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We present a dynamical study of the Galactic black hole binary system Nova Muscae 1991 (GS/GRS 1124-683). We utilize 72 high resolution Magellan Echellette (MagE) spectra and 72 strictly simultaneous V-band photometric observations; the simultaneity is a unique and crucial feature of this dynamical study. The data were taken on two consecutive nights and cover the full 10.4-hour orbital cycle. The radial velocities of the secondary star are determined by cross-correlating the object spectra with the best-match template spectrum obtained using the same instrument configuration. Based on our independent analysis of five orders of the echellette spectrum, the semi-amplitude of the radial velocity of the secondary is measured to be K_2 = 406.8+/-2.7 km/s, which is consistent with previous work, while the uncertainty is reduced by a factor of 3. The corresponding mass function is f(M) = 3.02+/-0.06 M_odot. We have also obtained an accurate measurement of the rotational broadening of the stellar absorption lines (v sin i = 85.0+/-2.6 km/s) and hence the mass ratio of the system q = 0.079+/-0.007. Finally, we have measured the spectrum of the non-stellar component of emission that veils the spectrum of the secondary. In a future paper, we will use our veiling-corrected spectrum of the secondary and accurate values of K_2 and q to model multi-color light curves and determine the systemic inclination and the mass of the black hole.
It has for long been an article of faith among astrophysicists that black hole spin energy is responsible for powering the relativistic jets seen in accreting black holes. Two recent advances have strengthened the case. First, numerical general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of accreting spinning black holes show that relativistic jets form spontaneously. In at least some cases, there is unambiguous evidence that much of the jet energy comes from the black hole, not the disk. Second, spin parameters of a number of accreting stellar-mass black holes have been measured. For ballistic jets from these systems, it is found that the radio luminosity of the jet correlates with the spin of the black hole. This suggests a causal relationship between black hole spin and jet power, presumably due to a generalized Penrose process.
The compact primary in the X-ray binary Cygnus X-1 was the first black hole to be established via dynamical observations. We have recently determined accurate values for its mass and distance, and for the orbital inclination angle of the binary. Building on these results, which are based on our favored (asynchronous) dynamical model, we have measured the radius of the inner edge of the black holes accretion disk by fitting its thermal continuum spectrum to a fully relativistic model of a thin accretion disk. Assuming that the spin axis of the black hole is aligned with the orbital angular momentum vector, we have determined that Cygnus X-1 contains a near-extreme Kerr black hole with a spin parameter a/M>0.95 (3sigma). For a less probable (synchronous) dynamical model, we find a/M>0.92 (3sigma). In our analysis, we include the uncertainties in black hole mass, orbital inclination angle and distance, and we also include the uncertainty in the calibration of the absolute flux via the Crab. These four sources of uncertainty totally dominate the error budget. The uncertainties introduced by the thin-disk model we employ are particularly small in this case given the extreme spin of the black hole and the disks low luminosity.
A typical galaxy is thought to contain tens of millions of stellar-mass black holes, the collapsed remnants of once massive stars, and a single nuclear supermassive black hole. Both classes of black holes accrete gas from their environments. The accreting gas forms a flattened orbiting structure known as an accretion disk. During the past several years, it has become possible to obtain measurements of the spins of the two classes of black holes by modeling the X-ray emission from their accretion disks. Two methods are employed, both of which depend upon identifying the inner radius of the accretion disk with the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO), whose radius depends only on the mass and spin of the black hole. In the Fe K method, which applies to both classes of black holes, one models the profile of the relativistically-broadened iron line with a special focus on the gravitationally redshifted red wing of the line. In the continuum-fitting method, which has so far only been applied to stellar-mass black holes, one models the thermal X-ray continuum spectrum of the accretion disk. We discuss both methods, with a strong emphasis on the continuum-fitting method and its application to stellar-mass black holes. Spin results for eight stellar-mass black holes are summarized. These data are used to argue that the high spins of at least some of these black holes are natal, and that the presence or absence of relativistic jets in accreting black holes is not entirely determined by the spin of the black hole.
The bright X-ray transient H 1743-322 was observed daily by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) during most of its 8-month outburst in 2003. We present a detailed spectral analysis and a supporting timing analysis of all of these data, and we discuss the behavior and evolution of the source in terms of the three principal X-ray states defined by Remillard and McClintock. These X-ray results are complemented by Very Large Array (VLA) data obtained at six frequencies that provide quite complete coverage of the entire outburst cycle at 4.860 GHz and 8.460 GHz. We also present photometric data and finding charts for the optical counterpart in both outburst and quiescence. We closely compare H 1743-322 to the well-studied black-hole X-ray transient XTE J1550-564 and find the behaviors of these systems to be very similar. As reported elsewhere, both H 1743-322 and XTE J1550-564 are relativistic jet sources and both exhibit a pair of high-frequency QPO oscillations with a 3:2 frequency ratio. The many striking similarities between these two sources argue strongly that H 1743-322 is a black hole binary, although presently no dynamical data exist to support this conclusion.
