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Minimal Flavor Violation in the up-type quark sector leads to particularly interesting phenomenology due to the interplay of flavor physics in the charm sector and collider physics from flavor changing processes in the top sector. We study the most general operators that can affect top quark properties and $D$ meson decays in this scenario, concentrating on two CP violating operators for detailed studies. The consequences of these effective operators on charm and top flavor changing processes are generically small, but can be enhanced if there exists a light flavor mediator that is a Standard Model gauge singlet scalar and transforms under the flavor symmetry group. This flavor mediator can satisfy the current experimental bounds with a mass as low as tens of GeV and explain observed $D$-meson direct CP violation. Additionally, the model predicts a non-trivial branching fraction for a top quark decay that would mimic a dijet resonance.
We present several benchmark points in the phenomenological Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (pMSSM). We select these models as experimentally well-motivated examples of the MSSM which predict the observed Higgs mass and dark matter relic density while evading the current LHC searches. We also use benchmarks to generate spokes in parameter space by scaling the mass parameters in a manner which keeps the Higgs mass and relic density approximately constant.
We further examine the capability of the 7 and 8 TeV LHC to explore the parameter space of the p(henomenological)MSSM with neutralino LSPs. Here we present an updated study employing all of the relevant ATLAS SUSY analyses, as well as all relevant LHC non-MET searches, whose data were publically available as of mid-September 2012. We find that roughly 1/3 of our pMSSM model points are excluded at present with an important role being played by both the heavy flavor and multi-lepton searches, as well as those for heavy stable charged particles. Nonetheless, we find that light gluinos, 1st/2nd generation squarks, and stop/sbottoms (lsim 400-700 GeV), as well as models with 1% fine-tuning or better, are still viable in the pMSSM. In addition, we see that increased luminosity at 8 TeV is unlikely to significantly improve the reach of the vanilla searches. The impact of these null searches on the SUSY sparticle spectrum is discussed in detail and the implications of these results for models with low fine-tuning, a future lepton collider and dark matter searches are examined.
The recent discovery of a 125 GeV Higgs, as well as the lack of any positive findings in searches for supersymmetry, has renewed interest in both the supersymmetric Higgs sector and fine-tuning. Here, we continue our study of the phenomenological MSSM (pMSSM), discussing the light Higgs and fine-tuning within the context of two sets of previously generated pMSSM models. We find an abundance of models with experimentally-favored Higgs masses and couplings. We investigate the decay modes of the light Higgs in these models, finding strong correlations between many final states. We then examine the degree of fine-tuning, considering contributions from each of the pMSSM parameters at up to next-to-leading-log order. In particular, we examine the fine-tuning implications for our model sets that arise from the discovery of a 125 GeV Higgs. Finally, we investigate a small subset of models with low fine-tuning and a light Higgs near 125 GeV, describing the common features of such models. We generically find a light stop and bottom with complex decay patterns into a set of light electroweak gauginos, which will make their discovery more challenging and may require novel search techniques.
The pMSSM provides a broad perspective on SUSY phenomenology. In this paper we generate two new, very large, sets of pMSSM models with sparticle masses extending up to 4 TeV, where the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is either a neutralino or gravitino. The existence of a gravitino LSP necessitates a detailed study of its cosmological effects and we find that Big Bang Nucleosynthesis places strong constraints on this scenario. Both sets are subjected to a global set of theoretical, observational and experimental constraints resulting in a sample of sim 225k viable models for each LSP type. The characteristics of these two model sets are briefly compared. We confront the neutralino LSP model set with searches for SUSY at the 7 TeV LHC using both the missing (MET) and non-missing ET ATLAS analyses. In the MET case, we employ Monte Carlo estimates of the ratios of the SM backgrounds at 7 and 8 TeV to rescale the 7 TeV data-driven ATLAS backgrounds to 8 TeV. This allows us to determine the pMSSM parameter space coverage for this collision energy. We find that an integrated luminosity of sim 5-20 fb^{-1} at 8 TeV would yield a substantial increase in this coverage compared to that at 7 TeV and can probe roughly half of the model set. If the pMSSM is not discovered during the 8 TeV run, then our model set will be essentially void of gluinos and lightest first and second generation squarks that are lesssim 700-800 GeV, which is much less than the analogous mSUGRA bound. Finally, we demonstrate that non-MET SUSY searches continue to play an important role in exploring the pMSSM parameter space. These two pMSSM model sets can be used as the basis for investigations for years to come.
A heavy Standard Model Higgs boson is not only disfavored by electroweak precision observables but is also excluded by direct searches at the 7 TeV LHC for a wide range of masses. Here, we examine scenarios where a heavy Higgs boson can be made consistent with both the indirect constraints and the direct null searches by adding only one new particle beyond the Standard Model. This new particle should be a weak multiplet in order to have additional contributions to the oblique parameters. If it is a color singlet, we find that a heavy Higgs with an intermediate mass of 200 - 300 GeV can decay into the new states, suppressing the branching ratios for the standard model modes, and thus hiding a heavy Higgs at the LHC. If the new particle is also charged under QCD, the Higgs production cross section from gluon fusion can be reduced significantly due to the new colored particle one-loop contribution. Current collider constraints on the new particles allow for viable parameter space to exist in order to hide a heavy Higgs boson. We categorize the general signatures of these new particles, identify favored regions of their parameter space and point out that discovering or excluding them at the LHC can provide important indirect information for a heavy Higgs. Finally, for a very heavy Higgs boson, beyond the search limit at the 7 TeV LHC, we discuss three additional scenarios where models would be consistent with electroweak precision tests: including an additional vector-like fermion mixing with the top quark, adding another U(1) gauge boson and modifying triple-gauge boson couplings.
We examine W pair production in the Noncommutative Standard Model constructed with the Seiberg-Witten map. Consideration of partial wave unitarity in the reactions WW to WW and e+e- to WW shows that the latter process is more sensitive and that tree-level unitarity is violated when scattering energies are of order a TeV and the noncommutative scale is below about a TeV. We find that WW production at the LHC is not sensitive to scales above the unitarity bounds. WW production in e+e- annihilation, however, provides a good probe of such effects with noncommutative scales below 300-400 GeV being excluded at LEP-II, and the ILC being sensitive to scales up to 10-20 TeV. In addition, we find that the ability to measure the helicity states of the final state W bosons at the ILC provides a diagnostic tool to determine and disentangle the different possible noncommutative contributions.
We present the first detailed, large-scale study of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) at a $sqrt s=500$ GeV International Linear Collider, including full Standard Model backgrounds and detector simulation. We investigate 242 points in the MSSM parameter space, which we term models, that have been shown by Arkani-Hamed et al to be difficult to study at the LHC. In fact, these points in MSSM parameter space correspond to 162 pairs of models which give indistinguishable signatures at the LHC, giving rise to the so-called LHC Inverse Problem. We first determine whether the production of the various SUSY particles is visible above the Standard Model background for each of these parameter space points, and then make a detailed comparison of their various signatures. Assuming an integrated luminosity of 500 fb$^{-1}$, we find that only 82 out of 242 models lead to visible signatures of some kind with a significance $geq 5$ and that only 57(63) out of the 162 model pairs are distinguishable at $5(3)sigma$. Our analysis includes PYTHIA and CompHEP SUSY signal generation, full matrix element SM backgrounds for all $2to 2, 2to 4$, and $2to 6$ processes, ISR and beamstrahlung generated via WHIZARD/GuineaPig, and employs the fast SiD detector simulation org.lcsim.

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