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We review the current state of empirical knowledge of the total budget of baryonic matter in the Universe as observed since the epoch of reionization. Our summary examines on three milestone redshifts since the reionization of H in the IGM, z = 3, 1, and 0, with emphasis on the endpoints. We review the observational techniques used to discover and characterize the phases of baryons. In the spirit of the meeting, the level is aimed at a diverse and non-expert audience and additional attention is given to describe how space missions expected to launch within the next decade will impact this scientific field.
We survey NV absorption in the afterglow spectra of long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with the intent to study highly ionized gas in the galaxies hosting these events. We identify a high incidence (6/7) of spectra exhibiting NV gas with z~z_GRB and the majority show large column densities NV > 10^14 cm^-2. With one exception, the observed line-profiles are kinematically `cold, i.e. they are narrow and have small velocity offset (Dv < 20 km/s) from absorption lines associated with neutral gas. In addition, the NV absorption has similar velocity as the UV-pumped fine-structure lines indicating these high ions are located within ~1kpc of the GRB afterglow. These characteristics are unlike those for NV gas detected in the halo/disk of the Milky Way or along sightlines through high z damped Lya systems but resemble the narrow absorption line systems associated with quasars and some high z starbursts. We demonstrate that GRB afterglows photoionize nitrogen to NV at r~10pc. This process can produce NV absorption with characteristics resembling the majority of our sample and and we argue it is the principal mechanism for NV along GRB sightlines. Therefore, the observations provide a snapshot of the physical conditions at this distance. In this scenario, the observations imply the progenitors stellar wind is confined to r<10pc which suggests the GRB progenitors occur within dense (n > 10^3 cm^-3) environments, typical of molecular clouds. The observations, therefore, primarily constrain the physical conditions -- metallicity, density, velocity fields -- of the gas within the (former) molecular cloud region surrounding the GRB.
We review current research related to spectroscopy of gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows with particular emphasis on the interstellar medium (ISM) of the galaxies hosting these high redshift events. These studies reveal the physical conditions of star-forming galaxies and yield clues to the nature of the GRB progenitor. We offer a pedagogical review of the experimental design and review current results. The majority of sightlines are characterized by large HI column densities, negligible molecular fraction, the ubiquitous detection of UV pumped fine-structure transitions, and metallicities ranging from 1/100 to nearly solar abundance.
The median observed velocity width v_90 of low-ionization species in damped Ly-alpha systems is close to 90 km/s, with approximately 10% of all systems showing v_90 > 210 km/s at z=3. We show that a relative shortage of such high-velocity neutral gas absorbers in state-of-the-art galaxy formation models is a fundamental problem, present both in grid-based and particle-based numerical simulations. Using a series of numerical simulations of varying resolution and box size to cover a wide range of halo masses, we demonstrate that energy from gravitational infall alone is insufficient to produce the velocity dispersion observed in damped Ly-alpha systems, nor does this dispersion arise from an implementation of star formation and feedback in our highest resolution (~ 45 pc) models, if we do not put any galactic winds into our models by hand. We argue that these numerical experiments highlight the need to separate dynamics of different components of the multiphase interstellar medium at z=3.
We report evidence for a bimodality in damped Ly systems (DLAs). Using [C II] 158 mu cooling rates, lc, we find a distribution with peaks at lc=10^-27.4 and 10^-26.6 ergs s^-1 H^-1 separated by a trough at lc^crit ~= lc < 10^-27.0 ergs s^-1 H^-1. We divide the sample into low cool DLAs with lc < lc^crit and high cool DLAs with lc > lc^crit and find the Kolmogorv-Smirnov probabilities that velocity width, metallicity, dust-to-gas ratio, and Si II equivalent width in the two subsamples are drawn from the same parent population are small. All these quantities are significantly larger in the high cool population, while the H I column densities are indistinguishable in the two populations. We find that heating by X-ray and FUV background radiation is insufficient to balance the cooling rates of either population. Rather, the DLA gas is heated by local radiation fields. The rare appearance of faint, extended objects in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field rules out in situ star formation as the dominant star-formation mode for the high cool population, but is compatible with in situ star formation as the dominant mode for the low cool population. Star formation in the high cool DLAs likely arises in Lyman Break galaxies. We investigate whether these properties of DLAs are analogous to the bimodal properties of nearby galaxies. Using Si II equivalent width as a mass indicator, we construct bivariate distributions of metallicity, lc, and areal SFR versus the mass indicators. Tentative evidence is found for correlations and parallel sequences, which suggest similarities between DLAs and nearby galaxies. We suggest that the transition-mass model provides a plausible scenario for the bimodality we have found. As a result, the bimodality in current galaxies may have originated in DLAs.
147 - Kathy L. Cooksey 2007
We present a detailed analysis of the intergalactic metal-line absorption systems in the archival HST/STIS and FUSE ultraviolet spectra of the low-redshift quasar PKS1302-102 (z_QSO = 0.2784). We supplement the archive data with CLOUDY ionization models and a survey of galaxies in the quasar field. There are 15 strong Lya absorbers with column densities logN_HI > 14. Of these, six are associated with at least CIII 977 absorption (logN(C^++) > 13); this implies a redshift density dN_CIII/dz = 36+13/-9 (68% confidence limits) for the five detections with rest equivalent width W_r > 50 mA. Two systems show OVI 1031,1037 absorption in addition to CIII (logN(O^+5) > 14). One is a partial Lyman limit system (logN_HI = 17) with associated CIII, OVI, and SiIII 1206 absorption. There are three tentative OVI systems that do not have CIII detected. For one OVI doublet with both lines detected at 3 sigma with W_r > 50 mA, dN_OVI/dz = 7+9/-4. We also search for OVI doublets without Lya absorption but identify none. From CLOUDY modeling, these metal-line systems have metallicities spanning the range -4 < [M/H] < -0.3. The two OVI systems with associated CIII absorption cannot be single-phase, collisionally-ionized media based on the relative abundances of the metals and kinematic arguments. From the galaxy survey, we discover that the absorption systems are in a diverse set of galactic environments. Each metal-line system has at least one galaxy within 500 km/s and 600 h^-1 kpc with L > 0.1 L_*.

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