We present a dynamical model of the high mass X-ray binary LMC X-1 based on high-resolution optical spectroscopy and extensive optical and near-infrared photometry. From our new optical data we find an orbital period of P=3.90917 +/- 0.00005 days. We present a refined analysis of the All Sky Monitor data from RXTE and find an X-ray period of P=3.9094 +/- 0.0008 days, which is consistent with the optical period. A simple model of Thomson scattering in the stellar wind can account for the modulation seen in the X-ray light curves. The V-K color of the star (1.17 +/- 0.05) implies A_V = 2.28 +/- 0.06, which is much larger than previously assumed. For the secondary star, we measure a radius of R_2 = 17.0 +/- 0.8 solar radii and a projected rotational velocity of V_rot*sin(i) = 129.9 +/- 2.2 km/s. Using these measured properties to constrain the dynamical model, we find an inclination of i = 36.38 +/- 1.92 deg, a secondary star mass of M_2 = 31.79 +/- 3.48 solar masses, and a black hole mass of 10.91 +/- 1.41 solar masses. The present location of the secondary star in a temperature-luminosity diagram is consistent with that of a star with an initial mass of 35 solar masses that is 5 Myr past the zero-age main sequence. The star nearly fills its Roche lobe (~90% or more), and owing to the rapid change in radius with time in its present evolutionary state, it will encounter its Roche lobe and begin rapid and possibly unstable mass transfer on a timescale of a few hundred thousand years.
We present an empirical model of Comptonization for fitting the spectra of X-ray binaries. This model, simpl, has been developed as a package implemented in XSPEC. With only two free parameters, simpl is competitive as the simplest empirical model of Compton scattering. Unlike other empirical models, such as the standard power-law model, simpl incorporates the basic physics of Compton scattering of soft photons by energetic coronal electrons. Using a simulated spectrum, we demonstrate that simpl closely matches the behavior of physical Comptonization models which consider the effects of optical depth, coronal electron temperature, and geometry. We present fits to RXTE spectra of the black-hole transient H1743-322 and a BeppoSAX spectrum of LMC X-3 using both simpl and the standard power-law model. A comparison of the results shows that simpl gives equally good fits and a comparable spectral index, while eliminating the troublesome divergence of the standard power-law model at low energies. Importantly, simpl is completely flexible and can be used self-consistently with any seed spectrum of photons. We show that simpl - unlike the standard power law - teamed up with diskbb (the standard model of disk accretion) gives results for the inner-disk radius that are unaffected by strong Comptonization, a result of great importance for the determination of black hole spin via the continuum-fitting method.
126 - Lijun Gou 2009
The first extragalactic X-ray binary, LMC X-1, was discovered in 1969. In the 1980s, its compact primary was established as the fourth dynamical black-hole candidate. Recently, we published accurate values for the mass of the black hole and the orbital inclination angle of the binary system. Building on these results, we have analyzed 53 X-ray spectra obtained by RXTE and, using a selected sample of 18 of these spectra, we have determined the dimensionless spin parameter of the black hole to be a* = 0.92(-0.07,+0.05). This result takes into account all sources of observational and model-parameter uncertainties. The standard deviation around the mean value of a* for these 18 X-ray spectra, which were obtained over a span of several years, is only 0.02. When we consider our complete sample of 53 RXTE spectra, we find a somewhat higher value of the spin parameter and a larger standard deviation. Finally, we show that our results based on RXTE data are confirmed by our analyses of selected X-ray spectra obtained by the XMM-Newton, BeppoSAX and Ginga missions.
Spin parameters of stellar-mass black holes in X-ray binaries are currently being estimated by fitting the X-ray continuum spectra of their accretion disk emission. For this method, it is necessary to know the inclination of the X-ray-producing inner region of the disk. Since the inner disk is expected to be oriented perpendicular to the spin axis of the hole, the usual practice is to assume that the black hole spin is aligned with the orbital angular momentum vector of the binary, and to estimate the inclination of the latter from ellipsoidal modulations in the light curve of the secondary star. We show that the inclination of the disk can be inferred directly if we have both spectral and polarization information on the disk radiation. The predicted degree of polarization varies from 0% to 5% as the disk inclination changes from face-on to edge-on. With current X-ray polarimetric techniques the polarization degree of a typical bright X-ray binary could be measured to an accuracy of 0.1% by observing the source for about 10 days. Such a measurement would constrain the disk inclination to within a degree or two and would significantly improve the reliability of black hole spin estimates. In addition, it would provide new information on the tilt between the black hole spin axis and the orbital rotation axis of the binary, which would constrain any velocity kicks experienced by stellar-mass black holes during their formation.
As the luminosity of an accreting black hole drops to a few percent of Eddington, the spectrum switches from the familiar soft state to a hard state that is well-described by a distended and tenuous advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF). An ADAF is a poor radiator, and the ion temperature can approach 10^{12} K near the center, although the electrons are cooler, with their temperature typically capped at ~10^{9-11} K. The foundational papers predicted that the large thermal energy in an ADAF would drive strong winds and jets, as later observed and also confirmed in computer simulations. Of chief interest, however, is the accreting gas that races inward. It carries the bulk of the accretion energy as stored thermal energy, which vanishes without a trace as the gas passes through the holes event horizon. One thus expects black holes in the ADAF regime to be unusually faint. Indeed, this is confirmed by a comparison of accreting stellar-mass black holes and neutron stars, which reside in very similar transient X-ray binary systems. The black holes are on average observed to be fainter by a factor of ~100-1000. The natural explanation is that a neutron star must radiate the advected thermal energy from its surface, whereas a black hole can hide the energy behind its event horizon. The case for an event horizon in Sagittarius A*, which is immune to caveats on jet outflows and is furthermore independent of the ADAF model, is especially compelling. These two lines of evidence for event horizons are impervious to counterarguments that invoke strong gravity or exotic stars.

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