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83 - Jan Gukelberger , Li Huang , 2015
We study the two-dimensional Hubbard model in the weak-coupling regime and compare the self-energy obtained from various approximate diagrammatic schemes to the result of diagrammatic Monte Carlo simulations, which sum up all weak-coupling diagrams up to a given order. While dynamical mean-field theory provides a good approximation for the local part of the self-energy, including its frequency dependence, the partial summation of bubble and/or ladder diagrams typically yields worse results than second order perturbation theory. Even widely used self-consistent schemes such as GW or the fluctuation-exchange approximation (FLEX) are found to be unreliable. Combining the dynamical mean-field self-energy with the nonlocal component of GW in GW+DMFT yields improved results for the local self-energy and nonlocal self-energies of the correct order of magnitude, but here, too, a more reliable scheme is obtained by restricting the nonlocal contribution to the second order diagram. FLEX+DMFT is found to give accurate results in the low-density regime, but even worse results than FLEX near half-filling.
We study attractively interacting fermions on a square lattice with dispersion relations exhibiting strong spin-dependent anisotropy. The resulting Fermi surface mismatch suppresses the s-wave BCS-type instability, clearing the way for unconventional types of order. Unbiased sampling of the Feynman diagrammatic series using Diagrammatic Monte Carlo methods reveals a rich phase diagram in the regime of intermediate coupling strength. Instead of a proposed Cooper-pair Bose metal phase [A. E. Feiguin and M. P. A. Fisher, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 025303 (2009)] we find an incommensurate density wave at strong anisotropy and two different p-wave superfluid states with unconventional symmetry at intermediate anisotropy.
Galois conjugation relates unitary conformal field theories (CFTs) and topological quantum field theories (TQFTs) to their non-unitary counterparts. Here we investigate Galois conjugates of quantum double models, such as the Levin-Wen model. While these Galois conjugated Hamiltonians are typically non-Hermitian, we find that their ground state wave functions still obey a generalized version of the usual code property (local operators do not act on the ground state manifold) and hence enjoy a generalized topological protection. The key question addressed in this paper is whether such non-unitary topological phases can also appear as the ground states of Hermitian Hamiltonians. Specific attempts at constructing Hermitian Hamiltonians with these ground states lead to a loss of the code property and topological protection of the degenerate ground states. Beyond this we rigorously prove that no local change of basis can transform the ground states of the Galois conjugated doubled Fibonacci theory into the ground states of a topological model whose Hermitian Hamiltonian satisfies Lieb-Robinson bounds. These include all gapped local or quasi-local Hamiltonians. A similar statement holds for many other non-unitary TQFTs. One consequence is that the Gaffnian wave function cannot be the ground state of a gapped fractional quantum Hall state.
Collective states of interacting non-Abelian anyons have recently been studied mostly in the context of certain fractional quantum Hall states, such as the Moore-Read state proposed to describe the physics of the quantum Hall plateau at filling fraction v = 5/2. In this manuscript, we further expand this line of research and present non-unitary generalizations of interacting anyon models. In particular, we introduce the notion of Yang-Lee anyons, discuss their relation to the so-called `Gaffnian quantum Hall wave function, and describe an elementary model for their interactions. A one-dimensional version of this model -- a non-unitary generalization of the original golden chain model -- can be fully understood in terms of an exact algebraic solution and numerical diagonalization. We discuss the gapless theories of these chain models for general su(2)_k anyonic theories and their Galois conjugates. We further introduce and solve a one-dimensional version of the Levin-Wen model for non-unitary Yang-Lee anyons.
Close-packed, classical dimer models on three-dimensional, bipartite lattices harbor a Coulomb phase with power-law correlations at infinite temperature. Here, we discuss the nature of the thermal phase transition out of this Coulomb phase for a variety of dimer models which energetically favor crystalline dimer states with columnar ordering. For a family of these models we find a direct thermal transition from the Coulomb phase to the dimer crystal. While some systems exhibit (strong) first-order transitions in correspondence with the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm, we also find clear numerical evidence for continuous transitions. A second family of models undergoes two consecutive thermal transitions with an intermediate paramagnetic phase separating the Coulomb phase from the dimer crystal. We can describe all of these phase transitions in one unifying framework of candidate field theories with two complex Ginzburg-Landau fields coupled to a U(1) gauge field. We derive the symmetry-mandated Ginzburg-Landau actions in these field variables for the various dimer models and discuss implications for their respective phase transitions.

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