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126 - ChangHoon Hahn 2014
We investigate the effects of galaxy environment on the evolution of the quiescent fraction ($f_mathrm{Q}$) from z =0.8 to 0.0 using spectroscopic redshifts and multi-wavelength imaging data from the PRIsm MUlti-object Survey (PRIMUS) and the Sloan Digitial Sky Survey (SDSS). Our stellar mass limited galaxy sample consists of ~14,000 PRIMUS galaxies within z = 0.2-0.8 and ~64,000 SDSS galaxies within z = 0.05-0.12. We classify the galaxies as quiescent or star-forming based on an evolving specific star formation cut, and as low or high density environments based on fixed cylindrical aperture environment measurements on a volume-limited environment defining population. For quiescent and star-forming galaxies in low or high density environments, we examine the evolution of their stellar mass function (SMF). Then using the SMFs we compute $f_mathrm{Q}(M_{*})$ and quantify its evolution within our redshift range. We find that the quiescent fraction is higher at higher masses and in denser environments. The quiescent fraction rises with cosmic time for all masses and environments. At a fiducial mass of $10^{10.5}M_odot$, from z~0.7 to 0.1, the quiescent fraction rises by 15% at the lowest environments and by 25% at the highest environments we measure. These results suggest that for a minority of galaxies their cessation of star formation is due to external influences on them. However, in the recent Universe a substantial fraction of the galaxies that cease forming stars do so due to internal processes.
The PRIsm MUti-object Survey (PRIMUS) is a spectroscopic galaxy redshift survey to z~1 completed with a low-dispersion prism and slitmasks allowing for simultaneous observations of ~2,500 objects over 0.18 square degrees. The final PRIMUS catalog includes ~130,000 robust redshifts over 9.1 sq. deg. In this paper, we summarize the PRIMUS observational strategy and present the data reduction details used to measure redshifts, redshift precision, and survey completeness. The survey motivation, observational techniques, fields, target selection, slitmask design, and observations are presented in Coil et al 2010. Comparisons to existing higher-resolution spectroscopic measurements show a typical precision of sigma_z/(1+z)=0.005. PRIMUS, both in area and number of redshifts, is the largest faint galaxy redshift survey completed to date and is allowing for precise measurements of the relationship between AGNs and their hosts, the effects of environment on galaxy evolution, and the build up of galactic systems over the latter half of cosmic history.
We present an observationally motivated model to connect the AGN and galaxy populations at 0.2<z<1.0 and predict the AGN X-ray luminosity function (XLF). We start with measurements of the stellar mass function of galaxies (from the Prism Multi-object Survey) and populate galaxies with AGNs using models for the probability of a galaxy hosting an AGN as a function of specific accretion rate. Our model is based on measurements indicating that the specific accretion rate distribution is a universal function across a wide range of host stellar mass with slope gamma_1 = -0.65 and an overall normalization that evolves with redshift. We test several simple assumptions to extend this model to high specific accretion rates (beyond the measurements) and compare the predictions for the XLF with the observed data. We find good agreement with a model that allows for a break in the specific accretion rate distribution at a point corresponding to the Eddington limit, a steep power-law tail to super-Eddington ratios with slope gamma_2 = -2.1 +0.3 -0.5, and a scatter of 0.38 dex in the scaling between black hole and host stellar mass. Our results show that samples of low luminosity AGNs are dominated by moderately massive galaxies (M* ~ 10^{10-11} M_sun) growing with a wide range of accretion rates due to the shape of the galaxy stellar mass function rather than a preference for AGN activity at a particular stellar mass. Luminous AGNs may be a severely skewed population with elevated black hole masses relative to their host galaxies and in rare phases of rapid accretion.
We present the discovery of compact, obscured star formation in galaxies at z ~ 0.6 that exhibit >1000 km/s outflows. Using optical morphologies from the Hubble Space Telescope and infrared photometry from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, we estimate star formation rate (SFR) surface densities that approach Sigma_SFR ~ 3000 Msun/yr/kpc^2, comparable to the Eddington limit from radiation pressure on dust grains. We argue that feedback associated with a compact starburst in the form of radiation pressure from massive stars and ram pressure from supernovae and stellar winds is sufficient to produce the high-velocity outflows we observe, without the need to invoke feedback from an active galactic nucleus.
