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The vast collecting area of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), harnessed by sensitive receivers, flexible digital electronics and increased computational capacity, could permit the most sensitive and exhaustive search for technologically-produced radio emission from advanced extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) ever performed. For example, SKA1-MID will be capable of detecting a source roughly analogous to terrestrial high-power radars (e.g. air route surveillance or ballistic missile warning radars, EIRP (EIRP = equivalent isotropic radiated power, ~10^17 erg sec^-1) at 10 pc in less than 15 minutes, and with a modest four beam SETI observing system could, in one minute, search every star in the primary beam out to ~100 pc for radio emission comparable to that emitted by the Arecibo Planetary Radar (EIRP ~2 x 10^20 erg sec^-1). The flexibility of the signal detection systems used for SETI searches with the SKA will allow new algorithms to be employed that will provide sensitivity to a much wider variety of signal types than previously searched for. Here we discuss the astrobiological and astrophysical motivations for radio SETI and describe how the technical capabilities of the SKA will explore the radio SETI parameter space. We detail several conceivable SETI experimental programs on all components of SKA1, including commensal, primary-user, targeted and survey programs and project the enhancements to them possible with SKA2. We also discuss target selection criteria for these programs, and in the case of commensal observing, how the varied use cases of other primary observers can be used to full advantage for SETI.
The effect of an applied magnetic field in the crossover from Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) to Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) pairing regimes is investigated. We use a model of relativistic fermions and bosons inspired by those previously used in the context of cold fermionic atoms and in the magnetic-color-flavor-locking phase of color superconductivity. It turns out that as with cold atom systems, an applied magnetic field can also tune the BCS-BEC crossover in the relativistic case. We find that no matter what the initial state is at B=0, for large enough magnetic fields the system always settles into a pure BCS regime. In contrast to the atomic case, the magnetic field tuning of the crossover in the relativistic system is not connected to a Feshbach resonance, but to the relative numbers of Landau levels with either BEC or BCS type of dispersion relations that are occupied at each magnetic field strength.
We study the formation of baryons as composed of quarks and diquarks in hot and dense hadronic matter in a Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL)--type model. We first solve the Dyson-Schwinger equation for the diquark propagator and then use this to solve the Dyson-Schwinger equation for the baryon propagator. We find that stable baryon resonances exist only in the phase of broken chiral symmetry. In the chirally symmetric phase, we do not find a pole in the baryon propagator. In the color-superconducting phase, there is a pole, but is has a large decay width. The diquark does not need to be stable in order to form a stable baryon, a feature typical for so-called Borromean states. Varying the strength of the diquark coupling constant, we also find similarities to the properties of an Efimov states.
We investigate the fluctuation effect of the di-fermion field in the crossover from Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) pairing to a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a relativistic superfluid. We work within the boson-fermion model obeying a global U(1) symmetry. To go beyond the mean field approximation we use Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis (CJT) formalism to include higher order contributions. The quantum fluctuations of the pairing condensate is provided by bosons in non-zero modes, whose interaction with fermions gives the two-particle-irreducible (2PI) effective potential. It changes the crossover property in the BEC regime. With the fluctuations the superfluid phase transition becomes the first order in grand canonical ensemble. We calculate the condensate, the critical temperature $T_{c}$ and particle abundances as functions of crossover parameter the boson mass.

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