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We present a perspective on the inflation paths in 2-, 3-,,, N-flation models based on the ultraviolet completion in heterotic string theory, where a number of grand unification scale axions are used. The number of non-Abelian gauge groups for a natural inflation is restricted in string compactification, and we argue that the most plausible completion of natural inflation from a theory perspective is the 2-flation.
We mini-review the role of fundamental spin-0 bosons as bosonic coherent motion (BCM) in the Universe. The fundamental spin-0 bosons have the potential to account for the baryon number generation, cold dark matter (CDM) via BCM, dark energy, and inflation. Among these, here we focus on the CDM possibility because it can be experimentally tested with the current experimental techniques. We also comment briefly on the panoply of the other roles of spin-0 bosons.
We consider brane world models with one extra dimension. In the bulk there is in addition to gravity a three form gauge potential or equivalently a scalar (by generalisation of electric magnetic duality). We find classical solutions for which the 4d effective cosmological constant is adjusted by choice of integration constants. No go theorems for such self-tuning mechanism are circumvented by unorthodox Lagrangians for the three form respectively the scalar. It is argued that the corresponding effective 4d theory always includes tachyonic Kaluza-Klein excitations or ghosts. Known no go theorems are extended to a general class of models with unorthodox Lagrangians.
We introduce a new collider variable, MCT2, named as constransverse mass. It is a mixture of `stransverse mass(MT2) and `contransverse mass(MCT) variables, where the usual endpoint structure of MT2 distribution can be amplified in the MCT2 basis by large Jacobian factor which is controlled by trial missing particle mass. Thus the MCT2 projection of events increases our observability to measure several important endpoints from new particle decays, which are usually expected to be buried by irreducible backgrounds with various systematic uncertainties at the LHC. In this paper we explain the phenomenology of endpoint amplification in MCT2 projection, and describe how one may employ this variable to measure several meaningful mass constraints of new particles.
Current upper bounds of the neutron electric dipole moment constrain the physically observable quantum chromodynamic (QCD) vacuum angle $|bartheta| lesssim 10^{-11}$. Since QCD explains vast experimental data from the 100 MeV scale to the TeV scale, it is better to explain this smallness of $|bartheta|$ in the QCD framework, which is the strong CaPa problem. Now, there exist two plausible solutions to this problem, one of which leads to the existence of the very light axion. The axion decay constant window, $10^9 {gev}lesssim F_alesssim 10^{12} gev$ for a ${cal O}(1)$ initial misalignment angle $theta_1$, has been obtained by astrophysical and cosmological data. For $F_agtrsim 10^{12}$ GeV with $theta_1<{cal O}(1)$, axions may constitute a significant fraction of dark matter of the universe. The supersymmetrized axion solution of the strong CaPa problem introduces its superpartner the axino which might have affected the universe evolution significantly. Here, we review the very light axion (theory, supersymmetrization, and models) with the most recent particle, astrophysical and cosmological data, and present prospects for its discovery.
Recently, there are two hints arising from physics beyond the standard model. One is a possible energy loss mechanism due to emission of very weakly interacting light particles from white dwarf stars, with a coupling strength ~ 0.7x10^{-13}, and another is the high energy positrons observed by the PAMELA satellite experiment. We construct a supersymmetric flipped-SU(5) model, SU(5)xU(1)_X with appropriate additional symmetries, [U(1)_H]_{gauge}x[U(1)_RxU(1)_Gamma]_{global}xZ_2, such that these are explained by a very light electrophilic axion of mass 0.5 meV from the spontaneously broken U(1)_Gamma and two component cold dark matters from Z_2 parity. We show that in the flipped-SU(5) there exists a basic mechanism for allowing excess positrons through the charged SU(2) singlet leptons, but not allowing anti-proton excess due to the absence of the SU(2) singlet quarks. We show the discovery potential of the charged SU(2) singlet E at the LHC experiments by observing the electron and positron spectrum. With these symmetries, we also comment on the mass hierarchy between the top and bottom quarks.
We present the dark matter (DM) extension (by N) of the minimal supersymmetric standard model to give the recent trend of the high energy positron spectrum of the PAMELA/HEAT experiments. If the trend survives by future experiments, the MSSM needs to be extended. Here, we minimally extend the MSSM with one more DM component N together with a heavy lepton E, and introduce the coupling e_R E_R^c N_R. This coupling naturally appears in the flipped SU(5) GUT models. This N_{DM}MSSM contains the discrete symmetry Z_6, and for some parameter ranges there result two DM components. For the MSSM fields, the conventional R-parity, which is a subgroup of Z_6, is preserved. We also present the needed parameter ranges of these additional particles.
102 - Jihn E. Kim 2008
I discuss the essential features of the QCD axion: the strong CP solution and hence its theoretical necessity. I also review the axion and axino effects on astrophysics and cosmology, in particular with emphasis on their role in the dark matter component in the universe.
We propose a possible explanation for the recently observed anomalous 511 keV line with a new millicharged fermion. This new fermion is light [${cal O}({rm MeV})$]. Nevertheless, it has never been observed by any collider experiments by virtue of its tiny electromagnetic charge $epsilon e$. In particular, we constrain parameters of this millicharged particle if the 511 keV cosmic $gamma$-ray emission from the galactic bulge is due to positron production from this new particle.
241 - Jihn E. Kim 2008
I review our recent attempts toward obtaining the MSSM from string orbifold compactification. The required constraints are the existence of three families and R parity, vectorlike exotics, one pair of Higgs doublets, and the SU(5)$$ hidden sector for dynamical breaking of SUSY toward a GMSB scenario. We also comment on the threshold correction which are influenced by a power law evolution of gauge couplings through the KK radius in non-prime orbifolds and can be used to fit the couplings.

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