We measure the gas-phase oxygen abundances of ~3000 star-forming galaxies at z=0.05-0.75 using optical spectrophotometry from the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES), a spectroscopic survey of I_AB<20.45 galaxies over 7.9 deg^2 in the NOAO Deep Wide Field Survey (NDWFS) Bootes field. We use state-of-the-art techniques to measure the nebular emission lines and stellar masses, and explore and quantify several potential sources of systematic error, including the choice of metallicity diagnostic, aperture bias, and contamination from unidentified active galactic nuclei (AGN). Combining volume-limited AGES samples in six independent redshift bins and ~75,000 star-forming galaxies with r_AB<17.6 at z=0.05-0.2 selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) that we analyze in the identical manner, we measure the evolution of the stellar mass-metallicity (M-Z) between z=0.05 and z=0.75. We find that at fixed stellar mass galaxies at z~0.7 have just 30%-60% the metal content of galaxies at the present epoch, where the uncertainty is dominated by the strong-line method used to measure the metallicity. Moreover, we find no statistically significant evidence that the M-Z relation evolves in a mass-dependent way for M=10^9.8-10^11 Msun star-forming galaxies. Thus, for this range of redshifts and stellar masses the M-Z relation simply shifts toward lower metallicity with increasing redshift without changing its shape.
We present evidence that the incidence of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and the distribution of their accretion rates do not depend on the stellar masses of their host galaxies, contrary to previous studies. We use hard (2-10 keV) X-ray data from three extragalactic fields (XMM-LSS, COSMOS and ELAIS-S1) with redshifts from the Prism Multi-object Survey to identify 242 AGNs with L_{2-10 keV}=10^{42-44} erg /s within a parent sample of ~25,000 galaxies at 0.2<z<1.0 over ~3.4 deg^2 and to i~23. We find that although the fraction of galaxies hosting an AGN at fixed X-ray luminosity rises strongly with stellar mass, the distribution of X-ray luminosities is independent of mass. Furthermore, we show that the probability that a galaxy will host an AGN can be defined by a universal Eddington ratio distribution that is independent of the host galaxy stellar mass and has a power-law shape with slope -0.65. These results demonstrate that AGNs are prevalent at all stellar masses in the range 9.5<log M_*/M_sun<12 and that the same physical processes regulate AGN activity in all galaxies in this stellar mass range. While a higher AGN fraction may be observed in massive galaxies, this is a selection effect related to the underlying Eddington ratio distribution. We also find that the AGN fraction drops rapidly between z~1 and the present day and is moderately enhanced (factor~2) in galaxies with blue or green optical colors. Consequently, while AGN activity and star formation appear to be globally correlated, we do not find evidence that the presence of an AGN is related to the quenching of star formation or the color transformation of galaxies.
We measure the evolution of the [OII]lambda 3727 luminosity function at 0.75<z<1.45 using high-resolution spectroscopy of ~14,000 galaxies observed by the DEEP2 galaxy redshift survey. We find that brighter than L_{OII}=10^{42} erg s^(-1) the luminosity function is well-represented by a power law dN/dL ~ L^{alpha} with slope alpha ~ -3. The number density of [OII] emitting galaxies above this luminosity declines by a factor of >~2.5 between z ~ 1.35 and z ~ 0.84. In the limit of no number-density evolution, the characteristic [OII] luminosity, L^*_[OII], defined as the luminosity where the space density equals 10^{-3.5} dex^{-1} Mpc^{-3}, declines by a factor of ~1.8 over the same redshift interval. Assuming that L_[OII] is proportional to the star-formation rate (SFR), and negligible change in the typical dust attenuation in galaxies at fixed [OII] luminosity, the measured decline in L^*_[OII] implies a ~25% per Gyr decrease in the amount of star formation in galaxies during this epoch. Adopting a faint-end power-law slope of -1.3pm0.2, we derive the comoving SFR density in four redshift bins centered around z~1 by integrating the observed [OII] luminosity function using a local, empirical calibration between L_[OII] and SFR, which statistically accounts for variations in dust attenuation and metallicity among galaxies. We find that our estimate of the SFR density at z~1 is consistent with previous measurements based on a variety of independent SFR indicators.
