channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) and receiver. This paper presents initial results on codebook design and performance analysis for limited feedback systems with one-bit ADCs. Different from the high-resolution case, the absolute phase at the receiver is important to align the phase of the received signals when the received signal is sliced by one-bit ADCs. A new codebook design for the beamforming case is proposed that separately quantizes the channel direction and the residual phase.

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265 - Wiroonsak Santipach 2011
In this work, we analyze the performance of a signature quantization scheme for reverse-link Direct Sequence (DS)- Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). Assuming perfect estimates of the channel and interference covariance, the receiver selects the signature that minimizes interference power or maximizes signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) for a desired user from a signature codebook. The codebook index corresponding to the optimal signature is then relayed to the user with a finite number of bits via a feedback channel. Here we are interested in the performance of a Random Vector Quantization (RVQ) codebook, which contains independent isotropically distributed vectors. Assuming arbitrary transmit power allocation, we consider additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel first with no fading and subsequently, with multipath fading. We derive the corresponding SINR in a large system limit at the output of matched filter and linear minimum mean squared error (MMSE) receiver. Numerical examples show that the derived large system results give a good approximation to the performance of finite-size system and that the MMSE receiver achieves close to a single-user performance with only one feedback bit per signature element.
We consider a downlink cellular network where multi-antenna base stations (BSs) transmit data to single-antenna users by using one of two linear precoding methods with limited feedback: (i) maximum ratio transmission (MRT) for serving a single user or (ii) zero forcing (ZF) for serving multiple users. The BS and user locations are drawn from a Poisson point process, allowing expressions for the signal- to-interference coverage probability and the ergodic spectral efficiency to be derived as a function of system parameters such as the number of BS antennas and feedback bits, and the pathloss exponent. We find a tight lower bound on the optimum number of feedback bits to maximize the net spectral efficiency, which captures the overall system gain by considering both of downlink and uplink spectral efficiency using limited feedback. Our main finding is that, when using MRT, the optimum number of feedback bits scales linearly with the number of antennas, and logarithmically with the channel coherence time. When using ZF, the feedback scales in the same ways as MRT, but also linearly with the pathloss exponent. The derived results provide system-level insights into the preferred channel codebook size by averaging the effects of short-term fading and long-term pathloss.
An energy-efficient opportunistic collaborative beamformer with one-bit feedback is proposed for ad hoc sensor networks over Rayleigh fading channels. In contrast to conventional collaborative beamforming schemes in which each source node uses channel state information to correct its local carrier offset and channel phase, the proposed beamforming scheme opportunistically selects a subset of source nodes whose received signals combine in a quasi-coherent manner at the intended receiver. No local phase-precompensation is performed by the nodes in the opportunistic collaborative beamformer. As a result, each node requires only one-bit of feedback from the destination in order to determine if it should or shouldnt participate in the collaborative beamformer. Theoretical analysis shows that the received signal power obtained with the proposed beamforming scheme scales linearly with the number of available source nodes. Since the the optimal node selection rule requires an exhaustive search over all possible subsets of source nodes, two low-complexity selection algorithms are developed. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of opportunistic collaborative beamforming with the low-complexity selection algorithms.
We consider the problem of channel estimation for uplink multiuser massive MIMO systems, where, in order to significantly reduce the hardware cost and power consumption, one-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are used at the base station (BS) to quantize the received signal. Channel estimation for one-bit massive MIMO systems is challenging due to the severe distortion caused by the coarse quantization. It was shown in previous studies that an extremely long training sequence is required to attain an acceptable performance. In this paper, we study the problem of optimal one-bit quantization design for channel estimation in one-bit massive MIMO systems. Our analysis reveals that, if the quantization thresholds are optimally devised, using one-bit ADCs can achieve an estimation error close to (with an increase by a factor of $pi/2$) that of an ideal estimator which has access to the unquantized data. The optimal quantization thresholds, however, are dependent on the unknown channel parameters. To cope with this difficulty, we propose an adaptive quantization (AQ) approach in which the thresholds are adaptively adjusted in a way such that the thresholds converge to the optimal thresholds, and a random quantization (RQ) scheme which randomly generate a set of nonidentical thresholds based on some statistical prior knowledge of the channel. Simulation results show that, our proposed AQ and RQ schemes, owing to their wisely devised thresholds, present a significant performance improvement over the conventional fixed quantization scheme that uses a fixed (typically zero) threshold, and meanwhile achieve a substantial training overhead reduction for channel estimation. In particular, even with a moderate number of pilot symbols (about 5 times the number of users), the AQ scheme can provide an achievable rate close to that of the perfect channel state information (CSI) case.
In frequency division duplexing systems, the base station (BS) acquires downlink channel state information (CSI) via channel feedback, which has not been adequately investigated in the presence of RIS. In this study, we examine the limited channel feedback scheme by proposing a novel cascaded codebook and an adaptive bit partitioning strategy. The RIS segments the channel between the BS and mobile station into two sub-channels, each with line-of-sight (LoS) and non-LoS (NLoS) paths. To quantize the path gains, the cascaded codebook is proposed to be synthesized by two sub-codebooks whose codeword is cascaded by LoS and NLoS components. This enables the proposed cascaded codebook to cater the different distributions of LoS and NLoS path gains by flexibly using different feedback bits to design the codeword structure. On the basis of the proposed cascaded codebook, we derive an upper bound on ergodic rate loss with maximum ratio transmission and show that the rate loss can be cut down by optimizing the feedback bit allocation during codebook generation. To minimize the upper bound, we propose a bit partitioning strategy that is adaptive to diverse environment and system parameters. Extensive simulations are presented to show the superiority and robustness of the cascaded codebook and the efficiency of the adaptive bit partitioning scheme.
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