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Most previous studies of epidemic dynamics on complex networks suppose that the disease will eventually stabilize at either a disease-free state or an endemic one. In reality, however, some epidemics always exhibit sporadic and recurrent behaviour in one region because of the invasion from an endemic population elsewhere. In this paper we address this issue and study a susceptible-infected-susceptible epidemiological model on a network consisting of two communities, where the disease is endemic in one community but alternates between outbreaks and extinctions in the other. We provide a detailed characterization of the temporal dynamics of epidemic patterns in the latter community. In particular, we investigate the time duration of both outbreak and extinction, and the time interval between two consecutive inter-community infections, as well as their frequency distributions. Based on the mean-field theory, we theoretically analyze these three timescales and their dependence on the average node degree of each community, the transmission parameters, and the number of intercommunity links, which are in good agreement with simulations, except when the probability of overlaps between successive outbreaks is too large. These findings aid us in better understanding the bursty nature of disease spreading in a local community, and thereby suggesting effective time-dependent control strategies.
We propose a quasi-particle description for the hierarchical equations of motion formalism for quantum dissipative dynamics systems. Not only it provides an alternative mathematical means to the existing formalism, the new protocol clarifies also explicitly the physical meanings of the auxiliary density operators and their relations to full statistics on solvation bath variables. Combining with the standard linear response theory, we construct further the hierarchical dynamics formalism for correlated spectrum of system--bath coherence. We evaluate the spectrum matrix for a demonstrative spin-boson system-bath model. While the individual diagonal element of the spectrum matrix describes the system or the solvation bath correlation, the off-diagonal elements characterize the correlation between system and bath solvation dynamics.
Vaccination is an important measure available for preventing or reducing the spread of infectious diseases. In this paper, an epidemic model including susceptible, infected, and imperfectly vaccinated compartments is studied on Watts-Strogatz small-world, Barabasi-Albert scale-free, and random scale-free networks. The epidemic threshold and prevalence are analyzed. For small-world networks, the effective vaccination intervention is suggested and its influence on the threshold and prevalence is analyzed. For scale-free networks, the threshold is found to be strongly dependent both on the effective vaccination rate and on the connectivity distribution. Moreover, so long as vaccination is effective, it can linearly decrease the epidemic prevalence in small-world networks, whereas for scale-free networks it acts exponentially. These results can help in adopting pragmatic treatment upon diseases in structured populations.
To advance hierarchial equations of motion as a standard theory for quantum dissipative dynamics, we put forward a mixed Heisenberg--Schrodinger scheme with block-matrix implementation on efficient evaluation of nonlinear optical response function. The new approach is also integrated with optimized hierarchical theory and numerical filtering algorithm. Different configurations of coherent two-dimensional spectroscopy of model excitonic dimer systems are investigated, with focus on the effects of intermolecular transfer coupling and bi-exciton interaction.
99 - Jin-Jin Ding , Jian Xu , Jie Hu 2011
The hierarchical equations of motion theory for Drude dissipation is optimized, with a convenient convergence criterion proposed in advance of numerical propagations. The theoretical construction is on basis of a Pad{e} spectrum decomposition that has been qualified to be the best sum-over-poles scheme for quantum distribution function. The resulting hierarchical dynamics under the {em apriori} convergence criterion are exemplified with a benchmark spin-boson system, and also the transient absorption and two-dimensional spectroscopy of a model exciton dimer system.
Individual nodes in evolving real-world networks typically experience growth and decay --- that is, the popularity and influence of individuals peaks and then fades. In this paper, we study this phenomenon via an intrinsic nodal fitness function and an intuitive aging mechanism. Each node of the network is endowed with a fitness which represents its activity. All the nodes have two discrete stages: active and inactive. The evolution of the network combines the addition of new active nodes randomly connected to existing active ones and the deactivation of old active nodes with possibility inversely proportional to their fitnesses. We obtain a structured exponential network when the fitness distribution of the individuals is homogeneous and a structured scale-free network with heterogeneous fitness distributions. Furthermore, we recover two universal scaling laws of the clustering coefficient for both cases, $C(k) sim k^{-1}$ and $C sim n^{-1}$, where $k$ and $n$ refer to the node degree and the number of active individuals, respectively. These results offer a new simple description of the growth and aging of networks where intrinsic features of individual nodes drive their popularity, and hence degree.
We propose a new mechanism leading to scale-free networks which is based on the presence of an intrinsic character of a vertex called fitness. In our model, a vertex $i$ is assigned a fitness $x_i$, drawn from a given probability distribution function $f(x)$. During network evolution, with rate $p$ we add a vertex $j$ of fitness $x_j$ and connect to an existing vertex $i$ of fitness $x_i$ selected preferentially to a linking probability function $g(x_i,x_j)$ which depends on the fitnesses of the two vertices involved and, with rate $1-p$ we create an edge between two already existed vertices with fitnesses $x_i$ and $x_j$, with a probability also preferential to the connection function $g(x_i,x_j)$. For the proper choice of $g$, the resulting networks have generalized power laws, irrespective of the fitness distribution of vertices.
178 - Jian Xu , Rui-Xue Xu , Meng Luo 2009
We propose a partial fraction decomposition scheme to the construction of hierarchical equations of motion theory for bosonic quantum dissipation systems. The expansion of Bose--Einstein function in this scheme shows similar properties as it applies for Fermi function. The performance of the resulting quantum dissipation theory is exemplified with spin--boson systems. In all cases we have tested the new theory performs much better, about an order of magnitude faster, than the best available conventional theory based on Matsubara spectral decomposition scheme.
We propose a nonperturbative quantum dissipation theory, in term of hierarchical quantum master equation. It may be used with a great degree of confidence to various dynamics systems in condensed phases. The theoretical development is rooted in an improved semiclassical treatment of Drude bath, beyond the conventional high temperature approximations. It leads to the new theory a simple modification but important improvement over the conventional stochastic Liouville equation theory, without extra numerical cost. Its broad range of validity and applicability is extensively demonstrated with two--level electron transfer model systems, where the new theory can be considered as the modified Zusman equation. We also present a criterion, which depends only on the system--bath coupling strength, characteristic bath memory time, and temperature, to estimate the performance of the hierarchical quantum master equation.
104 - Jian Xu , Rui-Xue Xu , YiJing Yan 2009
Exact and nonperturbative quantum master equation can be constructed via the calculus on path integral. It results in hierarchical equations of motion for the reduced density operator. Involved are also a set of well--defined auxiliary density operators that resolve not just system--bath coupling strength but also memory. In this work, we scale these auxiliary operators individually to achieve a uniform error tolerance, as set by the reduced density operator. An efficient propagator is then proposed to the hierarchical Liouville--space dynamics of quantum dissipation. Numerically exact studies are carried out on the dephasing effect on population transfer in the simple stimulated Raman adiabatic passage scheme. We also make assessments on several perturbative theories for their applicabilities in the present system of study.

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