We review the physical properties of nearby, relatively luminous galaxies, using results from newly available massive data sets together with more detailed observations. First, we present the global distribution of properties, including the optical and ultraviolet luminosity, stellar mass, and atomic gas mass functions. Second, we describe the shift of the galaxy population from late galaxy types in underdense regions to early galaxy types in overdense regions. We emphasize that the scaling relations followed by each galaxy type change very little with environment, with the exception of some minor but detectable effects. The shift in the population is apparent even at the densities of small groups and therefore cannot be exclusively due to physical processes operating in rich clusters. Third, we divide galaxies into four crude types -- spiral, lenticular, elliptical, and merging systems -- and describe some of their more detailed properties. We attempt to put these detailed properties into the global context provided by large surveys.
Observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope have revealed a population of red-sequence galaxies with a significant excess in their 24-micron emission compared to what is expected from an old stellar population. We identify 900 red galaxies with 0.15<z<0.3 from the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES) selected from the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey Bootes field. Using Spitzer/MIPS, we classify 89 (~10%) with 24-micron infrared excess (f24>0.3 mJy). We determine the prevalence of AGN and star-formation activity in all the AGES galaxies using optical line diagnostics and mid-IR color-color criteria. Using the IRAC color-color diagram from the IRAC Shallow Survey, we find that 64% of the 24-micron excess red galaxies are likely to have strong PAH emission features in the 8-micron IRAC band. This fraction is significantly larger than the 5% of red galaxies with f24<0.3 mJy that are estimated to have strong PAH emission, suggesting that the infrared emission is largely due to star-formation processes. Only 15% of the 24-micron excess red galaxies have optical line diagnostics characteristic of star-formation (64% are classified as AGN and 21% are unclassifiable). The difference between the optical and infrared results suggest that both AGN and star-formation activity is occurring simultaneously in many of the 24-micron excess red galaxies. These results should serve as a warning to studies that exclusively use optical line diagnostics to determine the dominant emission mechanism in the infrared and other bands. We find that ~40% of the 24-micron excess red galaxies are edge-on spiral galaxies with high optical extinctions. The remaining sources are likely to be red galaxies whose 24-micron emission comes from a combination of obscured AGN and star-formation activity.
We present multi-wavelength observations of the brightest galaxies in four X-ray luminous groups at z~0.37 that will merge to form a cluster comparable in mass to Coma. Ordered by increasing stellar mass, the four brightest group galaxies (BGGs) present a time sequence where BGG-1, 2, and 3 are in merging systems and BGG-4 is a massive remnant [M(stars)=6.7x10^(11) Msun]. BGG-1 and 2 have bright, gravitationally bound companions and BGG-3 has two nuclei separated by only 2.5 kpc, thus merging at z<0.5 increases the BGG mass by >40% (merging timescale<2 Gyr) and V-band luminosity by ~0.4 mag. The BGGs rest-frame (B-V) colors correspond to stellar ages of >3 Gyr, and their tight scatter in (B-V) color [sigma(BV)=0.032] confirms they formed the bulk of their stars at z>0.9. Optical spectroscopy shows no signs of recent (<1.5 Gyr) or ongoing star formation. Only two BGGs are weakly detected at 24 microns, and X-ray and optical data indicate the emission in BGG-2 is due to an AGN. All four BGGs and their companions are early-type (bulge-dominated) galaxies, and they are embedded in diffuse stellar envelopes up to ~140 kpc across. The four BGG systems must evolve into the massive, red, early-type galaxies dominating local clusters. Our results show that: 1) massive galaxies in groups and clusters form via dissipationless merging; and 2) the group environment is critical for this process.

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